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Everything posted by brabus

  1. Didn’t intend to come off that way; simply answering your question on who I think we can sell raptors to. I’m inferring that you are against it, is that correct?
  2. Israel yes, Russia/Turkey no. Basically most of the F-35 countries would be fine for an F-22. It’s very dependent on the country and how their goals/foreign policy aligns with ours. I think you know that though, or at least I hope you do.
  3. So Israel is going to foot some/all of a $10B bill to restart production? Suspect...but I’m all for them/LM doing this and the USAF piggybacking on it. I’m also not holding my breath.
  4. On the campaign trail - “In 2010 at Kunsan...” ”I’m going to stop you right there; I’m out, good luck to the other candidates”
  5. I think the unwillingness to talk, even within “private” settings (phone call, face to face, etc.), is a negative byproduct of the safety empire. We immediately debrief every sortie and freely share lessons learned, but as soon as something bad happens, there is no debrief/lessons learned for anyone outside the immediate circle for months on end. Guys with direct knowledge of a mishap should be able to provide any initial info/lessons learned to bros around the community...maybe not on a public Internet forum, but certainly privately (including phone and email). Example: The Holloman strafe mishap that killed the contractor. I was a couple days from my guys flying CAS with hot guns, none of whom had flown CAS in the last year or so. I sought privately any debrief/LL info, as I wanted to pass those initial LL onto the guys; I was concerned about our low proficiency on the heels of a fatal mishap that occurred doing exactly what we were about to do. What I got was zero info, in the name of “safety process.” Cool, because of our safety overlords, we were denied any lessons learned, and pressed on. Turns out we got into a very similar situation a week later, except the pilot had enough experience to recognize it and avoid any problems. We literally almost repeated exactly the same mistake a week later, completely ignorant of what happened at Holloman and any initial lessons learned we could have applied to our own flying. That is a massive foul. Same exact thing happened recently with the two F-35 landing mishaps. Separated by a week, no initial info/thoughts passed to the F-35 CAF. Hill repeats similar conditions as Eglin. Only after that does an SII come out about landing. Could have easily killed a pilot a week later; all we had to do was pass initial thoughts debrief-style and Hill may not have happened. I flew probably 20 times after the mishaps before I knew what was going on...20 times I could have fucked up/ignorance is bliss. That’s bullshit.
  6. The closer we get to the election, the more disinformation we’ll see. If you read something that seems outlandish/only marginally plausible, REGARDLESS of candidate, it is likely foreign produced at worse, or domestically produced, politically-driven garbage at best. Completely plausible Hunter is a total scumbag and his dad could have had some connection, but the means this “info” has been gathered, handled, and presented is very questionable...and I’m not a Biden fan. An example on the other side is how many people ate up garbage journalism from the Atlantic attacking Trump. Their shit is equally filled with wild accusations without substance. It blows my mind how many Americans buy into any of this shit...my opinion is so many either never had, or have lost, the ability to critically think. Can you expand? I might be missing something, and am curious.
  7. Valid...unless it’s claims against the current sitting president, then everything that the MSM puts out is true, regardless if any credible evidence is presented. That is to say I agree with your statement, but social media and the MSM are doing an incredibly piss poor job at adhering to it. What makes it worse is it’s incredibly one sided politically, which scares me (and would still do so if it was all rampantly anti-democrat). The bullshit pushed by the MSM is no better than what’s pushed by the fringes...it’s out of control, and people across the entire political spectrum eat up their side while minimizing the opposite. The close-mindedness/pick-a-side running rampant in America is frightening.
  8. Show up in whatever duty uniform you wear (e.g. don’t wear blues) and introduce yourself by first and last name. Order status doesn’t matter; you’re in the guard regardless of orders that particular day.
  9. I’ve asked tanker units about this exact thing several times and have always been told not possible from multiple units. Good to know it is possible, I’ll push harder next time and provide that reference.
  10. Who approves that, center?
  11. Is there a MOA or restricted area that’s located roughly where you need AR? If so, that’s another option in lieu of an ALTRV.
