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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Define the situation you are referring to specifically please. As you allude to multiple situations and viewpoints.
  2. I’m on the app. Not internet. Thanks for the tip.
  3. The top 5% of us tax payers pay almost 60% of the total taxes collected. Tax the rich is super misguided and foolish. Money gained from easy handouts departs as easy. Would rather teach people how to become rich. Generation wealth is a red herring also. “Figures from Gobankingrates show that 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the next generation, with 90% losing it the generation after that.” https://fortune.com/recommends/article/generational-wealth-explained/# Quit wasting time complaining about people who have figured it out and go try and learn yourself.
  4. Really wish we could thumbs down in this app.
  5. Does pushing it allow you to communicate with the bridge at anytime?
  6. And oddly enough if Trump just had a better disposition we would be taking about the start of his 7th year and how he is one of the greatest. Instead we are trying to prop up a mannequin and hope no one notices he has on no clothes. I thought it would be insanely difficult to be a worse president than Carter. Biden surpassed that mark in the first year. Oh oh oh but Jan 6th…..
  7. I think if you can get the bonus started while on AGR then go to the orders you are talking about that might work. As long as there are no gaps. I don’t think Temp AGR works though.
  8. Is that statement relative? It’s all subjective! Except the stuff that’s not. Philosophy 101. In the words of Inigo Montoya. “That word. I do not think that word means what you think it means.”
  9. And don’t forget. Guard bonuses generally speaking aren’t binding in a lot of cases. You can get out of them.
  10. The discussions have to happen to deal with the problems. Otherwise nothing is done at all.
  11. Quick question. Why is it that if a dad chooses not to be in a child’s life he is labeled a dead beat dad but when a woman, who’s the only one who can make the choice, chooses to abort a child she’s glorified under her body her choice? She’s so brave for not bringing a child into this world when she wasn’t “ready.” Can anyone answer that?
  12. The woke, liberal, democrat push in not only our country but in our military is sickening. And will trash our society and way of life far quicker than climate change or any other rally of the left and democrats. It’s pretty sad and scary.
  13. MAGA hats are the progressives MAGA hats. They get triggered by the slightest hint that progressive ideals don’t make America great.
  14. Wow. There’s common sense left in this country. That a pandemic of the vaccinated might no longer be forced upon the fighting men and women is a huge win.
  15. Do you live next to a power plant?
  16. No companion trainer for the raider is planned
  17. Your argument is stupid. Actually it’s not because stuff that wasn’t accepted might have been? Troll
  18. Is there a way to check Twitter membership and money made before and after Elon? Heard something this morning that it has more members and is making more money now than ever. Didn’t get a reference.
  19. Is freedom of speech less important than rockets or EVs?
  20. DSM 4 says it’s a diagnosable mental disorder
  21. I like how the article says “she was driven….” Like it wasn’t her own damn fault she went crazy and did stupid stuff.
  22. I would hate to be in his unit when he comes crawling back because he doesn’t have a job and wants to get on orders:……
  23. Then Douche generals like Goldfien will sit you behind a desk for 15 of your 20 because you are a volunteer.
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