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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. I got RIF'd so I don't give a damn about mustaches... ...I'M GOING FOR A BEARD!
  2. Don't sweat it. The fact that you are concerned about it and that you will likely be asked about it when you first arrive on station leads me to believe you'll continue to follow up on it. Nothing prevents you from filling it out now and having it ready when they ask for it. Good luck
  3. I offer my services for this effort. I have a computer science degree, nearly a thousand hours of flight experience, and some experience in creating attachments for the jets.
  4. 2 This, folks, is an example of an illegal order
  5. FINALLY a joint pub I can fully comprehend (even with the crazy acronyms...didn't know some of those). I'll second that the illustrations are significantly better than those I've seen in most official publications
  6. I know... What do you mean that wasn't a compliment? What's up with the awkward poses?
  7. Since you've been out, the Shoeclerks have taken over WAY too much. Al Udeid is their Mecca (irony intended).
  8. Sorry, should have ended that with [/bomber whining]
  9. Kind of impossible for a B-52 to drop a string of 45 Mk-62s with SE kits any other way...true story... Just because you can pull more than 2 Gs...
  10. ahhhhhhh,,,the good ol' days...
  11. I think I'll have some fun with this... Apparently this Chief is intrigued by menial bullshit too. Being corrected is one thing. Being anal about stupid details that don't matter and/or hamper gettng the mission accomplished is "getting chiefed". Helping a colleague fix their collar is not the same as a superior enlisted person correcting a junior enlisted loudly & impolitely in front of his peers. Puh-lease. I've seen people get chiefed by people who merely want to be Chiefs Pray tell: how does correcting fleece wear correspond to even the "tactical" (much less "operational" level)? You never go into that do you? Oh goody! The whole reason you "have to" single people out over truly insignificant details is because no one else already did that? How about you just assume that they made an honest mistake or help them with whatever their problem is. I've never once menioned a uniform problem to someone without the intent to help them. I was always respectful and did so in private: "Sir, your nametag is crooked"/"Ma'am, your collar is folded over". I did so because I know most military personnel inherently want to perform their best and look their best at all times. Being Chiefed is stopping someone who is carrying a large box into a building just as they enter the building and loudly querying "Why don't you have your hat off?!" Yes, by the regs, the person should remove their hat even if that means setting down the box and picking it back up again. However, what is actually gained other than wasting time or potentially breaking whatever is in the box by setting it down twice. Instead, why not ask the guy "Can I get the door for you? Want me to get your hat?" to which I'm sure the airman would say, "Yes please. Thank you" I see. You are beneath such work. "If I have to get involved, then chiefs are failures." I'm still not seeing anything in here about applying common sene to a situation... Right. The color of my socks is the difference between life and death. So is that crooked nametag or folded-over collar. Something as simple as wearing a fleece more than 2 steps inside a building is NOT critical to fighting a war and never will be. No, it's the discipline to know what the rules are and make proper judgement calls that makes us better warriors. Blind adherence to rules without an application of common sense and decency simply erodes unit/individual morale. YHGTBFSM!!! The mission IS the most important detail!!! If you spent 2 hours every day to look perfect in uniform down to a lack of any trace of lint, but the jets don't take off, what's the point? If you stop that wrench-turner (a term of endearment for my maintenance brethren) from completing his job so he can "Go back to the dorm and change uniforms. That one is covered in grease" you have decided that appearances are more important than substance. Promote the AF Core Values by living them, not by making the lives of others miserable for trivial details...(see the AUAB thread)
  12. The OG realized it was a bit of overkill right after he said it...and we all had a good laugh over it, but his point was made (he REALLY likes his Diet Mt Dew) and we haven't been out of Diet Dew again... Complete Shack
  13. I clearly misinterpreted where "stay classy" was directed. My utmost apologies. I assumed everyone basically glossed over the poorly phrased comments and were refering to something else. My apologies.
  14. nice. For those of you getting uppity about the comment, think about it next time you call a guy a feminine insult. If we're equal, the zings go both ways. If someone gay has a problem with it, why not just turn it around and mention how preppy the other guy is or make a redneck joke. I refuse to use kid gloves with one group just because they can't take a joke...by which of course I am refering to Eagle drivers...
  15. Wow. That letter just writes itself...STOP giving them ideas!!! WHAT THE FUK!?! We had an incident where the Snack Bar ran out of Diet Mountain Dew. The OG said "How can I trust you with nuclear weapons when you can't keep the snack bar stocked with Diet Mountain Dew?!" He was serious...I think. However, he DID make it clear that the snack bar was to be stocked at all times with Diet Mountain Dew before the incident. He also didn't hand out an LOC.
  16. Hell...You can end up there even if you don't do any of the above and have a squeaky clean record
  17. I wonder if we are going to run it via committee again. Getting approval from 14 separate governments for each assigned target was soooooooooooo easy and effective the first time... However, best quote ever from General Clark: "B-52s won this war" Yes, it did accelerate it, but that was in the short term. In the long-term, the killings stopped. Should we have not started fighting, the killings would have continued at a slower pace.
  18. I am perpetually astonished that we don't get directly involved in some of these conflicts just because we try diplomatic means to absurd lengths first. Those countries that tsk-tsk our efforts and cluck their tongues should be ashamed when they live under the very freedom we provide. I have a feeling when we pull back the curtain on Iran, Syria, and North Korea, we will look back and ask ourselves, "Why didn't we try and stop them?" The death toll from those in North Korea alone already tops the number of people killed in the Holocaust.
  19. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4194506,00.html Looks like we might be wading into this civil war too. I realize I'm "just" a Captain, but isn't a blockade an act of war? If so, what gives the President the authority to commit such an act. It is one thing to respond to the actions of another (i.e. self-defense or when an attack is imminent), but Syria doesn't threathen the US, at least not directly. This is a politicially neutral question and it applies to President Obama as much as it does to any other President (past or future).
  20. That "plan" is nothing more than a campaign promise. It won't happen (at least not to that extent)
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