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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2020 in Posts

  1. Wokeness training is cancelled. Signed - POTUS. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/M-20-34.pdf
    9 points
  2. I think it’s fair to say I’m on the side of “COVID-19 is being overblown.” However, it pains me when people throw out the 6% number based on a reading of death certificates. My girlfriend had COVID and it really messed her up. Today, (nearly 6 months later) she can’t walk up more than a few flights of stairs because her lungs just won’t get the O2 needed. The doc has her on all kinds of things to try and help, and I think eventually she’ll regain her ability to breathe like before. I mention that because if she died today, say from just going too hard in a workout or straining herself, what would the coroner put down? Probably something pulmonary-related, but there’s a decent chance he/she would see COVID in her medical records and add that too. And you know what? They wouldn’t be wrong. COVID started the problems. For a parallel that might help, people don’t die only from HIV. That virus simply opens their bodies up to death from other things, such as infection. Should a coroner not note HIV alongside death by sepsis? Put simply, there’s far too much variability in what a coroner can put down on that paper to read too deeply into it. I think the death toll is significantly less than the 180,000 number, but it sure isn’t 0.
    3 points
  3. Atlantic publishes "anonymously sourced" article last night. On the record sources, including infamous John Bolton, say it's false. Well-produced and scripted Democrat attack ads released using the story today, within 8 hours of the release. Same for the anti-Trump veterans letters being distributed citing the piece as evidence. Same outlet, among others, was 24/7 "Russia, Russia, Russia." Color me squint-eyed and a little cynical about another type of collusion. Not to mention, nary a word anywhere about a FOIA lawsuit filed this week against Secret Service for admittedly destroying records regarding Biden feeling up the wife of an agent at a photo op. Agent had to be physically restrained from decking "Fingers." Nothing to see here. Move along...
    2 points
  4. You guys have any experience with this training? At my org (group level), we went around the room and, if you were white, you basically had to admit how you have been privileged and how you have internal biases. Super not awkward and fake, let me tell you. And this wasn’t optional. Literally every person had to talk. If you were black, you had to go around and tell the room about your experiences being oppressed based on your skin color. One of the TSgts didn’t know what to say and started rambling about how she’s never had a bad experience or felt scared until the last week when a rent a cop pulled her over on base for speeding. She went on to say that the cop was super nice and did nothing wrong, but that she felt like she should be scared so she was. We are creating victims and people with victim complexes. It also amplifies any sort of racial divide that existed before. The whole training takes away from the fact that there really are race bias problems out there, and that is what we should be focusing on.
    2 points
  5. I use a iPad mini4. Great size for the the standard GA airplane without blocking too much view. For the headset, A20, no question.
    1 point
  6. This is all true. Definitely a "he said/she said" article. However, the Atlantic likely notified the White House and both parties last week they intended to publish the article. This is common in journalism before you publish a slandering story and I heard as early as Tuesday that the Atlantic intended to publish a story about Trump making negative remarks about the US military. So no surprises there. However.... This is the same President who called POW's losers, and who disparaged the gold star parents of a fallen veteran and described his merits creating jobs and real estate as equally sacrificial to the life of their son. I'm not saying this makes Trump a good or bad President. Its an interesting observation. If he is high functioning autistic, he would not be alone, as many people in the intel community believe his good buddy Putin is also high functioning. In fact, just looking up the definition of Asperger's again: "a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests." He definitely has repetitive speech patterns.
    1 point
  7. The major party POTUS candidates have been especially bad the last two elections. I'm a third party guy, but I'd take any of the major party candidates from the previous 3 decades over Trump, Hillary or Biden.
    1 point
  8. I’d feel badly for him too, since eating crap in SA is much worse than dying in a fireball of your own creation or doing same while taking some buds with you. 🙄 At least 3 tries at a set of wings is way more than most guys get. Somehow I think the free world will be okay without another target occupying the driver seat of an otherwise useful fighter.
