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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Hell that Rogoway probably gets off to this forum. Bet he has a great, “I woulda been a fighter pilot but...” story. Now he spends his time writing broad stroke factually incorrect aviation articles inbetween creating dirty tissues and Microsoft flight sim. I respect all that I work with that is the common respect men and women in uniform should extend each other as we are in this together for the greater good of something better than all of us. Sis don’t know what ya did and unless it’s going to come out in a safety brief don’t care to hear about it, her stardom probably had more to do with public affairs and others than her jumping into the spotlight. We all have seen good dudettes hit with that before. Maestro video had already been debriefed no way should be coming up again. As lord ratner pointed out we are in the business of killing people and if that offends the outside masses that stumble upon it then let me recap some of my deployment high lights the last 8 years see if that makes ya feel better. Chances are the offended are more apt to be ignorant and comy at home drinking shitty lattes. Political correctness can suck it and we as professionals should have the backs of or fells bros and bras until they have violated our trust and bond.
    9 points
  2. Eh. He seems like a great dude, but he's also enabling a narrative that offense alone justifies the punishment. If he really got career-ending paperwork, that means an LOR. The same punishment given for sleeping with a maintainer, abusing the GTC, DUI (in the old days)... All because we are now supposed to pretend that we all subscribe to this new definition of political correctness, we all feel so bad for the things we said in jest amongst friends, we all care more about hurt feelings than being in a job dedicated to murdering foreigners who want to murder us. He works with a surprising number of O-6s and O-7s who have DUIs. So it shouldn't be that shocking he recovered from making a harmless video with a penis puppet. The real question is would any of his subordinates recover in today's Air Force? Probably not. But we got from then to now thanks to two decades of military leaders pretending that humor, drinking, youthful stupidity, sex, and bravado are mutually exclusive to training idealistic young adults to dedicate their lives to a profession rooted in death.
    4 points
  3. Returning that serve... https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/south-bay-news/150-migrants-attempt-to-climb-border-fence-throw-rocks-at-border-patrol-agents Mass gatherings of Fighting Age Males harassing, attacking and attempting mass illegal crossings is nothing to be worried about /s. So let me ask you, if Iran, Russia, China, Cuba, etc... sponsored say 1,000,000+ males on trips to Mexico and then direct them to cross into the USA wherever they could without interacting with a civil authority of the USA you would be ok with that? They have a "human right" to cross any international border when they want, where they want and for whatever reason they want? After seeing the political effects on Europe of the migration crisis of 15/16, I'm surprised our enemies are not exploiting the ignorant and open secret subversion of the left, naive extreme libertarians, the pampered and childish "woke" cohort of America and just flood our insecure borders to destabilize our country even further.
    3 points
  4. hopefully they don’t overpay for them and then ask for the extra to be wired back through western union
    2 points
  5. This nerd Rogoway’s touching himself to the idea that he got this O-6 to have to close the loop with him.
    2 points
  6. The whole thing is an interview, expect both even if not official.
    1 point
  7. Uhh what? Get orders. Show up to work and get paid. Not really sure what you are asking.
    1 point
  8. Interesting to see all the people quiet when Obama abused executive privilege now up in arms about Trump using executive power..see how that works? The difference is this time it is actually to protect Americans from the out of control illegal immigration flood.
    1 point
  9. I see no reason why anyone should ever feel guilty for min running their unit. The fact that we burn so many TP's on top of our normal UTA/AT requirement to stay current is plenty. But if you're chronically NMR then yeah you need to shit or get off the pot.
    1 point
  10. Those are not real blondes. Break break--- I think its clear southwest is the pack leader when it comes to MLOA friendly ops. Some of the stuff I've been recently made privy to is straight up burger king. Good on 'em. Also, I personally love the insta switch from some airline guys the second they make a nickle more per credit hour than their mil gig. To quote an old ART buddy of mine : "you know, for the best job in the world, these mother----- sure spend a lot of time hiding here.." . I think peter gave Jesus a better treatment than some of these guys do their squadron pay people the day after that 2nd year longevity pay anniversary lol. I still remember the lost decade, so I'm naturally inclinded not to ballwalk around a job that kept people paid during a trough, but to each their own.
    1 point
  11. So all that to say she still had a classified server that was illegal, nice.
    1 point
  12. The Blues are still flying their practice season as a 6-ship. Therefore, Blue Angel 1-6 have probably not been suspended. There are other officers on the Blues. Your conclusion that it is an enlisted member has no basis... assuming the article is even correct. Have you been on a demo team, or in any way been involved in the production of an airshow? I'm guessing not. That said, it would be unfair to assume these events are related based on what has been reported. By all accounts, SiS is a fine fighter pilot who has done a lot more for her country than most will ever consider. Irrespective of what happened... short of her murdering someone... I'd put her head and shoulders above Hillary, AOC, Kamala, Mazie Hirono, and a host of others that we read about daily. Be glad you're not the one in the spotlight.
