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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. Please post such guidance. As far as I know, an OG is the approval authority for a post-mission crew rest waiver. And my Ctrl-F skills did not find the word "Waiver" in the AMCI Out.
  2. We in AMC have a nice fat reg. Its called AMCI 10-403. It works for both deployments and TDYs. Seems pretty clear, you TDY the time, you get a little back. Download, highlight, and present. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. Go Joe! Here are the gems: 3.6. Post Deployment Downtime. (OPR: A1X; OCR Aircrews: A3O) Post Deployment Downtime is a commander’s program designed to help maintain quality of life and retain valued Air Force members to keep our military strong and ready. 3.6.1. Aircrew members will have 1-hour compensatory time for each 3 hours off-station (1 day for every 3 days off-station) with a maximum of 4 days. 3.6.2. Following a deployment away from home station of 45 days or longer, all military members will be given not more than 7 days compensatory time (3-day special pass IAW AFI 36-3003 and 4 days unscheduled time). Following a deployment away from home station of 90 days or longer, authorized compensatory time is not more than 14 days (4-day special pass IAW AFI 36-3003 and 10 days unscheduled time). During compensatory time, members will not be assigned formal duties and will be given appropriate time to care for personal and professional matters deferred while TDY. The member will check in daily during any period of unscheduled time and must take leave if departing the local area IAW AFI 36-3003. 3.6.3. Returning members must sign in with their unit’s Commander’s Support Staff the first duty day after return. Post-deployment downtime will start as soon as possible following return to home station, not to exceed 72 hours after return, and only after signing in with the CSS and completing an in-processing checklist.
  3. "Welcome to the Died, deployers. Just to let you know, this is a combat zone (shows pics of combat in some other location). In order for all our chiefs and numerous other non-combat forces to meet the conditions for combat pay, we must live in combat conditions. Therefore, the "Combat Shower" is in effect. By putting everyone under the rules of combat showers, we can get paid (shows pics of dudes in showers, no water on, with reflective belts). Now, I know all you flyers out there fly into the real combat zone every day, and therefore argue that the combat shower should not apply to you, but common sense is checked at the gate here--too many promotions are on the line." Out There. Poor man's CBT complete. I won't waste my time on the real thing. Edit to add this comment.
  4. I knew that the AF would finally figure out that the TIB budget is the same as the CoP portal. I guess the CoPs are more important now. In honor of TIB going away, everyone thow up two jazz hands and shout out a high c. Or, just pop one a frosty one, smile, and relish the cold brew. Out
  5. I say open the can of worms and lets start eating. Does anyone think that spending 1 whole year at Maxwell (ACSC/AWC) makes anyone a better leader? I'll bet that the AFcan turn those schools into 10-12 week TDYs and get more bang for the buck. We could send more per year. Because (oooh look, I started my sentence with a preposition) shouldn't all our field graders be of the highest competence and thus attend such schools? Hell, if they cut out all the powerpoint, they easily save 9 months of everyone's life. And then they could stop wasting my time with worthless correspondence courses. I learn more about leadership with real life. I'm tired of everyone thinking that these schools are the key to promotion. I've never seen a school take a dude and "produce" a good leader. So there you go AF. Someone has presented a very crazy idea about PME. I bet is that AF does nothing--a very easy bet really, knowing that the AF has no stomach to change such an institution. That's the sad reality. Out
  6. I've purchased from two different mil exchange shops and they want to see your PCS orders. So going there TDY may not work. Out
  7. I was forced to move from one base house to another, and it was privatized. I did not incur any our of pocket expenses as my cable was reinstalled at no cost and I don't own a land line. I did make a killing on moving most of my stuff. I did a partial dity and had movers for furniture only. Inconvenient yes, but the few extra K in my pocket made up for it. But since it was already privatized, I don't know who was providing the funds, military or housing company. I did everything through TMO. I did not get DLA, but I seem to recall the housing office saying that cable and phone should not charge us for the swap (maybe they set up a deal where housing would pay the companies for each transfer). Out
  8. To those here that think we make too much and want to cut our retirement, leave. Just leave because you don't get it and there is no way for anyone to convince you that your pathetic thinking is backwards. If you really want to stay, donate all that you don't think you deserve to charity. Be sure to brag to us about it. Out
  9. Mr Player, So you think our retirement pay should be based on medals? Should we count the number of mortar attacks, multiply that by some actuary number, and add it to the number of deployed days? Do you figure in flight hours, because its more dangerous than driving to work? Do you have a shit factor for all the crap people breathe in at bumphuck Iraq? Hell, the safire rate will probably go through the roof now. What's your magic formula mr smartypants? Ugh, I can't do it anymore...I'll stop picking on you...I was being sarcastic and you bit. Nonetheless, your proposal to fix what the politicians phucked up won't help, is controversial, and only serves to divide. Out PS, what is flight pay, haz duty pay, etc? Nibble nibble? Edit - apparently I still cant say ######. I love the 1st Amendment, but not as much as the 2nd!