  12. There are valid statements above from both sides, but here’s what really matters in my opinion: total fabrication or not, shady or not, the media has no problem plastering shit on trump/other GOP all over the place, but when the same level of shady shit is available on hunter/other Dems, it’s shut down by chairman mao. Regardless of the authenticity/accuracy of smear information, either allow it all (and let the consumer form their opinion), or take your “moral stand” and suppress it; your call media. But when they do one for the Dems and the other for the GOP, it’s very disturbing and frankly everybody, regardless of party affiliation, should acknowledge this bullshit. It’s still suppressing free speech even if you disagree with the content/statements, and that’s wrong.
  13. I remember in UPT phase 1/2 getting reemed for not shiny enough boots. No fucks given by anyone during phase 3 and throughout the rest of my illustrious black boot career.
  14. @jazzdude Oh I get it, but my overall point is tax increase shouldn’t be a consideration until trimming all the bullshit. I’m not increasing my kid’s allowance because “he doesn’t have enough for gas” while he simultaneously continues to spend $30/week at the arcade. You can either not drive kid, or you can, while forgoing the nice-to-have arcade time. Simple fiscal responsibility, that’s all many Americans are asking for, and not receiving from all corners of the government. We’re not against better healthcare, but we are against “dial up taxes to 11” as the means to achieve it.
  15. Why are you willing to pay more before the govt does a substantial budget overhaul and some massive reallocation efforts? We spend trillions on things that are way lower priority than the big problems. Why have we given billions to those fuckstick Pakis while not funding things we need at home? Why have we spent billions on cellphones for people (newsflash, a cellphone is not a required, basic need, even in 2020)before we’ve improved education? We don’t need more revenue, we need to stop spending shitloads of money on things that are not as important as American health care, education, public safety, etc.
  16. You might be surprised how many dungeon and dragons weirdos work in positions with significant clearances. This guy is about baseline for some DARPA sections.
  17. Pk miss. The evidence is overwhelming, certainly enough to question his mental capability to hold such an office. Not saying he “for sure” doesn’t have it, but it certainly has crossed the threshold to ask the question.
  18. He also forgot he was running for president today. Not intending this to be a loaded question, but aren’t Biden supporters worried about his mental capability to hold this office for at least 4 years? Everyone misspeaks, but there’s a long line of clear evidence that Biden’s memory is failing and he gets confused pretty easily for someone who could be the leader of the U.S. Is this really not a problem in peoples’ minds?
  19. The ACES 2 and canopy jettison as part of the ejection sequence has worked great (including 0/0) on the Viper for decades. The B-mode added an auto-eject/reduced ejection time requirement in case of engine/lift fan failure during critical points of VTOL ops. So, the A/C now needlessly have Det cord and a canopy bow because of the B-model. I’m liking “Phantom 3” more every day.
  20. In AR the flight controls and power control are dampened, e.g. the same pressure on the stick (STS) moves the flight controls less in AR than it does in “normal flight” mode. Same idea with the throttle. Similar idea with the gear down, but they are not the same...I’d be speculating the same as Vandy on why the jet above has its gear down.
  21. Det cord - Another example of no pilot input into the design process. Yeah sure, even though there’s a plethora of ejection success without Det cord, I totally would rather have an explosion 3” from my nugget and eject through shards of glass and flying metal as a result of said explosion.
  22. Yep. No hyperbole - the B model is at fault for the majority of design flaws. That’s a nearly universal belief amongst pilots of all services. Even worse is the USMC has no real operational need for the F-35 (it did need new aircraft, but there were better choices), and the primary role of USMC air is CAS; it’s no secret the F-35 is not the best choice for that mission set (assuming low threat stuff the USMC would actually find itself in while only having organic air available). We should have built one model for AF/Navy (call it the C...DGAF about the A’s 9g capes) and the USMC should have purchased super hornets. We’d all be so much better off.
  23. I do both, temp dependent, though I’ve only worn jacket since. His arms and neck are obviously embedded with metal, but “they” say it’ll work itself out, no problem! I believe it’ll work it’s way out, but what does that type of metal in your body for X time do long term? Nobody actually knows...or they don’t want to admit an ugly truth. Honestly I’ll probably still take my chances and wear the flight suit when it’s hot enough...the jacket is just so damn hot above ~85 air temp, uncomfortable above 75.
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