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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2013 in all areas

  1. Write it in crayon, using small monosyllabic words so A1 can comprehend.
    10 points
  2. I know lots of you guys have read Tony Carr's open letter to Rep. Ryan on his John Q. Public blog… it has since been published on businessinsider.com. It looks like he is now getting a bigger stage… Tony is scheduled to appear on FoxNews tomorrow morning (Friday, 27 Dec) on Fox and Friends to discuss the retirement cuts for military members. He doesn't have a time yet, but I'll update this when I hear for those interested in watching. For those who don't know Tony, I can't think of a better guy to represent us in a forum like this. Update: Already posted by Chuck, but it looks like 6:15 EST. They will most definitely replay it again a few more times during the 3 hr block of Fox and Friends, but if you are interested in seeing it live it will be at 6:15. Good luck, Tony… thanks for fighting for us!
    4 points
  3. Merry Christmas! Seasons Greetings! Happy Kwanzaa! Blessed Eid! Happy Hanukkah! If any of that offends you.... Fuck you and Merry Christmas!
    3 points
  4. No place better to wish everyone a very merry Christmas than in the Squadron Bar! I hope everyone is able to spend the day with friends and family, and for those of you who cannot, please be safe wherever you are and know we appreciate your service and sacrifice! Cheers! M2
    2 points
  5. I just thought of this... I'm going to start a company that makes nomex gloves with touch screen capability. Then I'll charge $900/pair and sell them to the air force. That way we can all stay super safe and keep our gloves on throughout all phases of flight without losing the touch screen capability of the iPads. Now we can zoom in those minis to see the exact runway threshold crossing height , because if I don't brief that to my entire 4-ship then we will all either roll inverted valsalva and eject or land and immediately start sexually harassing every woman on base. It's science you can't argue it.
    2 points
  6. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your ass, happy Hanukkah.
    2 points
  7. That fvcking ELF! Here's his before and after pics at my house. He's been to one too many 1st Fridays....
    1 point
  8. A big thanks to all who are away from their loved ones and families today. I've been there, and I know the vast majority of you will shrug it off as part of the job. Nevertheless, :jd: :jd: to all of you!
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. One small gun on an airplane with a crew, no missiles, no bombs, slower than most cars. Sounds expensive, not reality. Keep the AC-130, now that's a combat platform.
    1 point
  11. Merry Christmas to the finest group of degenerates and misfits this side of the flightline.
    1 point
  12. Merry Christmas to all the fuckers on my all time favorite electronic distraction.
    1 point
  13. Merry Christmas from the AOR!
    1 point
  14. 1. Wow, you must be omniscient or something. You really knew these programs were coming? You must be a real insider. Stop it. Everyone knew this shit was coming. You get no credit. 2. You are also illiterate. Read what you quoted. The issue wasn't with the surprise that these programs were coming, it was with the Friday afternoon before Christmas-week release of conflicting, useless information about a potential career and life altering program that left these guys stressing with more questions than answers. And all you can say is "when our usefulness expires, so do our careers? Fuck you. Until you A1 clowns can get a grip on the fact that there are real humans involved in each of your little projects, you'll continue to buffoon them by treating everyone as a number merely serving "at the pleasure of our senior leaders". Just like you have every single time something like this has come out. Own it. Own the fact that the A1 world has fucked it up over and over again before. Then maybe you'll stop being so clueless and arrogant when you institute new programs like this. And maybe you won't leave us digging out from the mess you made for years like you have every time before. 3. Why do you not correct these guys when they talk like you are a "senior leader"? You and I both know that you are not, yet you say nothing. There's nothing wrong with not being one, but there is something wrong with letting that misperception go unchecked. Grow a pair. Or does it feed your troll ego to let guys think you are more of a big shot than you really are?
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Tony Carr's latest blog on the subject...http://www.jqpublic-blog.com/?p=600
    1 point
  17. It's been said before but bears repeating: Congress should cut UNEARNED entitlements, of every kind, before cutting EARNED entitlements. Anything else is breaking faith.
    1 point
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