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Everything posted by brabus

  1. It’s not an issue. The only difference between the viper and it is I loosen one shoulder strap...overblown “problem.” That’s not to say the entire canopy design/seat/ejection sequence isn’t retarded. Thanks again B Model.
  2. Listened to him on a podcast, really interesting story and perspective on things...3 hrs that went by in 3 min. Would love to meet him in person.
  3. By the time my college friends exited residency, I’d lived in 2 other countries, gone to war, shot and dropped most things the viper could carry at the time, flew around a bunch of countries and worked with a lot of foreign partners, made more lifelong friends (and lost more friends) than my college buddies will probably do in their lifetime, and overall had done a lot of shit that 99.9999999% of the world will never be able to even imagine. You are not even remotely “far” down the road of anything, plenty of time to change your idea of what you want to do. Granted I never had the inkling to do anything but fly, but you can do med school later, you cannot do this stuff later. Do well in school so that you do have that med backup in case flying doesn’t work out, but sounds like you will regret it later if you don’t try now. Also, most guys don’t want to stop after ten years (assuming guard, fuck AD!), so don’t assume you’ll want to make a clean cut after ten, chances are you won’t. But 6-9 years in could also be a good point to go part time and do med school/become a flying flight doc...but you may just as easily have no desire to do med after flying.
  4. Totally buy it for the F-35. Don’t know why the Viper wasn’t; no trend of fucked up issues with that HUD. Although maybe it changed to certified a little bit ago, can’t remember...could be making that up. Any other fighters out there with certified primary flight instrument HUDs? Back in the day I don’t think any fighters were, but maybe it has changed. Regardless, everyone uses their HUD to fly approaches and land (unless forced not to by HUD failure, etc.)
  5. To clarify, the HMD (the helmet video, which also produces the “HUD” when looking straight ahead) is not primary certified, just like almost every other fighter HUD (to my knowledge). We also have a vHUD (HUD representation on the panel display) and an EFI that are certified. So technically we should crosscheck those, and I do at least for the initial part of the approach (everything match? Good, tx to HUD). That said, every fighter pilot uses their HUD when flying approaches, landing, etc. Why would I choose to have my “head in my lap” when I can be monitoring outside looking for the runway environment whilst flying the approach (the single seat difference). The IFR discussion of HUDs doesn’t have anything to do with this mishap; it was the jacked up attitude display that he fixated on, not invalid approach data. Also, I’m not sure why HUDs aren’t certified...I’ve flown 99% of my landings and approaches in my 2k hours using the HUD, with no issues.
  6. I’ve not been directly in your shoes UPT board-wise, but I did do interview prep for the airlines, and I’m very glad I did. Sounds like bogidope is along the same lines. Many solid applicants (on paper) end up with sub par interview performance. The interview is what gets you the job in the end, so I think it’s worth spending some money to be as polished as possible. I will take the hockey player with a 3.0 GPA and solid interview over the engineer with a 4.0/99s across the board who had a meh interview.
  7. Correct. He was fixated on the jacked up HUD issue that he never cross checked whether APC was engaged or not (APC is the standard). You can also fly it manually like any other jet, just look at the AOA staple and make your FPM lineup with the middle (e.g. 13 AOA...normal apch speed). Thats something else that dropped from the crosscheck.
  8. FWIW, an extremely experienced IP and weapons officer with years in the jet did the same thing, but luckily didn’t have to eject out of it. He recognized he was fast and corrected/accepted a long landing because of the runway available (as have thousands of pilots before him), but the ensuing flight control shit show also happened. So, just food for thought...there are some significant system CFs at play (not to say they are the PCF), and no level of experience/capability is immune from these types of situations.
  9. Terrible, isn’t it? I’ve ceased being amazed by all the ridiculous things acquisitions/contracting/LM has done in relation to the program. Don’t get me wrong, the jet is awesome and extremely capable in many ways, but there are so many overlooked things when it comes to basic shit like flying an ILS, not having a HUD, a disaster of a helmet that is not even in the same league as Scorpion/HMIT, etc. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen “do some pilot shit” to salvage a poor approach. I think culturally in the fighter world there is a lot of lip serviced paid, but reality is going around on a full stop attempt is an “emotional event” for most. It shouldn’t be, but it sure seems that way. Guys are so against diverting (fear of unknown/going somewhere new), don’t want to be “the one guy” who couldn’t land on first attempt out of the entire go (ego), etc. It’s a bad cultural precedent and it’s been around my entire fighter career. I don’t know how to fix it, because saying “just go around if it doesn’t look right” or “no worries if you guys have to divert” isn’t cutting it. Maybe actually having defined criteria to meet by X AGL/distance to runway or else go around would be good (ala Airlines). Never seen anything like that published or definitively talked about in the fighter world (but certainly have in the civilian world).
