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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. The state isn’t forcing anything. The force happens when people choose to have sex. The effect can be a child. Why should anyone be able to take the life of an innocent as a matter of convenience for their decisions?
  2. You deleted your post asking if I am pro rape or pro incest before I could comment. No. I am not.
  3. I am pro life. I am not for the killing of innocents. Murder isn’t a right. You can choose to murder but there are consequences. Just like there are consequences of unprotected sex. Cause and effect. I’m not telling anyone what to do with their own body. I’m saying they can’t tell others what to do with theirs. Isn’t that the pro choice argument as well?
  4. You pro death advocates are pretty out there.
  5. Hate to be the person that follows Huggy Edit: oh….dang it. It’s me. The radical person who agrees with life. Very radical.
  6. I don’t think anyone disagrees with this point. But not allowing abortion saves more lives than it kills.
  7. Don’t forget the Buddy incident is why we in the Guard (country wide) can’t call ourselves militia anymore. It was direction from Federal and NGB to remove that from the official titles of each states NGB.
  8. GS and airline and retired?!? Tell us the secret sauce huggy!
  9. Whew…. Very dramatic. Lots of big emotion filled statements. And good job taking your time to set up a nonexistent scenario that no one is asking for and getting all emotional about it. A lot of cuckoo takes these days about what republicans will supposedly do next if row v wade is overturned. Chapter 3 democrat playbook. Fear-mongering Well done!
  10. Freakanomics has been debunked since it came out. Interesting read and well written. But not factually accurate. Just think if there hadn’t been 40 million abortions in the US how many tax payers you would have now.
  11. Not true. Science says that at conception it is a unique life form. Life doesn’t begin by passing through the female reproductive organ.
  12. CH. the my body my choice is a false argument. The baby isn’t a part of her body, just inside of her. So if your beliefs are that you can murder, rape, steal, do heavy drugs, drink and drive, etc then we should all bow down because they are your beliefs? Not how our constitution works. How it does work however is that every individual is important and has rights. This argument is about whether the unborn babies have rights. Not if a woman has a right to kill something inside her that is alive.
  13. The states make that decision. Seems like you’re asking my opinion on the subject matter so I will answer. Rape is awful. And pregnancies due to rape, thankfully, are rare. Same with pregnancies that endanger the mother, rare. Tough choices sometimes have to be made. I don’t know what to say about the endangering the mother. It’s a tall order to be able to say that is the case in the first place. And another tall order that says for sure if you don’t kill the baby the mom will die. Tough. So because the mothers decision to not have sex was violated, does that make it ok for the murder of an innocent, a 2 wrongs situation. I don’t believe in letting someone kill another human for all kinds of reasons outside the baby’s control. Life isn’t fair. But we try to make it thus. What’s fair about us as born individuals deciding if it’s ok for someone to be able to kill another individual who has no say in the matter. Pretty odd to codify it as a Woman’s choice. Why wouldn’t she have insurance? I’m not sure I understand your questions on that topic. It’s for the states to decide if the SCOTUS decides that way. Here’s to hoping an honest, open, unemotional discussion about whether it is or isn’t ok to kill a completely unique individual (so says science) without their input. It isn’t.
  14. Uh confirm you’re a Guard guy that WANTS to go to ACSC in res? The office space quote of, “Lawrence: (long pause) No.... No, man...Shit, no man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying somethin like that, man” comes to mind. Insert GIF someone.
  15. So potentially some mothers will die by conducting illegal abortions. But on the whole there will be much less death if abortion is ruled illegal. The ones that have no voice in the process will likely live in higher numbers and percentages. So from a pure numbers of lives lost argument, the deaths will go way down. Edit. And don’t forget. Women will still have the right to choose. The right to choose to have sex or not and to take precautions The right to choose to have a baby or not begins at conception not birth. And they will still be able to choose whether or not to abort the baby. If the law goes away, a decision to abort just becomes illegal is all. Just like theft. You have the right to choose to steal something. It’s your choice. Just so happens if you do, you committed a crime.
  16. That ain’t no lie. A little over one year and it far exceeds any possible damage a dem can claim trump (one of the most successful presidents in history by accomplishment metrics) caused.
  17. Wonder if that’s why there isn’t a guard bonus a month after the active duty already published theirs.
  18. No surprise to anyone but I blame Fingers Goldfien.
  19. Transfer to another air frame. Training and seasoning days are exempt.
  20. Wow. This is really a thing? That sounds nice.
  21. Might have to look for a stat tour if they didn’t approve it being exempt.
  22. I bet her EPR will clear it all up for you on what she has and hasn’t done.
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