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Everything posted by BQZip01

  1. Only -15 backseaters and insecure -16 drivers would bother arguing like this in a thread about the F-22...
  2. Perhaps if we weren't abusing our CE troops ALL THE F**KING TIME filling army deployment billets because the Army undermanned their CE positions and refused to fix the problem. Our CE personnel are tired of 1 year tours in the kitty litter with less than a year home and divorce rates are HUGE. Thanks Schwartz [/rant off]
  3. I was the investigating officer in a Commander-direct investigation (redundant I know) and I asked a JAG officer about it. His recommendation was to find out as much as you can by asking questions. It's possible that a misunderstanding could be cleared up by answering a few questions. I think that's horse manure. Lawyer up if they read you your rights.
  4. Because we've taken the decision-making out of the jet and into the OG's office, but left responsibility with the ACs. I've had pilots push back and throw the bullshit flag (hell, I've seen a copilot call bullshit, pack up his gear, and walk away from the jet instead of flying), but they are largely lambasted by leadership for such actions. I've made mistakes and stood before "the man", but I also know plenty who made minor mistakes and were hauled in front of the same person. When "perfection is the standard" everything that isn't perfection gets buried because no one wants to sacrifice an entire life's work/career over something they know is piddly BS Thanks Ollie
  5. I like the out-of-the-box (sts) thinking, but that level of SA comes at a price and EMSEC isn't exactly a small factor in hostile airspace. Train like you fight and fight like you train.
  6. Oh, I'm sure there's some REMF somewhere that will top these guys and pop out of the woodwork to make a name for himself...
  7. Flying a C-172 into KCEW w/flight following from Eglin Approach “About three miles ahead you’ve got traffic 12 o’clock, six miles.”
  8. "Why does the American military produce the most innovative and entrepreneurial leaders in the country, then waste that talent in a risk-averse bureaucracy?" Why indeed...
  9. Yes, I expect them to have a modicum of understanding. I certainly don't expect them to know exactly, but they should know the basics of what it is/entails/provides for the AF. I'm not going to claim that I understand everything a Maintenance Officer goes through, but if I'm supposed to rank them, I'm sure as hell going to learn about the high points of their career path along with the stuff I already know. #1 at WIC should be racked SIGNIFICANTLY higher than DG from SOS.
  10. WAY too true. How many outside the Ops group can honestly say they know what WIC even is... Powerpoint: it's the gift that keeps on giving...no matter how much you want it to end...
  11. We didn't wait for the uniform to come off and had beers IN the classroom Most awards are permitted to have narratives and the best award presentations are those that do not take all 12-18 lines, but those that use the required header + state what the award was for in a single concise sentence + required closing. Put the rest of that sh*t in the narrative and save us ALL the collective man-hours standing at attention for these awards. This used to be policy in the 67th IO Wing (now the 67th NWW) and it should have been implemented across the AF.
  12. General MAFFS query, why fly so low for an extended period of time? The video shown has these guys flying around treetop level through several valleys. Given that Pk with the ground is 0.999, why not just descend into the drop zone and then climb out?
  13. I agree with the sentiment, but an all-volunteer military is still preferable IMHO... ...of course they should probably first stop the RIF boards, VSP, start full stop loss, recall folks, etc
  14. Right, those 5 OPRs I signed and leaves I approved while at SOS were proof of how well THAT worked... I support this message [/tongue-in-cheek...sts]
  15. You'll drink Old Crow and like it whether you want to or not! [/EW rant]
  16. I have, but those were only on days where we had sorties longer than the box nastys were good for....pretty much all of 'em in a BUFF. That netted me an extra $160 over 180 days TDY. An F-22 squadron had EVERYONE (including maintainers) file all their missed meal forms en masse and ACC f**king approved for the exception clause which basically gives them off base per diem instead of processing 16000 individual missed meal vouchers: In Guam that's about 100 bucks a DAY (on a 120-180 day TDY!!!!) extra PLUS you could still eat at the chow hall! Now I don't want that airman to have to pay it back if/when Finance comes a knockin' but that's pretty shitty for THOSE maintainers to tell OUR maintainers "We're getting a $12K bonus when we get home! How about you?" "Oh...we get to go to Minot"
  17. Is there any difference if they are all occupying parking spots?
  18. Doesn't look like this is going to go away any time soon... http://www.chron.com/news/article/Turkey-vows-action-against-Syria-for-downing-jet-3655034.php
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