    1 point
  13. I think the General's article raises some interesting possibilities to improve UPT. Better said, I think he is offering some valid ways to improve the transition from UPT to today's modern fighter/attack platforms. However, I think he's forgetting the basic goal of UPT. We still need to produce pilots with strong foundational skills in basic aviation before we start giving them extra "toys" to play with. The problem with making changes to syllabi and training programs in aviation (military or civilian) is the guys making the changes are usually the old guys who were trained one or more "generations" in the past. They always seem to apply their perspective of how challenging it was to adapt to new technology when most of the time, the young guys do fine. What’s actually harder is being able to go backward once someone had become proficient with new tech. I've seen it over and over again. F-15 FTU syllabus changes to include advanced subjects and tactics that had traditionally been left until arrival at the ops units. Old guys are highly skeptical and swear the students will flail because when they had to learn the same stuff 10 years into their careers, their ingrained, semi-hardened brains found it a challenge. Surprise - the students eat the shit up and adapt because they don't know any different and they come out the other end more lethal than their instructors were when they were LTs. Airline X decides to put new hires into the right seats of the latest Boeing or Airbus wide-bodies because 1 - there aren't any more 727 Engineer seats to stick newbies into and 2 - they need to fill the seats. Old guys lose their minds again considering the impossible task of learning the ropes at a major airline while getting through right seat training on the modern marvel that is a 21st century airliner with a glass cockpit and all the bells and whistles. Surprise again - new guys (most anyway) from all kinds of backgrounds deal just fine with all the magic that the old guys stared at like a pig looking at a wristwatch. My point is that new pilots rarely have difficulty adapting to new technology that reduces workload, enhances SA and allows easier human interface. But, once you give them those new toys and train them to use and rely on them from day one, they have no ability to retrograde back to more basic methods. When my airliner computes a descent to hit waypoints at specific speeds and altitudes down track, I do the math and compute my 3:1 descent in my head to make sure the jet's plan is reasonable. It's just a habit developed before I had all the magic. A "child of magenta" probably doesn't have that same habit and may not even have the ability to do it. He's never needed to. So, when Murphy strikes in that scenario or any number of potential problem areas in civilian or military flying, if a pilot has no old school skills and is completely reliant on technology to do his job, he's less capable - period - dot. I laughed when I saw the side by side picture of the T-X and F-35 cockpits. YGBSM. The fact that both cockpits utilize similar displays and automation isn't going to matter on "Stanley's" UPT sorties when he's trying to figure out how to develop contact flying skills, land out of an overhead, not kill his classmate during a rejoin or shoot an approach to mins. I guaran-fucking-tee that his first sortie in an F-35 is not going to be any easier because he had a moving map or some other sensor display in his T-X while he was still earning his wings. Anyone can go from round dial steam gauges that actually required an instrument scan and some mental challenge to maintain positional awareness and overall SA to the latest, greatest glass cockpit. Going back in the other direction is a far different story. UPT needs to produce pilots with solid, basic aviation skills. Skipping over those by handing Stanley a glass cockpit with a moving map, HUD and whatever other toys are available isn't going to do that. I have no doubt he'll do just fine with them, but there's benefit to learning this job from a basic level first. You produce pilots who don't just take the information presented to them as gospel and blindly follow it - but have the ability to understand how to back it up, QC it to ensure it makes sense and flex to another option if it doesn't. I've seen pilots blindly follow steering bars on a flight director into oblivion because that's all they've ever done. Another is unable to transition to a round dial ADI because they're a HUD baby and it's now tits up. I watched a guy in the sim completely pork a way an approach because he chose not to use DME to the field, mis-interpreted his NAV display and lost SA on where he was. A bearing pointer and DME is a beautiful thing if you know how to use them. My point is that the General's concern seems to be how can we introduce more shit to Stanley sooner so he'll be more familiar with the F-35 or F-22 cockpit if and when he finally gets that far. I think students will adapt to those environments just fine when the times comes. There may be an opportunity to help begin their transition later in UPT or during whatever we're going to call the IFF phase. But not at the expense of creating a generation of pilots who start out from day one completely reliant on the most advanced cockpit we can field. Maybe the General needs to take a peek at the existing F-15C or A-10 cockpits. They sure as hell would be about 10 steps backwards for a UPT student who just got winged in an F-X and now has to figure out how to fly round dial steam gauges so he doesn't kill himself on his first ILS to mins. Anyway..... just my old guy two-cents. I still see some value in swinging a weighted bat in the on-deck circle before I'm up.
    1 point
  14. "A degree of waste and inefficiency" is one thing. Paying Lockheed ~$45M for a capability than can be had for ~$1M isn't "a degree of waste and inefficiency." It's fraud, and it's obscene. If we were actually concerned about keeping the defense-industrial base healthy, we'd be deploying those $1M sims, and using the $44M of savings on other things. What military capabilities could we have added with that extra money? How could we have expanded our industrial base, instead of just feeding the bloat at a few behemoths (Lockheed, Boeing, etc)? If we're really concerned about keeping the defense industrial base healthy for a near-peer war, we would be a lot better off spreading the money around to different, smaller companies, rather than shoveling it all into Lockheed's cash furnace.
    1 point
  15. The funny thing is you actually believe that. And yes I wasn't a fan of Obama's use of EOs. But then I don't remember him using them to fund projects not authorized by Congress either.
    -1 points
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