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Everything posted by Swizzle

  1. Agree with several attributable facts you present, however... Who's says the poor can't invest? What's stopping them? If you don't understand Cramer's Rule 1: "Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money and Pigs Get Slaughtered"...then perhaps its their education/understanding that is the problem. Side note, last I saw Robin Hood made some small investors thousands, and yes others lost -- but they were investing!
  2. This convo belongs in the Investment showdow thread! Big investment idea(s): complex, compound investing using OPM (other people $) principle and across multiple markets...we all know info is power/money ...kind of like TSP offering new funds after federal retirements changed to more TSP-matching schemas and less defined-retirement structures (i.e. BRS vs top 3 and older systems)...aka shifting the risk, creating new monetary fluidity using OPM...people with more info should see better returns, the average person is likely worse off. However, those informed people who play market bear and bull runs have new great options which could be quite lucrative. Classic TSP funds don't allow much room for bear market plays, save a TSP loan well timed and, with discipline, invested in growth (or short plays) elsewhere
  3. Historical TSP finds still have same low fees, new funds...not so much
  4. We know where all the grain is going now...
  5. The chain of command that said we were winning for 20+ years?
  6. You mean pilot and/or liberal arts major? Hey...Do/did you steal box-nasties by chance!? Or, might you have a stop watch readily available?🧭 (*sarcasm)
  7. Threat of regulation by the "sovereign" - standard non-collaborative approach. Saber rattling in case of need of reg crackdown..interesting whenever things don't go ideally he says stress-test...as if they were banks
  8. The one thing my quoted article does do truthfully is infer that global warming and cooling is far greater affected by cosmic/solar powers, plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and ocean currents...amoung other things other than human activity. There are far greater powers at play than humans.
  9. There is WAY more going on, on Earth than your/my/our CO2 contributions....where are we in any of these other factors???? FFS...Earth wobble affects more greatly temps than CO2, or sea currents. The disconnect is people who believe a single thing IS the cause, when the whole system is more complex and don't consider the other factors. You know, like, pick and choose what suits your narrative instead of the science! Ha, trust the science (cough, hack, the science we tell you to beleive)! Where have we heard that before? https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-earths-climate-changes-naturally-and-why-things-are-different-now-20200721/
  10. #4 swing out for a beer, cascading ACWAS, WTF 4!? ...Bush League ...still an awesome workplace #MakeFormationsGreatAgain
  11. That AF program offers double base pay for assignments to hard to fill locations. We'll see if the money-talks enough to Del Rio por el Mar (Del Rio by the Sea). And how that plays out is anyone's guess...anyone have any metrics of quantity eligible in the first place? Or is this even feasible to fill the gap?
  12. It's interesting that DoD has more stringent security requirements for all personnel than TSA does for KCM, but only plays in TSA-precheck for Active Duty members. Makes me think that MilPDS (or another prgm) provides that data to TSA, but could provide the other requirements for "play" in A4A's/TSA KCM collaboration. KCM does check currently employed status, but Defense Manpower Data Center's (DMDC) Military Verification Service provides that service too. Seems some clever software coding could fix it for all Actively Serving in the FAA limited career fields (i.e. Plt, CSO, Flt Eng, LM, FA..), especially for those servicemembers with FAA credentials as well for the out of uniform check. https://www.knowncrewmember.org/rules/ Eh, who am I kidding...I'm daydreaming and you're correct...
  13. Promise you that the AETCI about Instructor-Student no-frat. will still apply...AETC wouldn't condone that in a thousand years.
  14. And so it begins...wonder if the old way/system is imploding? It's adaptation anyway and capitulating to manning reality probably. Will this new way work? Keep UPT manning healthy, in turn line SQs healthy too by not being "tapped"? Are 'Peter' AND 'Paul' out of schlitz!? There had to be some interesting conversations to get to this point. And even more interesting conversations onwards.
  15. Like AFPC's assignment of preference/follow-on promise (aka policy) falling way unfulfilled and being totally, recently rescinded...wonder how many that lives that affected? AFPC and/or the functionals probably neither care nor know.
  16. Until UPT2.5 cuts-out T-1 flights and associated parts (i.e. sims) it'll be about same timeline roughly but actually more events in UPT2.5 than 2.0
  17. Swizzle

    Gun Talk

    .50 S&W is only half...just sayin'...
  18. No, but it shutoffs off when on fire probably! Might not even tell you...
  19. With the mythical, end-all-be-all, A.I. co-pilot replacement!?!? https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2448376/ai-copilot-air-force-achieves-first-military-flight-with-artificial-intelligence/
  20. At 74 years old, Mother Blue should be a damn fine distiller! Meanwhile the bureaucracy tries its best...caveat emptor The real challenge is negotiating the mandatory US govt acquisition bureaucracy with less rated and experienced staff guiding and smoothing the way; capital outlays/expenses infighting; and adaptation to current and future manning/equipping/training dilemmas, like generational changes and massive technical leaps coming or already here. It's a massive shift in culture ultimately which needs to be ushered in adeptly and quickly, and financially sound to keep it feasible. The idea that THE and OUR security imperative is enough justification to fund ever changing military exploits fast enough is silly. When conflict hits-the-fan the best system will win, and our leaders know it. Which slogans are they: accelerate change? Adapt or die?
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