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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. I would talk with a local recruiter. They are probably more versed in the intricacies (waivers, ways to get through the process relatively unscathed, etc), but if it doesn't make the cut, there's no way around it, and this is still your dream, surgery is an option... ...or you could try Turlington's Lower Back Tattoo Remover http://gprime.net/video.php/tattooremover
  2. Not on this board Dismissed as a red herring/straw man argument: No one said nutjob radical Islamists are the sole threat out there. (though it sure is easy to prove something false when you make up something absurd, isn't it?)
  3. First let me say that I think the F-22 is a FABULOUS airplane with a MAJOR PR problem. Given all the problems with the craptor (both in PR and mechanical), I'm glad I was never selected to fly it.
  4. Thank God...perhaps we will head in a sensible direction. We've put faith in you, sir. Please do us proud!
  5. F***ing figures. These guys take a day out of the schedule for CBTs and briefings which will somehow magically reduce the chances of a suicide (thereby INCREASING the workload for the rest of the week to make up for the lost day) and then mention someone's been fired. WTF is going on?!?!
  6. You want a solution? Here's one thought that's already been mentioned: Put up a sign at the front of the base which shows how many days it has been since the last suicide (might as well throw on "Days since an accidental death" as well). It puts it at the forefront of people's minds as something to avoid. We also need to do something else: accept that it is inevitable! Some people are going to do irrational things: DUI, hurt themselves while on vacation, use a jetski in a reckless manner, drive too fast, commit suicide, etc. It doesn't matter how much we preach how bad it is for everyone, people are still going to do things that don't make sense; it's a given. I also think the whole DUI push is severe overkill. The impression on base is that you can rape the commander's teenage daughter and kill his dog and you will STILL get in less trouble than a DUI...ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I think a lot of folks on base feel that DUI is overemphasized in a lot of ways. I should also be clear that DUI is indeed something VERY stupid to do and COMPLETELY preventable and should be punished harshly, I just think it's overemphasized.
  7. That's an oversimplification on both accounts. Yes, saying "I care about you" CAN prevent a suicide, but that doesn't guarantee it. I've NEVER had someone under me even attempt it. I let ALL of my people know the implications of a suicide. Look 'em ALL square in the eye and let them know that people do care and that, no matter the problem, it WILL pass. Your life may not return to normal, but your life WILL improve even if you feel it can't. I've had the unfortunate circumstance of telling a mother her son killed himself. His suicide note stated he felt like no one cared...at his funeral over 600 people showed up. 700 more sent their regrets that they could not attend on short notice. People DO CARE!!! I also agree that it is not a rational act, so it isn't possible to rationalize it. Don't try to make sense of something that is, by definition, outside reality.
  8. The IDEA program is good for small stuff, but it doesn't have much of an effect on airplanes, our bread and butter, or other devices. Devices attached to planes have a rigorous process which includes testing, writing operations manuals, troubleshooting, and incorporation into AFIs. None of these options are cheap. My experience is that, if it is serious enough, they can move mountains, but if it "merely" costs money and cost savings are relatively minimal, it won't be implemented. Additionally, a lot of the improvements are in the classified realm and the IDEA program doesn't accommodate those. I personally believe that too much effort is being put into the "latest and greatest" systems at the expense of some cheaper systems that would work just as well in most situations.
  9. We can't do that! It makes too much sense!!!
  10. I never said it was warranted...
  11. Oh cut the guy some slack. He's trying to make sure that people get proper air medals. I know they WERE flying CAP out of there at one point, so it's possible the guy found some old decorations that an Exec (one of 6 per year) misfiled and wants to make sure people get credit where credit is due. Fire me a PM with specifics and I'll see what I can do to assist. The vultures are circling around here looking for an easy meal...
  12. Shakey's got this one on the nose (for the most part), but you also have to consider the mission and the timeframe. If it was 2003 (FWIW, I just got a medal from 2005, so '03 ain't out of the question), they might have been making direct strikes on Iraq from there, I don't know, but for the most part, I'd guess they are combat support missions. When I was doin' the dirty 'Deid, it was considered an imminent danger/hostile fire zone (I know...everyone try to contain your laughter).
  13. "2" I didn't see the FOIA request, but it's possible they screwed up and asked for unclassified information (which there is apparently none)
  14. Poundcake, the answer is "it depends"
  15. Just saw this on Yahoo! Glad they got out ok. What's going on?
  16. Taco Cabana is offering 20% discounts to those with a "Valid Military ID"
  17. "3" There are two programs now (or at least there were a few months ago when I took the classes in Minot): TAP and TAMP. The TAMP portion is mandatory, the TAP class is optional, BUT it is YOUR option whether or not to take it. Your commander CANNOT stop you from going. I thought the TAP class was relatively worthless, but the TAMP class was invaluable.
  18. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. A weapon that can take out the U.S. ...kinda like your last dictator "leader" shot 15 holes in one on his first time at golf...
  19. This is the government...we don't do anything efficiently when there's no incentive to do so...
  20. http://news.yahoo.co...-034308390.html Well, there goes the neighborhood...
  21. Surely in AFI11-214 there's a provision for the MAJCOM commander to waive crew rest requirements...
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