  10. OK, mr player, if you feel a bunch of our military don't deserve a retirement because they don't work as hard as you, or their job isn't as dangerous as yours, or you feel their job is insignificant to military operations, fine. Lets fix it this way. 1. If their job is so simple and doesn't warrant a 20-year military retirement, then convert it to a GS-6/7/8/9. The shit gets done, there's continuity, you don't have to keep training a bunch of newbies, and you could probably cut a few positions. 2. If the job requires someone to deploy every once in a while, keep just enough military such that their ops tempo is the same as everyone elses. Thus they can have a retirement because they are now working as hard as you. Now for you congresspeople. You want to cut military retirement, cut yours too. I say lead by example. Start with no retirement unless you serve 20 years. OUT
  11. Brick I've got a Taurus 24/7 but in .40. I decided upon Taurus because above the others, it felt great in my hand. The long trigger pull was easy for me. For everyone else, there is a long trigger travel (safety feature, they say), then it gets firm, pull a little more and bang. I will agree that disassembly is its biggest draw back. Not only is the pin removable, but it is easy for the slide to get stuck while pulling it off. You have to squeeze the trigger while doing it. As for shooting, I've had no problems until a few weeks ago when I was having feed problems. Now I was using a different brand of ammo (Winchester. I think) than previous, but that shouldn't matter as I practice with FMJ. The .40 rounds have a flat nose tip and they were getting stuck on the feed ramp (which is shiney chome on the Taurus), but were fixed with a little push on the slide. I did a thorough cleaning and will retry (magazines too). I've only put about 500 rounds through it, so a weak spring shouldn't see an issue. Out
  12. Found this last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIHBHYp5Woo "Your Highness"
  13. Cool. I always wanted to be Cyclops from the X-men!
  14. If you have to ask, you're clueless. But your answer is, very. If you can't be in the top 95% of the AF, then how could you ever lead a crew or fly a plane? Now, since you asked, you're probably thinking of trying to get cut from the team. Its your life to gamble with, let us know how it works out for you. Out
  15. I knew someone would find the rules and post them. Now, how many guard units out there want to hire a past-over Lt, especially with the current pool of quality applicants? Out
  16. How about being a perpetual copilot 1LT for the remainder of your committment. Just because a dude can't lead doesn't mean he gets to depart early with an expensivly acquired skill. While a Capt is usually at the end of their ADSC when the pass-over occurs, the LTs will only be 2-3 years into theirs. So I wouldn't count on the AF getting rid of passed-over Lt pilots, navs, or anyone else with a long training ADSCs. And guess who'll get the crap jobs/deployments. So if anyone out there thinks they can game the system, the people running said system can be just as devious. Out
  17. If you recall, Gates agreed to stay on the job, but not for a full term. In any case, I don't see the next SecDef sharing my views (or the majority of our military). So hold on tight, I believe moderate to severe turbulence is ahead. Out
  18. Gents, here is my "Service Grade" M1 from CMP. Looks great, shoots great, and sounds awesome. I love that enbloc ping. The stock looks new as CMP probably replaced it. I added the the sling (new leather) and the bayonet (unissued surplus from CMP). Now I've got my eye on a new Springfield M1A (but expensive). Bang..Bang..Bang......Bang..Bang.....Bang..Bang.....Bang..Ping! (in otherwords, I'm out)
  19. Yes. CMP will cost just under 600 and take about 3 months. Last year I got a service grade that's in impeccable shape. Its a post-WWII production, but that's fine for me as I want to shoot it besides having it look nice on the wall. Just added an unissued M5A1 bayonet (CMP)and leather sling. I'll post a pic this weekend. Out
  20. Must have been compensating for his small dick. Out
  21. Wow, DoD is jumping the chain of command. Gates seems to think that admirals and generals are not good enough when it comes to thinking about spending cuts. So now we get to tell him about TIB, etc. without a filter. Think it'll work? Out
  22. Its about time Jiffycom went away. Its like the "Tops in Blue" of the COCOMs...flashy jazz hands and no substance. Sure, all the politicians will throw a fit, but they don't understand what they do (hell, most of us don't even know) and just how wasteful they are. And don't even make this about Obama...its all about using a little common sense when looking at our business. Put it to you this way, would you rather lose jiffycom or "name your airplane" program? Now as for the people, the military will go elsewhere and do better, more important military things. The civilians, well thats a mixed bag of retire, go work for someone else, or relocate to another civ job. The contractors, well they're SOL, and there's more of them than the rest.
  23. I'm sorry you have to take tests on stuff you should know, but I'm the original "disgruntled." Out
  24. Kuma, I've found an interesting way to say . While I don't have a super-duper high post count, which is apparently the only qualification to speak my ing mind, this method has served me well. So either start adding "2" after each post you see, or create a nifty little JPG with a nice bomb. Out
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