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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2024 in all areas

  1. Dude, it’s so bad. Areas I used to go for a pleasant run in, on layovers just a few short years ago, have turned into absolute unrecognizable cesspools. It has done wonders for my mile time, however, as I’m running for my fuckin life.
    6 points
  2. To Nunya's point, profit sharing pays out early in the year, allowing one to adjust contributions to max out the 401K using more company funds. To Dear Lord's point, the income limit is a player. My union produces an excel to help with maths as there are competing limits. To the masses, there are two (or more) ways. Set a 401k contribution to max your personal limit and let the rest play out for the rest of your flying days and thus have more time drinking beer, or geek it up and play with maths every day of the year. NERDS!!!!
    2 points
  3. Somewhere there is a kick ass DA that will take the "professional, for hire" agitator and will put em in jail for a long time, then find the source of the hire, and take em for all they got. The generation in college might learn not to be so gullible next time. Moms and Dads need to be kicking some serious ass too. Any those arrested for their bullshit need to have their student loans tagged as "must be repaid, no forgiveness." Peaceful protest has a place, but this ain't it. Peaceful protest doesn't end in arrest.
    2 points
  4. Senators need maximum term limits.
    2 points
  5. I read some literature that suggested Bird Flu H5N1 has a mortality rate close to 60%, but this is likely a large overestimate given ascertainment bias. That being said there are three traditional (non-MRNA), FDA approved vaccines that would be deployed. There are currently 10 Million doses in mass bulk storage (but it takes two doses to immunize). Lets hope they keep there eye on the ball and stockpile some more vaccine.
    2 points
  6. To be honest, I'd rather die than have Biden or Newsom (or any other government officials Rs or Ds) tell me how to survive another "pandemic". They will fuck this one up too.
    1 point
  7. I have no doubt they will repeat the play, but many plays only work once. It'll have to be at least 50 years before that trick can be pulled again. People just won't do it this time. Caveat: if the disease is actually more dangerous than a new strain of flu, for example if it kills children instead of old people, the masks will go on in a heartbeat.
    1 point
  8. I completely understand the distaste for trump, but holy shit, if one votes a second time for this disaster admin, they’re brain dead.
    1 point
  9. Today, May 3rd in perhaps one of the tone def actions taken by the Biden administration (and that is saying something), the U.S. Department of Education announced an investigation of Emory University over...."Anti-Muslim discrimination." Seriously, if you voted for this clown, punch yourself in the gonads, repeatedly. Weeks of campus protests calling for genocide and the destruction of Israel...this is the response.
    1 point
  10. Huge props to the folks at University of Florida. No doubt channeling @M2 when they published this masterpiece.
    1 point
  11. Cowards should’ve protested at the Wyoming Gate after sundown! Show some bravery damnit! 😂 All the fent zombies are dormant right now.
    1 point
  12. Taiwanese U-2 pilot Johnny Shen died last Thursday, age 92 He was a U-2 pilot with The Black Cat Squadron on Taiwan from 1968 to 1973. He was admitted to the CAF Academy in January 1952, then trained in the PT-17 and the T-6. After his graduation in December 1955, he was assigned to the 4th Tactical Fighter Group in Chiayi. He was first sent to Tainan to be trained on the T-33, then returning to Chiayi to fly the F-84 in 1956. Later he converted to the F-100. He left the 35th Sq in 1973 and became the vice military attache in Vietnam. After the loss of Vietnam, he returned to Taiwan to served on several desk jobs. He retired from the CAF as a Colonel in 1977 and joined China Airlines, where he flew the Boeing 707, 727, 767, and 747, and Airbus A-300. He transferred to EVA Airlines in 1992. Then he returned served in Taiwan's Civil Aviation Administration until 1998. After retirement, he emigrated to Canada and lived in Vancouver. These guys flew some really risky missions. Him him...
    1 point
  13. Brother it PAINS me to say the words vote Trump (kind of like having to choose between vomiting and Diarrhea), but his shot was not mandatory.
    1 point
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