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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. And I think duty to retreat is limited to just a few far left states. Its the exception, not the rule. There are several states that allow use of force to protect PROPERTY not just life. (I.e. I can just shoot you for trying to steal my car out of my driveway)
  2. I disagree. On the long look of human history, violence, war, and untimely death is WAY DOWN. We’re living in a golden age of peace and prosperity.
  3. But my, we’ve certainly strayed far from that initial construct and philosophical intent, haven’t we.
  4. And back in the founding father’s days, you could buy or make weapons on par with, or superior to, the military and government weapons of the day. I want a hellfire missile.
  5. But eagles are getting pricey to operate and maintain ....
  6. If money was no object? F-15s with various radars. Most bank for the buck? F-16s with ea pods
  7. Here at a major airline, if I think about flying my flight duty period has started ....
  8. Virtual flag has both "imaginary" bad guys as well as live bad guys in actual sims to varying effect.
  9. I have a boat and a wife. 3 of 3 would break me.
  10. Everything I can afford is too goddamned slow and lacks radar/guns
  11. Look up pusillanimous. Thats the root (sts) (the more you know graphic here)
  12. So we can assume you told the requester no.
  13. Ask to talk to the first officer in the finance chain of command. Ruffles feathers with the sweaties...but gets the job done usually.
  14. You haven't lived until you've fought the egg fight!
  15. So they're interchangeable then? if the pilot doesn't show up you can just put 2 wso in the jet?
  16. It still bobbles my mind that the republicans, many of whom have been in office for quite a while, didn't have a polished, well thought out, well researched, and ready to go "Obama care repeal" oplan on the shelf. I guess I'll continue to vote anti-encumbent ....
  17. I'd get something in writing before I made the jump ....
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