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Everything posted by Standby

  1. “The Department's COVID-19 vaccination efforts will leave a lasting legacy…” I bet it will, and I’m sure we have not yet seen the ramifications of such efforts.
  2. No way in hell I’m giving the USAF my OnlyFans subscriber content for free.
  3. Totally agree! Nothing says non-combatant evacuation operations like AGR-20s coming off the rails of the AC-17 Globe-Swatter before swooping in to pick up a bunch of TCNs. I kid, but I have to poke fun at our institutional overuse of the word kinetic.
  4. PDF Page 534, Taken from https://armedservices.house.gov/ndaa. Quoted above may have been an amendment prior to agreement.
  5. NDAA 2023 authorizes service secretaries to approve an increase to the flight pay cap from $1000/mo to $1500/mo. Additionally, authorizes bonus yearly cap increase to $50k/yr.
  6. Ya, the US really screwed the pooch on that one. I guess they forgot to consider the B-21 public unveiling event when appointing the 2nd highest ranking military official late last year. Rookie move.
  7. I have about as much SA on the B-21 program as the average Joe. That said, I found the reveal to be quite anticlimactic. I’m sure it was an extremely important day for the folks working on this thing, and those involved are probably quite proud this evening. Here is to hoping that it lives up to all of the chest-thumping narration we heard tonight.
  8. Unpopular opinion…it doesn’t matter. We didn’t stand up an entirely new force just to provide the navigationally impaired with directions from their flat to the local watering hole.
  9. What was the recourse for this “problem?”
  10. I didn’t fully clarify my statement. There were a ton of humble, willing to teach FAIPs there. They certainly outnumbered the minority I called out earlier. At the same time, though, that place was one of the weirdest installations and most toxic environments I have ever observed. I have never seen a more wrongfully entitled, borderline affluenza-like afflicted group of lieutenants in my life. You’d think these dudes flew night 1 of Desert Storm based on their attitudes and outward disdain to their future flight leads. Then again, I’m preaching to the choir. Thank you for your service.
  11. I’m betting be was never a UPT IP. Or if he was, definitely a Laughlin FAIP. Some of the biggest douchers with chips on their shoulders were to be found there.
  12. I think 18X to 11X makes perfect sense, and it is definitely a program that should exist beyond just a trial run. I disagree regarding ADSC. Maybe not a full 10 year penalty, but there has to be something.
  13. Serious question…are all white people the same? If so, I understand the argument for selectively recruiting non-whites. Last I checked, though, we all have our own DIVERSE life experiences prior to service. If there are illegitimate barriers to entry into military service, we should get rid of them. Arbitrarily discriminating based on race or gender (yes, I went there…there’s only 2 and it was assigned way prior to birth) is bullshit. Saying that all white people are the same is just as much bullshit.
  14. It’s a continent, not a country. I’m tired of the CT mission/narrative because it’s an unwinnable mission. Fuck it…let them have the desert.
  15. Started for the parachute save, stayed for the hilarious noises and gymnastics dismount after crashing.
  16. If the data is true, I don’t find the graphic surprising. It makes sense, to me, that the most vulnerable individuals would do everything possible to mitigate their risk of death. The unfortunate reality is that the vaccines are marginally effective and the chance of infection remains high.
  17. The Koreans, VC, Cubans, Taliban, and al-Qaeda may disagree with you there…
  18. And what the fuck does this diatribe on pro-American democracy have to do with blowing a pipeline?
  19. I’m not sure why you’re catching flak. On record, POTUS says we will end NS2 if Russia invades Ukraine with tanks and troops. Russia invaded, and the pipeline is now inoperative. Why are people implying that the US is incapable of following up on that threat? Furthermore, why are people saying torqued is buying Russian propaganda? Was Biden deep-faked in that press conference?
  20. That is probably my favorite music video of all time…thanks for the smile dude.
  21. Your apology is accepted. As a measure of good faith and to demonstrate your resolve, we will need you to hand over (post) all of your heritage material to remind us how we have evolved from crass killers to what we are today…whatever that is.
  22. We are so fvcked it is not even funny. Who on earth is pushing this shit?
  23. Would you consider a national lockdown due to a virus a type of sanction?
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