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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. It may be worthwhile to call your CC and: A-make sure you haven’t officially been notified. If the clock is running you need to act. If you haven’t been officially notified you have time. B-drop the “hint,” in no uncertain terms, that you plan to 3-day opt if you are officially notified. C-profit?
  2. It’s like explaining physics to a monkey ... doesn’t matter how much effort you put in, they’ll watch and listen intently .... then go right back to flinging shit at you.
  3. My drivers license expires when I’m 65. You can get non-DL state ID that never expires. It’s not rocket surgery.
  4. Repeat it again.... if you are paying for it, it isn’t contract lodging.
  5. Is Anderson paying the bill or is it going on your credit card? if it’s on your card, submit the receipt after the fact to SPG for credit.
  6. And if you want to start sipping Cocktails on the beach at 55, all the majors have pretty strong disability insurance.
  7. Gross or take home? I’m close to $200k in year 2 at delta, gross before taxes, when you include profit sharing, 401k company contribution, and per diem.
  8. Island turns, when I get fed and then get to go home.
  9. Don’t discount the fact that most of the majors have pretty good disability insurance..... should you get a debilitating case of vertigo around age 55 or so ....
  10. Yes. Appropriate and to the letter of protocol.
  11. Certainly no one will die because of this glorious decision
  12. Upgrade was surprisingly good.
  13. Glad to hear you can predict the future. Document it all. Send it all to the va. You have no idea what minor issue now may be the bane of your existence in 20 years. I used to have similar thoughts about folks “milking” the va. But the way the va operates is so completely foreign to military folks (and military docs) that I think the best way is to throw as much (legitimate) poo at the wall as possible and see what sticks. Sleep apnea? No idea. Get a sleep study and find out. GERD? if you have recurrent heartburn that’s worth 10-20%. Knee issues to the point you have a hard time going up stairs? Not service related. One time plantar fasciitis that has completely healed, 10%. Broken digits that don’t work right anymore with reems of X-rays and pt, not service connected. It completely seems like there is zero rhyme or reason to the answers the va gives....until you start to peel back the onion a bit and wrap your head around a completely foreign way of doing business. It helps to have good help. But until it all starts making sense, throw as much (legitimate) stuff at the va as possible.
  14. Pfffftt..... Usaf doesn’t give a fuck about a-models or the folks flying them. At any level
  15. Until you get a shit stick sq/cc, that was somebodies boy, and is an untouchable HPO. Then youre fucked for 2 years.
  16. I ponder How many generations of Americans have said that in the past .... and yet the machine keeps on keeping on .....
  17. Your retirement check will never be furloughed, fired, lose it’s medical, or merged with another company.....
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