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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. sorry buddy. the main democrat line is all conservatives are racists. and all republicans are insurrectionists. the media is amplifying that message. and if you didn't want to get a vax or wear a mask you wanted people to die. unfortunately your party is actively encouraging this messaging. and the media is their messenger.
  2. I’d go one step farther and say many left leaning people LOVE them. It lets them physically demonstrate their moral superiority
  3. Wow happened a lot sooner than I thought! I believe it’s legit…just went to barksdales fb page. Incredible
  4. lost? i disagree. didn't you just witness the most magical and successful airlift in HUMAN HISTORY!?!? what a glorious operation! /s sorry for thread derail...i'd love to fly a TW again too. hope they invest good TW training for the aircrew! maybe push shopping carts backwards at walmart
  5. Which base will be the first to bring back masks this fall?
  6. can we all just grow the fuck up and be done with this woke virtue signaling nonsense? this is the fucking military take your bull shit to some other government organization. i dont care if you're a gay pilot, woman pilot, trans pilot, they/them, just be good at your job. is that too much to ask? do whatever you want in your private life i don't care but stop pushing what sexuality you prefer/fuck in public JFC. rant over.
  7. This administration and much of the left live in fantasy land. Reality is bitch slapping them in the face right about now.
  8. I count one blessing and three sex trophies! Look at you!!!
  9. full steam ahead, until full reverse!
  10. Don’t ruin my rage buzz danger! How dare you we are trying to execute spincon2022!
  11. I thought so. Don’t remember any safety report being filed for that one either….. At a deployed change of command in 2010-2012 timeframe, he told all the forced attendees he was a big dinosaur, but he was proud of all the “little mammals”. Everyone was literally whispering “what the fuck”
  12. Oh don’t worry UPT has been touchy feely for a long time now
  13. 8 years JFC you better claim that as PTSD on your VA disability
  14. Didn’t he crash an osprey while he was the 1 SOW group/cc? I might be mixing up memories but I thought it was him
  15. gross, guess the rumor was true...good luck to my AFSOC bros! you're gonna need it
  16. Hilarious. It absolutely does not work. And it’s not your truth. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” - bill clinton.
  17. Don’t worry guys biden is cooking up a new monkeypox vax! Just give it some fear and a few weeks/months and you’ll be injecting another mandatory vax
  18. My source is every politician who has gotten COVID and then tweeted thanks for being vaxed I’m not sicker.
  19. doesn't matter the vax has been proven to not work. the requirement should be dropped immediately. if other countries have a problem with that then maybe we shouldn't be "deployed" there in the first place
  20. what about CONTINUING to order a vax that is PROVEN to not be effective? the military member is NOT protected by taking this vax. how about that?! this is a pure MONEY GRAB by big pharma....a industry that only a few years ago was the target of the left, but MAGICALLY now is the medical jesus of all leftists and "critical thinkers"
  21. but thankfully you've been vaxed/boosted and your symptoms are mild /s
  22. covid is going to go down as one of the largest scams in world history.
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