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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. Half a BILLION since 2004 and this is the best we got?!?! UFB! Christ, we could by two NEW MC-130's for that money and go back to filing paper! Thank God we had that RIF... Ok, so seriously, the problems with DTS: 1. Training for the administrators using it. It shouldn't take 3-4 MONTHS to get a travel voucher through the system because each layer of bureaucracy doesn't seem to be aware that you don't need receipts for a $8 cab ride 2. GET RID OF ALL THE MOTHERF***ING POP-UPS. There's no reason you can't do this in a simple, logical flow from the main page. 3. Create menu options that make sense. Don't 4. Bring back group authorizations: it made things a LOT easier for groups 5. You want a hint? Go to travelocity or any other site and set it up like theirs. The last page should be all of the funding site/approval work, the site loads up quickly because there isn't a BUNCH of overhead code to show simple graphics and text (seriously, I can download a movie faster), and a simple page that shows all your uploaded files and allow you to name them for easy reference
  2. Yeah...we used to do that AF-wide with a VO2 max test on a ergocycle. I'm sure a few folks here might remember it. The best part was that the VO2 max was a GREAT test and was perfect in every way. They basically did the same thing and extrapolated how well you'd do on an actual run. Thank goodness no one had problems with it... [/sarcasm] Edit: stupidity
  3. To the members of the Greatest Generation... ...sts
  4. Now people with minimal aerospace physiology training are coming up with random assessments...and it's inconsistent too... Uh...isn't that basically impossible? Your "max deadlift weight" is the maximum you can perform a single time. Clarification requested. Is this on some sort of chart based upon your weight? AD standard when starting a new program: Ready, Fire, Aim!
  5. It's all about placement with regard to the Vicky Mendoza diagonal
  6. always scary when he's backed up by the next 3 postings too... I'm not saying it's very significantly different, only that you have to make applicable corrections to account for it. In the grand scheme of things 400 feet isn't much on a 12,000 foot runway....until you need it.
  7. I'm not saying your TOLD is wrong, but a LOT of data is figured out in dry climates. If it was hot & humid (or raining), the numbers tend to be less accurate. ...then again, double check that flap lever too... :-)
  8. I must have missed that right in my civics class...
  9. So, who is going to take it over?
  10. Well hey, let's just throw out all the laws we don't like and call people disgusting for doing something that is completely natural and that is protected by said laws (both state laws and AFIs protect this). Our society has sexualized breasts to the point that their primary function is somehow "disgusting". Are you kidding me?
  11. Masshole, assuming you are female (by your own description), your response is both pitiful and disheartening. If you are in charge of a squadron, would you have the same standards?
  12. fair nuff. Maybe I did ramble a "bit" there [cough] understatement
  13. Ok, so let's recap here: I use excessive hyperbole (unless you've figured out how to get off at the next stop) to describe how bad of a person he is, and then your response is to link a completely different topic, misspell two simple words, misrepresent what I said (I simply stated I didn't write all of it), and then insinuate I advocate suicide? You have NO idea what plagiarism actually is, do you?
  14. I wrote most of that, but I'm not going to take credit for some basic advice (the last two paragraphs) I didn't write. You know what? Yeah, it's a topic I'm pretty passionate considering two people close to me were in that situation. You don't think it's worth reading? Fine, don't read it.
