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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. I don't think that an abundance of flight hours = leadership, but a lack of flight hours = a lack of credibility.
  2. Yes, if only this country had some sort of Earned Income Tax Credit. Having the other benefits scale would make sense too. Also, finding the father(s) of those two kids and making him/them contribute financially wouldn't hurt. So perhaps a subsidy for Maury Povich would net some income to Uncle Sam.
  3. I understand that bands are if not heritage, at least tradition. Tactical Application of TIB Resources should involve sending them into a minefield to clear it by hand.
  4. That's the entry level technique. The discreet gentleman doesn't withdraw from the ATM, he makes purchases with a debit card and gets cash back spread over time so as to not invite unwanted queries from his spouse.
  5. The Bronze Star was introduced as the counterpart to the Air Medal. So we have officially come full circle.
  6. Isn't the real problem here the criteria for the Bronze Star? It's either an award for valor in battle or essentially a PCS medal for deployed personnel. That split causes problems. The DWM should rank below the Bronze Star with V, but above the Bronze Star for being a deployed towel folder.
  7. We're only 1.5 trillion Space MREs away from solving the deficit!
  8. I played football in college. I'm 33, and 1 each of my knees and shoulders are code 2, my back hurts daily, and it's possible that my frequent foul moods stem from repeated blows to the head. It was worth it.
  9. We had to watch "The Invisible War" at my current location, and the single recurring theme (other than rape) was how the military completely fell down on the job with the prosecution aspect. The issue isn't sentencing, it's convicting. I was expecting to see a bunch of had too many drinks/he-said-she-said situations, but these were mostly violent attacks. This is a leadership problem on 2 levels: 1. Leaders aren't pursuing prosecution in cases of rape because ... 2. Higher leaders have created a promotion structure that incentivizes sweeping problems under the rug in order to create the appearance that all is well as opposed to rewarding people who acknowledge and address problems.
  10. No, save YOUR money. Use tuition assistance, which is free, to get your degrees while you are in. Use your GI Bill after you leave for whatever educational needs you have at that point. FENCE in, but don't forget to FENCE out.
  11. Because they graduated pilot training. The guys who did the RPA only track get a different set of wings.
  12. Doubtful. I know someone who got a LOC for failing a PT test because he sprained his ankle during the run. We are officially at full retard with this PT stuff.
  13. No, the deviant act is the "poopsock". It's exactly what it sounds like.
  14. Well, that's only 11 hours. Your schedulers is bad at maths.
  15. This is probably the worst part. Ideally you want to enlist, then use TA to grab that Degree(s). Leave with your GI bill intact and then head to OTS with a pilot slot. I would either pursue a job as enlisted aircrew so you build some air sense, or go for something really easy like Services. You'll probably end up making PBJ's at Diego Garcia or handing out towels at the gym, but at least you'll have time to knock out the degree. Hell, sign up for 6 years and get your masters while you are at it.
  16. It didn't come off as bitching, I just never pass up an opportunity to advocate for booze downrange. Ambien leaves me dragging for about 24 hours, hangovers wear off after breakfast.
  17. Yes and non-flyers don't run the risk of killing themselves by flying their desk into the ground. The real solution is to allow alcohol at deployed locations so people can have a nightcap or 8.
  18. You're risking your entire Air Force career for 20 free flight hours. Your post is essentially a commercial for Bad Idea Jeans.
  19. I still don't understand the guys who want to go. You're trying to win the SuperBowl, take the 1st round bye.
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