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Everything posted by Jaded

  1. You mean, like a FAIP? I keed, I keed. But seriously.
  2. Seriously. Kunsan isn't that bad - the pay just isn't good enough. There's a reason that some of these billets have *never* been filled.
  3. I wonder what would happen if all 6 refused to sign the 10 year ADSC after drop night.
  4. Why change the bonus when you can just stop loss people? All of you that think the air force is going to be forward thinking about this are crazy.
  5. I think that the brass will do nothing to fix the underlying issues and will continue to put band-aids on the situation to the detriment of the long term viability of the airframes and career field.
  6. Apparently, the last viper VML had > 50% of those eligible elect to 7 day opt.
  7. Anybody have the stop loss statute handy? I'd like to see if it states reasons that stop loss may be implemented.
  8. Man, what would a fighter do in a CAS wheel without a synthetic aperture radar?
  9. Why would 30 years at an airline make you miserable?
  10. You expect to make 75k a year from retirement after being passed over for major? I'm not a math major, but...
  11. I never got a form 8 in the 38. Does 1c apply to me if I get IFF next? The reg is written that way to prevent people from doing a b course and bailing. Giving you an extra ADSC because your phase 2 aircraft doesn't exist anymore is quibbling. If the air force wants to use technicalities to keep pilots in the force, it's going to lose more from bad faith than it's going to keep with narrow interpretations.
  12. Never accept the first answer you get from a support agency.
  13. We are the cyber service and we don't have airmen qualified to install hard drives? That's insanity. I feel bad for you man. The whole enterprise seems like it's run by people who don't understand technology. Tech company CEOs are people who have been in the game for decades - we need to get real experts in at the top level to fundamentally change the way we do IT.
  14. A non continued major could get a bill for $125k and it was only a few years ago that 157 individuals were shown the door at 15. I think that would make it tough to actually spend any more than 1 year of the bonus at a time.
  15. Our next TDY is about 2 weeks long and has us flying out of an air base a couple hours drive from the base I am stationed. The Air Force is refusing to stand up a dining hall for the 1000 people it is sending there. Rather, they are providing us a pile of MREs and $3.50 a day, saying that they aren't required to provide anything more than that. I would be more likely to stay in if they took that $50k/yr and provided a minimum quality of life greater than a bare mattress and an MRE. Lacking that basic promise, they can shove that money up their ass.
  16. I'll take "Things that won't dent the pilot retention problem" for $1000, Trebek..
  17. California weather might be worth the taxes.
  18. Honest question: who opts out of school and stays on the military?
  19. That doesn't sound like a thing that would happen. Nobody cares when an IDE select gets out of the air force.
  20. Alternatively, what's the chance of getting kicked out at 15 years as an O-4?
  21. Was the problem at BMT the recruits raping each other? Oh, no, that's right, it was the instructors.
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