  15. Well, if you want to be a douche about it and not help the situation, then by all means, be a fucking prick My comments (and that of the General) were a simple analysis of what suicide is, not the feelings of those who commit suicide. Selfishness is thinking oneself first and others second/not at all. If you define selfishness in the manner you mentioned, then I agree with you, but it isn't the definition I used. The act of suicide is an illogical act. A person acting in this manner cannot see a larger picture and they need help. They are weak and need some help getting back up. I would imagine all of us have felt this way at some point in our lives. But most of us see beyond our immediate surroundings and realize there is more to life than our current situation. Those feeling suicidal are not thinking clearly. Those who choose suicide take the easy way out. They don't want to feel the pain anymore and they feel death is preferable to living in anguish... ...but they don't see beyond their own situation and the impact that their deaths will cause. When I was a young Captain a friend of my wife's killed himself. This individual's girlfriend had broken up with him and he couldn't see his life without her. He felt suicide was the only way out because "no one understands exactly how I feel". I was there when we told his mother he was dead. I was there when she screamed in heart-wrenching pain and his father collapsed to the ground in complete shock... ...I was also there at the funeral when 700+ people showed up in a space for 150. I listened to conversations like "man, I've been there before. I'm so glad I didn't do anything like that" and "yeah, me too". 700+ people cared and hundreds more sent letters of regret about not being able to be there. Those who commit suicide believe it makes the situation better for them, when in fact it reduces your feelings to irrelevancy and only makes EVERYONE else's situation worse. I'm not trying to speak ill of the dead. Many of them have mental problems that lead them into this very bad decision; their logic isn't really functioning properly to make decisions like this; hence, they are irrational. This may be a chemical imbalance or substance abuse problem or any number of things, but analyzing it from an outside perspective, it is a selfish act since the only perceived benefit is for the person committing suicide. So, how do you deal with someone without doing what gear pig suggests? Do SOMETHING to help! The fact that a person is still alive is sufficient proof that part of him wants to remain alive. The suicidal person is ambivalent -- part of him wants to live and part of him wants not so much death as he wants the pain to end. It is the part that wants to live that tells another "I feel suicidal." If a suicidal person turns to you it is likely that he believes that you are more caring, more informed about coping with misfortune, and more willing to protect his confidentiality. No matter how negative the manner and content of his talk, he is doing a positive thing and has a positive view of you. Be willing to give and get help sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, suicidal people are afraid that trying to get help may bring them more pain: being told they are stupid, foolish, sinful, or manipulative; rejection; punishment; suspension from school or job; written records of their condition; or involuntary commitment. You need to do everything you can to reduce pain, rather than increase or prolong it. Constructively involving yourself on the side of life as early as possible will reduce the risk of suicide. Listen. Give the person every opportunity to unburden his troubles and ventilate his feelings. You don't need to say much and there are no magic words. If you are concerned, your voice and manner will show it. Give him relief from being alone with his pain; let him know you are glad he turned to you. Patience, sympathy, acceptance. Avoid arguments and advice giving. Talking about it may give someone the idea? Puh-lease. People already have the idea; suicide is constantly in the news media. If you ask a despairing person this question you are doing a good thing for them: you are showing him that you care about him, that you take him seriously, and that you are willing to let him share his pain with you. You are giving him further opportunity to discharge pent up and painful feelings. If the person is having thoughts of suicide, find out how far along his ideation has progressed. Lastly, do NOT leave them alone. If the means are present, try to get rid of them. Detoxify the home. I've wrestled someone to the ground to prevent them from harming themselves. While the person was screaming some pretty hateful things at me at the time, once the person got their head screwed on straight and addressed some undiagnosed depression issues, this person thanked me profusely for not giving up. Some of this was pulled from a suicide prevention website.
  16. YHGBFKM!!! Heaven forbid we go to war allied with Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, or Sweden since they all have crosses on their flags because that would be somehow endorse the massacre of Muslims centuries ago. That will be the huge difference in the next war. Weinstein, you are a complete waste of skin and oxygen. Get off the planet at the next stop...come to think of it, you should get off before then...
  17. Seems like that General pretty much got it...and then was forced to make a PC decision
  18. I've met the individual pictured in the sand box with some of their gear (to include the eyepiece). These additions can be quite useful and help the warfighter (actual warfighter, not a Finance troop). The computers they showed were indeed what we were using circa 2004-2005 and to see the stuff miniaturized even further is astounding. On a related note, why do we have to come up with cutesy acronyms (that don't even line up). Why not just field the damn thing with a simple, military-esque designation (like "KYK-13"). Our guys are going to come up with a better name than "BATMAN" anyway. Can you imagine at the end of the day when someone asks you to get BATMAN off so you can have your turn?
  19. We could do the same method by which Germany does it. Only the fittest stay in helos and fighters past their Capt years, the rest flow into the cargo and less physically strenuous jobs.
  20. The catch is that militant Islam (currently) is the leading cause of violence on Muslims and is the leading cause of terrorism almost everywhere. It's one thing when Tim McVeigh blows up something (it's an isolated, disorganized act by a sole individual), but it is quite another for organizations to go on a multi-decade campaign (Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hezbolah, Islamic Jihad, etc and they all share a common religion) I also concur that this PC bullshit is out of line. Until we can confront the most extreme sectors of our society with clear thought and reason, their voices will continue to be heard. When they are conclusively proven to be absurd and out of line so that even the most uneducated among us can understand, we can start winning hearts and minds.
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