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Everything posted by DirkDiggler

  1. 4BAF5FAF-0F1B-4A46-BF6E-1AB529265A46.mov Every AFSOC wing right now….
  2. Always a good morning waking up to burning Russian equipment.
  3. I’m a pretty firm believer that 30% of the problems in the AF could be avoided by people not putting their genitals where they don’t belong and not getting shitfaced at the wrong time.
  4. Which Baseops.net forum members have written anything supportive of Hamas burning and decapitating children?
  5. https://apple.news/AQ8T52JlKTEuAz8W6oeR7iQ WSJ article discussing Iranian assistance in planning/coordinating/approving the attack. I don’t know how accurate the reporting is.
  6. https://apple.news/AkXK4o1pxQFONkXm_un4Naw Israel and Hezbollah exchanging indirect fires this morning.
  7. https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1710799477282390175?s=46&t=RHW9biMUSYWI-e17LuqilA
  8. I don’t doubt it. The images and video coming out of Southern Israel is as bad as it gets. If the words coming from Israeli leadership is matched by actions, a big part of Gaza is about to look like the surface of the moon. I could see Israel going for the complete destruction of Hamas as an organization. If Hezbollah jumps into the war the Israelis will have no reason to pull any punches. Remains to be seen if Hezbollah is willing to foot the bill. Additionally, I wouldn’t want to be an Iranian military member anywhere close to Israel right now.
  9. Hezbollah (LH) is dominant in Lebanon (they’re also one of the dominant political parties there as well). Them “joining the invasion” would mean opening a northern front on Israel from the Israeli border with Lebanon, if they involved ground forces.
  10. Possibly. Neither Israel nor Hezbollah really “won” anything the last time they went all out in 2006 (Hezbollah claimed they triumphed). If Hezbollah actually tried to “invade” they’d take heavy casualties for sure, but their long range fires (rockets) would be a formidable threat to Israel. On another note, our “Allies” Saudi Arabia and Qatar have posted statements solely blaming Israel for Hamas attacking them. As LT. Ripley once said:
  11. There’s a decent amount of chatter on the Twittersphere (so take with a grain of salt) that Hezbollah informed Israel via unofficial channels (through Egypt) that they will join the invasion if Israel initiates a ground incursion of Gaza. Pretty sure Israel is going to do that, especially given the number of civilians Hamas has taken hostage. Will be interesting to see if Hezbollah follows through.
  12. My first, excited to take it to the range. Only shitty part is I go TDY this Monday for a bit so I’ll have to wait two weeks!
  13. On a positive note, I got bored yesterday and decided to celebrate the stupid new illegal NM gun restriction with a new purchase, Henry .357 Mag lever action and Springfield Garrison .45, Murica!
  14. The going to staff sans IP advice you got is probably correct; I’ve sat in on a staff MLR as an observer and it’s tough to land a DP without a strong record since you’ll be competing against the AF top 20-30% types. Based on what you’ve posted, you honestly have a 50/50 shot on making O-5 based on recent historical metrics (IDE in correspondence complete with a P). If making O-5 is you top priority, given your situation as you describe it your best bet is getting a Wing job with visibility to the Bob’s. If making IP and flying is your top priority, stay in Sq and fly your ass off. Nothing wrong with either COA. Best of luck to ya!
  15. He's about as pro-Putin/Russia you can get as an American short of actually owing a dacha outside Moscow. Actually appeared on RT in 2014 defending Putin's seizure of the Donbas and Crimea. His talking points on Carlson's shows have been re-broadcast on RT. He's consistently argued that Ukraine is on the verge of defeat during the entire war. He further stated that Russia was "too gentle" in the opening phase of the invasion, something that the citizens of Bucha probably disagree with. I understand that there's people who don't support us helping Ukraine (for various reasons) but I truly can't understand how anyone outside of Russia can be supportive of Russia's actions during this war.
  16. Could be wrong but I don’t think there was ever any females in Pave Lows.
  17. The RAND corporation is currently under a $50 million contract to study this issue and issue a 75 page report, hopefully by the end of FY29.
  18. One of the best commanders I've ever had.
  19. He’s retired, has been for a couple years now. Isn’t active on this board anymore.
  20. It’s real stupid, that’s for sure. The memo itself was real aggravating to read, HQ reaching into Sqs like that. That being said, in my corner of AFSOC, leadership is trying to meet the bare minimum intent so as to not pile more shit on everyone’s already overflowing plates. I also don’t think AFSOC has turned into a bunch of clowns (at least not yet). We’re still able to go out and execute, directly validated just a couple months ago.
  21. It’s not RUMINT, it’s already happening. AFSOC wings have TASKORDs to implement it, I shit you not.
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