  10. It’s your longterm life - are you going to resent not saying anything in 5-10 years? Is this a “huge” deal or a “nice to have?” Would you still enjoy living in the current location, or is back home really that much better? Without knowing details of your situation, nobody can give you an informed answer. On one hand I’d say “sounds good” and send you to your preferred unit and get the alternate in who truly is “all in;” I don’t want a guy who’s going to regret being around the squadron. But I can see the other side of the coin as well in terms of resources already invested. But, sounds like they haven’t invested a ton yet (OTS, UPT, etc.), and this discussion does not get better with time. The answer to my initial questions probably should drive this decision. Keep in mind that when all you know is one place, it seems weird to move somewhere far away. I live 2k miles away from where I grew up...loved growing up where I did, and love living where I do now. I had the choice when I punched from AD, and still went this direction. Don’t be afraid of the unknown.
  11. Here’s my informed viewpoint: - There are no excuses about corona, family stuff, etc...AIB/SIBs love to list everything, including which brand of knock-off cheerios he ate at breakfast, so don’t read too much into things of that nature. The AIB overemphasized these things/people are reading too much into them. - The RC is a breakdown in crosscheck from ~FAF and in. It is standard to use speedhold, it is not standard to keep speedhold on for landing. Normally you discontinue use of speedhold at some point prior to landing, but he was distracted by his fucked up HMD (e.g. “HUD”) and he lost crosscheck of his airspeed/fact speedhold was still engaged. He did in fact transfer to a visual approach (i.e. “no HUD”), just as many of you have lamented him for “not doing,” but the downfall was dropping AOA out of his crosscheck. Had he cross checked, he would have realized he was fast and made the appropriate correction. There is some negative transfer from the Strike Eagle that contributed to the above problem; but might be SE Priv...don’t know. - The “HUD” issue: It sometimes gets fucked and displays invalid attitude information...so yeah, think about the main attitude reference you look at being out of whack at night, flying an approach over the black hole of the bay. It’s pretty disorienting. There are other options and you can ignore it, so not an excuse, but it is not just a “millennial” thing. Trust me, I grew up on no datalink/helmet/9M only/visual formation (including takeoff/landings...yay!); also still use a 1:50 map in CAS and am more efficient/accurate than all those young guys trying to keep everything digital on their displays. So I get it. But, the first time I saw this shit in the TX, coupled with LM’s flippant attitude towards it, sent me ballistic. I honestly can’t believe we haven’t crashed more jets due to this problem. It’s a massive safety of flight issue, yet who knows when/if ever it’ll be fixed. If someone dies with one of these things as a CF, I hope LM gets sued for billions. - Nobody knew about the portion of control laws he got into, except a few folks at LM holding their cards close...literally not written in T.O.s, etc. Another “go fuck yourself LM” thing. When he landed and immediately realized what was going on, the jet did not act like he thought it would; his control inputs were normal/as any of us would have done in the same situation. He was unable to go around due to the jet essentially ignoring what he wanted. So, while he could have avoided this situation by the earlier cross check discussion above, its ludicrous the jet would not react properly to your control inputs at such a critical phase of flight. Checks in the mail how this might be changed in future S/W drops. For now, at least the community knows this can happen, and frankly it was only a matter of time before some guy in the CAF unintentionally played test pilot and lost. Huge foul on this not being a warning in the T.O.s or something to that effect. Bottom line that every pilot can take away: This was not so much an over reliance on technology as it was a distraction that led to fixation, and a break down of basic instrument crosscheck (at night, with no peripheral vision). Establish solid habit patterns that will keep your instrument crosscheck from breaking down, while actively ensuring you do not fixate on a problem and drop the rest of the crosscheck. Remember the guys who were trying to change a light bulb and crashed in the Everglades, or just about every pilot who has CFIT’d? This loss of SA due to basic speed/altitude/position crosscheck breakdown is the the type of thing that has caused tens of thousands of aviation accidents at this point. It is agnostic to airframe and every single one of us is capable of distraction leading to bad/no crosscheck. God knows I’ve been in countless situations where I “broke the chain” in my own cockpit far too late for comfort, but here I am, wiser and alive. So many times it could have been the other way around in a matter of seconds. So, I took something from this mishap, and it wasn’t “fucking SNAPs and their reliance on Gucci shit!”
  12. Our primary divert/airspace emer landing airport has no cables, for a $100M single seat airplane. I assure you the AF doesn’t give a shit, and will find a way to blame the pilot if someone ejects off the end of the runway because there was no cable to stop them during an EP.
  13. They both did terrible, there was no winner, only losers. I’m embarrassed for my country after that shit show. As far as voters, I don’t think last night moved any voters one way or the other...they both sucked so bad that no rational person would have watched that and thought, “yeah, I’m going to switch to B” or “well I was undecided, but now I’m voting for A.” If anybody thinks one side won, then you simply are experiencing your own confirmation bias towards who you were already going to vote for anyways. No minds changed.
  14. Yep, that’s valid. My guess is his ego is in the way and he’s concerned about his image as an “asskicking business man.” My opinion is he shouldn’t care, because right now his image should rest on what he produces as president (policy, etc.) That’s what he should care about.
