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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. I talked to some of the Kelly Viper guys and they said the PTN studs there did great. I’m sure you could talk to another IP in the squadron who thinks those millennial cucks are worthless, but that was the info I got.
  2. Looks like a typical recovery into Bagram to me.
  3. I’m seriously surprised there haven’t been “hazing” accusations from a debrief yet.
  4. That was for commercial, but the other stuff was for PPL.
  5. All super good advice and I want to double up on a couple. I worked at an FBO and was able to get discounts and even some free flights under the guise of something else that the chief pilot logged for me. The biggest one is the pre-study and very solid grasp of the “control and performance” concept. Once you understand that if you set up the airplane to do a certain maneuver via specific power setting/bank angle/etc, you can make much smaller and better corrections to fly more precisely. I can’t tell you how many students I had as a CFI and AF IP that treat every maneuver as a surprise and are constantly fighting the airplane to do what they want. Last piece of advice is you can do odd jobs for lessons, as well. I epoxy’d the garage of a local Chief Pilot and ended up getting 5 hours of instruction in a King Air out of it. Similar stories on helping do roof repairs, yard work, etc. Good luck!
  6. Not if you read his bio. Says his job is head of the “Aircrew Crisis Task Force”.
  7. I know plenty of former wrestlers with cauliflower ear who are pilots. I wouldn’t worry about it if you’ve already got it. If you don’t have it, might as well prevent it.
  8. Valid question and I would point to the ammount of Apaches (or whatever helo you’re looking at) and compare that to the number of Raptors. It’s about a 7:1 ratio. Therefore, you lose a pilot to separation, it hurts the AF 7 times more. I know that’s way over simplified but it illustrates the point. If you want to have a biased, emotional (but correct) argument then ask the Army how their most basic doctrine works if they don’t have air superiority. And then ask them how well their ops have been since April 1953 when they haven’t had an attack from the air strike their forces.
  9. Why would that matter? An F-22 Pilot is more valuable (money invested already/percentage of the force) in terms of retention than an Army pilot. Tactically, the Apache guy is worth his weight in gold in his role but the Raptor guy is a much rarer commodity and represents a much bigger loss when he isn’t retained.
  10. I’d describe mine as more of a “sexual tyrannosaurus” mustache.
  11. You heard about that?! Thomas Johnson 2020!
  12. Half the original guys were top dudes and the other half were booger flicks. Those booger flicks caused some problems that are still being dealt with today. And honestly, they weren’t that good. The community now is so far beyond where they started it’s pretty unbelievable. The part that has always cracked me up about the original dudes is that they always talk about being all about the mission. However, they had such an insular, “Cowboy”, and flat out dickish culture that they stifled true mission hacking IOT stoke their own egos. Not true in all cases of course, but a lot of the original guys were their own worst enemies.
  13. There are things on what makes a good OPR, you’ll just have to get them to fill out an SF50, gain SAP, require a blood sacrifice, and then hand over their first born as a hostage to look at it.
  14. So word around the camp fire is that it’s official that the next AFSOC CC is the one and only Jim Slife. My interactions with him were very minor, but the reputation is atrocious. Anybody have any better info or is this news appropriately placed in the “What’s Wrong with the Air Force” thread?
  15. How about multiple trips over there? Tac Airlifter would get about 69k if that’s the deal.
  16. No, because a Textron executive isn’t a higher up in the government.
  17. I didn’t see the part where he said he is a Nav but in a Gunship the Nav/CSO/WSO is doing one hell of a lot more than going along for the ride.
  18. My college roommate was a small time weed dealer and when they came to talk to him, he grabbed all of his merchandise and headed for the state line. He called me about 10 times in an hour and told me how he wasn’t a rat and wouldn’t tell them anything (of which there was nothing to tell). That was an unintended hiccup to that process.
  19. IAW 36-2903 all of those people were executing official notifications or experiencing an emergency (like lunch). Show some respect for these professionals.
  20. Let women into the guys bathroom following Taco Tuesday at Bagram after three months of protein and rip it’s and I guarantee bathroom segregation will take care of itself.
  21. The Special Operations people up and down the line don’t know what they want to use this thing for. It’s frustrating and disheartening hearing AFSOC and joint SOF people not be able to articulate what the airplane would even be used for. If it’s the argument of saving money and saving time off the wings of the CAF fleet (which I think is a great idea), then why does SOF use it? If it’s to do what SOF is doing now with other assets, then an AT-6 is a horrible platform for it. I could see FID, but even then there are other options that are better suited. It honestly seems like a lot of people in SOF that want to fly upside down and shoot a forward firing gun want light attack because it would be fun. I’m all about fun, but come on. /rant
  22. Because most aviation incidents involve middle aged, pudgy, balding dudes. This involves a hot chick. Duh. The gossip fest is definitely not just in the spouses clubs.
  23. CSO’s or any other non-pilot Officers (and plenty of E’s) can do plenty of non-flying jobs and kill it on the outside. Don’t sell yourselves short.
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