    1 point
  9. Deny. Deflect. Make counter accusations. SOP for politicians is point blame for their own choices, especially when caught.
    1 point
  10. This is bothersome. They should've given you the #1 and gotten creative with the Lt Col (s)'s strat since it was of no importance to him and great importance to you. EVERY command I have been a part of would've done this.
    1 point
  11. So you're the one who bought a copy. I always wondered who that was...
    1 point
  12. We are literally de-evolving intellectually as a species. The entire point of The Enlightenment was the idea that humans could use logic and reason to transcend what had previously been tribal barriers to knowledge and understanding of other humans. That the human experience was common to all humans, and that personal experience (e.g. "my truth") could be understood and empathized with by other humans. People are now being taught from a young age -- not just through formal education, but through social cues and other informal learning, and in a wide variety of social and cultural groups -- that one's identity group is the most important characteristic of their existence, which is the diametric opposite concept. This is a road that has a bad end for human civilization.
    1 point
  13. Good for them, actually happy to see them owning the mistake instead of just deleting it with no mention
    1 point
  14. They must have forgot that Coast Guard tankers are painted white and orange. It's a common error.
    1 point
  15. While I was AD still (about 31 days ago) cyber/comm had started to push along these lines, but seems to have stalled. Each DT 2 (or 4, can't remember) Year Groups would have their records gone through and be ranked top/middle/bottom. It would also include generic vectors/advice for career improvement. The sig block would also indicate which group your packages were evaluated by so you could (theoretically) call one of the Col's up for feedback. Any of you guys have this? I'd be shocked if it was my AFSC only. It was a good start to getting the career-feedback process right, because Sq/CC's seem to know fuck-all about it unless they're a 3%'er. My first 3 Sq/CC's did, and it led to me planning, and pushing correctly (plus coattails). I've had 1 that didn't, and their guidance sucked (along with their general CC abilities). Because I knew that placement (top 3rd), had feedback from my boss (Lt Col) and his boss (Col), I knew what was the likely outcome for the next 5 years. It didn't work for my family, and I punched. Dream was to be a Sq/CC, got to be a DO...it's ok! AF changed their promotion timelines, and I didn't want to be exiting service at 45-yrs-old coming off my first command tour (maybe). OODA looped my future, and the outside world is so nice. Telling someone they suck is easy; telling them why and how to improve it for a future career in the USAF is challenging since things keep changing.
    1 point
  16. SocialD and Prozac are sooooo right and said it best = SENIORITY is everything. Everything trickles down from there. Bypassed Captain for several years now, but I eventually will bite. Want the Clams, don’t need the clams as lifestyle is everything at this stage. Everyone is different and will choose a different path accordingly. Several Captains have given me crap within 10 mins of meeting downstairs, but all I say is “Have you ever been #1 anywhere???” Granted, #1 at my base specifically, not most of the others. I would have been 5 from the BOTTOM as a Captain same base with absolutely no control. Most Captains appreciate and understand my position, especially having someone sleep opposite rest periods as I have been dragging around the world with our non-standard operation for quite awhile now. OK, I digressed a bit here. Point is: My Base just closed TODAY! Although having been forewarned a couple of months ago, it was astonishing after about 2 decades of solid contract work when this first started. It was nice driving to work and then back home after a long trip, but these are the up and downs of this business. Boom, lost #1 so do I bid for Captain now - not likely as I am still within the top 3 of a few of our bases. Commuting does blow, but not like others as we are ticketed/put to bed but now I could potentially lose 12-24 hours if not being able to hold a commute Day 1 line. Probably OK though, Seniority is Everything!!! ALL airlines have their ups and downs. Things will recover in due time, perhaps shaped a bit differently but the world is still turning. Flying rubber dog poop out of HKG has been advantageous no doubt. I am worried for a few of my friends based in HKG with Team Purple now. Have tried contacting them and nothing heard for just over a month now. Big Red moved in and things are upside down it seems. Managed to avoid it for awhile. Threats are beyond our basic imagination it seems. Stay frosty.
    1 point
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