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Champ Kind

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Everything posted by Champ Kind

  1. Quick synopsis on Carl's program and his examiner? Haven't heard much about that operation in a while.
  2. If you have USAA, look into their electronics coverage in their valuable property protection. Inexpensive and great coverage, especially for multiple items.
  3. Off base care is "just as bad"? Not a very convincing argument.
  4. The MDG needs to realize that the OG/MXG doesn't exist just to provide warm bodies to keep their appointment books full.
  5. I don't think there's an option for it on the multi cam flight suit, unless you wear your desert name patch on your shoulder pocket.
  6. Bought a 13" MacBook Pro w/ retina earlier this year (replaced a first gen MacBook Air) and it's hands down the best computer I've ever owned.
  7. Probably better than anything you've experienced in a while...
  8. What type of questions? How do you mean "ugly"?
  9. Can we please just stop transitioning from one Middle Eastern cesspool to another?
  10. He has a point. You've got your head in the sand if you think your SR isn't going to glance at the educational history portion of your SURF for helping break the tie between two otherwise identical records during DP/P allocation. But hey, it's a start.
  11. Slight thread drift: feedback from airline interviews say that they also like to see AAD and some form of community service. Granted, this is just for the interview, and I can't imagine they give two shits once you're hired, but it's still interesting nonetheless.
  12. So, ISIS should have picked.....their battles....a little more wisely?
  13. Send an email to him over the weekend, at that...
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