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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2024 in all areas

  1. I'm dibsing this chick before Biff does.
    2 points
  2. A tragic comedy. 🎭
    1 point
  3. Is there a statute of limitations on doing things like this? Asking for a friend.
    1 point
  4. Call me crazy, but I think I smell a solution to our immigration problem...
    1 point
  5. https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/air-force-general-court-martialed-for-assuming-control-of-c-17-too-soon-after-drinking/ Are we sure this guy isn’t a loadmaster?
    1 point
  6. Mmm Yes, the transition to full on boomer mode is nearly complete.
    1 point
  7. https://www.airandspaceforces.com/air-force-general-phillip-stewart-sentencing/ Shocker, his exec is married and the husband found out. It's mostly likely she lied saying it wasn't consensual sex during the investigation to get out of any adultery charge, which then added the Article 120 charge that walked him into a court martial. As someone who went through something similar, but wasn't retirement-eligible and got booted, I don't share much empathy since he'll probably retire an O-6 after a grade determination once he applies to retire. The shitty part is if it was true that his exec lied, she'll never be punished for it and her career won't be affected at all.
    1 point
  8. Amazing song. Listened to them months ago and enjoyed every moment
    1 point
  9. Edit to add: the real military equivalent is a WG/CC writing an illegal sup to a reg that violates Constitutional rights of airman. Someone has paper to hide behind and enforce it, but that doesn't make it legal/right. Takes some balls to stand up to him, but it should be done. I agree that politicians are ultimately to blame. They pass laws that are blatantly unconstitutional and face zero repercussions. Like in the case of the California gun laws I mentioned, courts should start holding politicians in contempt for violating the law. Or I'd love to see someone arrested under an unconstitutional law sue the sponsor lawmaker personally. Not the state or city, but the person that was responsible. Might get politicians to think twice about passing bad laws.
    1 point
  10. They may have just been doing what they were told to do. But that's no excuse. If your commander gives you a direct order that you know is illegal, you have both a moral and legal obligation to not follow that order. You also took an oath of office (as the police did or should) to support and defend the Constitution. A single one hour continuing ed class on the Constitution should have told them that what they were doing was illegal. If they didn't know better than it is due to willful ignorance. We are rapidly turning into a police state and the better part of a dozen cops busting a weed store (don't legalize them in the first place) is just another example. If they really wanted to clean up the city, then go do it. Start with the violent crime. There are cities in third world countries safer than NYC.
    1 point
  11. I’m sure this will turn out fine. https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3800809/department-of-the-air-force-launches-niprgpt/
    1 point
  12. But back on Subject of “GA Aircraft Flown”…. Bought myself my last GA Toy🤡
    1 point
  13. Took the A-37 out for an FCF and then a cross country flight of 440 nm on Thursday. First flight since Sept and it flew great. Owner put on an additional set of drop tanks.
    1 point
  14. Absolutely no one cares if pilots are T1 vs T38 trained regarding AO transition. It’s interesting to me this would even be asked, but I’m old. I recall being young and UPT was all consuming. Here’s my advice: if you find yourself in a community like SOF which takes from multiple tracks, the moment you arrive nobody will ever care again where you came from. All opportunities are equally available and 100% depend on how you perform starting now. It’s beautiful, embrace it. There will be additional training required to convert pilots into a single seat mentality, but this is a surmountable challenge. CSO ratio question is a nascent problem I expect to grow.
    1 point
  15. Yes. IDIQ contracts are more flexible and have a ceiling which is at the high end. As conditions change on the battlefield over the next 7 years the this allows the government to change/add options/weapons/capabilities which may cost more (or less), without re-neogtiating the entire contract. In a recent exercise Sky Warden flew a 9 hour sortie and landed with 600lbs. As Danger pointed out the mission dictates a different CONOP more akin to rapid reaction austere employment. It will fit in a C-17 or C-130 which can rapidly deploy it to the other side of the world in less than 24 hours. Four hours after landing (or less), it is ready to conduct combat operations off dirt or grass strips. Three sensors (which can be federated to the ground party or others), a metric crap ton of weapons (APKWS, Hellfire, Gun, GBU, and CLT delivered munitions), it will offer a smorgasbord of options to the warfighter.
    1 point
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