  15. I think the possibility of this article being factually correct is the same as its full of shit. Don’t take this to be a defense of trump, it’s not...but they could just put the tax returns out there without stating the source’s name (we already know it’s someone connected to the Manhattan DA’s office), so why don’t they? With so many political hit pieces flying around right now, the media has almost no credibility in my eyes; show me the source information/“show your work” or I put little to no stock in your claims. If it’s all true, then it sure seems like Trump is not nailing it in business like he has claimed. But, I also know a little bit about running businesses and writing stuff off (including losses) to significantly lower tax burden is not only legal, it’s expected, and you’d be a complete dipshit to not do it. Bottom line, I remain neutral on this until info/proof beyond a MSM “source” said so. Also, a friend talked to a lady the other day who said the reason she’s voting against trump is because he sterilizes immigrants. The news (her words) told her that; without any fact checking, especially of such an outrageous claim. For those who aren’t following, a nurse claims this is happening at ICE facilities, but for one it is alleged this has been occurring for a long time (well before trump even announced running), and two there’s no evidence (surprise surprise). Yet for Jane blow America, that headline was enough to turn her into a Biden fan. Be for a Biden/against trump all you want, but at least don’t have the bedrock of your reasoning be trash reporting from the MSM/social media.
  16. Right there, you just displayed your refusal to acknowledge that “your side” shares responsibility in this political “team sport” mentality. You literally just told people how they feel/perceive things is invalid because it’s not in line with your narrative. Textbook projection (and yes, it’s happens across the entire political spectrum, so I’m not saying you’re the only one who does it...on here or elsewhere).
  17. You very well stated exactly how many right leaning people feel about the left. So what does that say about our society in general? I think the underlying problem is politics has become a team sport and nobody is willing to admit other viewpoints may have merit, even if you don’t fully agree with them. Instead, everyone who doesn’t agree with you is immediately ignorant, biased, doesn’t fact check, use shitty sources, yeah but!....it goes on and on. You do it, I do it, we all do. Maybe the first step is admitting we as a country are at this point, and need to cool the jets and be able to have conversations that don’t end in total agreement.
  18. brabus

    Gun Talk

    https://www.crossbreedholsters.com/holsters/inside-the-waistband-holsters/supertuck-iwb-holster.html Been using that with a G43 for 5 years. I forget the gun is even there, that’s how comfortable/non-intrusive it is (including hours sitting in a car). I have one of their OWB mag holders on my non-dominant side. My opinion/experience: OWB on the strong side hip area is the best/quickest draw, followed by IWB in same location. However, IWB is primarily what I do because I prefer to be concealed. I’ll OWB carry in the woods/winter when I’ve got a fleece or jacket on. https://remoraholsterstore.com/ I have two of these for when I don’t have a belt on (athletic shorts, quick run to the gas station in sweats, etc.) I prefer the more secure feel of the crossbreed, but these still work pretty well for those quick trips without a belt.
  19. It will be impossible for ops; meanwhile the underworked/underperforming shoe clerks will produce an even shittier product/service. Now for staff, that makes a lot more sense, at least in terms of pilot retention (probably get the same product, but more guys will be willing to take staff if it means not moving/still get to fly). Copy retention a smaller issue right now, but it’ll be right back to a huge issue shortly in the grand scheme of things.
  20. I understand your perspective, and I think it is valid. Perhaps the “perfect” leader would be Trump’s production combined with Obama’s emotional intelligence/communication ability ( I know that’s very simplistic). I do not like how Trump communicates or even does some things, but I place a lot of importance on what his administration produces. While I prefer him to not suck so bad at comm and significantly lacking in emotional intelligence, he produces a lot and in the end, those results are worth far more than a leader who talks a good game and makes me feel good, but doesn’t do shit to help _____ / fucks ____ up wholesale.
  21. I’m not going to claim I’ve heard/read every statement the president has made regarding election results, but I’ve seen several taken wildly out of context, as he was specifically addressing the mail-in ballot shit show, which opens up the system for fraud. Hell, even absentee ballots aren’t without risk of fraud, and the mail-in ones people want are even less resistant to fuckery. There’s a long list of things that contradict your claim of “void of any leadership.” I get it you don’t agree with some (most?) of his admin’s policies, but your disagreement is not a corollary to lack of leadership. Just as I don’t agree with many Obama policies and did not like him as president, but I will never say Obama lacks leadership capability.
  22. Nothing an SII can’t fix. Now, how would you like to hear about the exciting growth of the new pilot training that’s 100% in the sim!?!
  23. Dissolving the electoral college is naive and will not solve problems, it’ll create more. We don’t need to do all of these significant system altering ideas, we simply need term limits. Don’t even give the Pelosis or the McConnells a chance to become “political rulers,” make sure the AOCs are just an insignificant stain on the political map for a few years, etc. This one change would absolutely crush the level of partisan politics we see nowadays. We’d also see candidates who are in line with the framer’s intent...rep the people for 6-9 years, then GTFO and go back to being whatever you were previously. Policy making and voting would be based on what’s best, not on how to get re-elected for the 10th time. Kickbacks, etc. would likely be less because nobody has enough time to make it “high” and stay there in politics...the return on kickbacks/bribes/back door deals would be substantially less, and so goes the incentive to do them.
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