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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2013 in all areas

  1. You got it all wrong... an FE with two Masters degrees who just cross flowed from a 130J landed gear up flying solo in a C-17; turns out he was sexually harassing the gay singer from Tops in Blue at the time that he was planning the Christmas Party with when he learned he got passed over for a second time for Lt Col and got non-continued. Now he doesn't know what to do because he wanted to sign the bonus that got delayed and isn't sure if he can still transfer his GI Bill to his kids. All of this happened while landing at the wrong airport in Tampa when he was supposed to be landing in Benghazi, but just as he was manually calculating TOLD he got a call from both Obama and Clinton telling him not to go. He was planning on getting out any day now anyway when the Airlines start their massive hiring wave! I guess they already had the court martial and he got convicted by a bunch of shoes on the jury, but a 3 Star overturned the verdict. So when all was said and done... it was pretty much a long week for Rainman!
    10 points
  2. Or the Air & Space Sexual Harassment Obliteration Liaison Executive?
    3 points
  3. JASDF ATC is a living, breathing example of how MORE comm does not equal more SA. I love loathe keying the mic 14 times more than necessary on a clear VFR day, while they make 69 useless radio calls instead of actually managing the pattern like they're supposed to do. My personal favorite sequence here w/the JASDF: "Viper 1, initial." "Viper 1, report blake." "Viper 1, in the break." "Viper 1, report base." "Viper 1, base, gear, stop." "Viper 1, gear check, crear to rand, lunway 28." "Viper 2, base, gear, stop." "Viper 2, gear check, tlaffic turning base to final, F-16 randing lunway 28." Every. Goddamn. Time.
    2 points
  4. Boy, good thing he's having it reviewed some more; I'm sure it's cosmically different than the previous 5 years' offerings.
    1 point
  5. 529 Donation Info: (Note: this 529 has been approved/authorised by the surviving spouses). In response to the tragic loss of the KC-135 warriors, the River Rats, in conjunction with the Air Warrior Courage Foundation (AWCF), have established college savings 529 plans to accept tax deductible contributions for Capt Victoria "Tori" Pinckney's daughter and TSgt Herman "Tre" Mackey III's daughter's college education. Anyone wishing to honor Tori and Tre, may contribute individual funds providing 529 College Savings plan for their children. There are two ways to give and all donations are tax deductible. NOTE: It is very important to follow the directions below concerning the "In Memory..." Verbiage) 1) Send a check to the AWCF, P.O. Box 877, Silver Springs MD. 20918. In a separate note or on the check, please write "In Memory of XXXXXXXXXX". 2) Donate Online: Go to AWCF Home page http:// www.airwarriorcourage.org . On the home page is a DONATE button. Click it and it will take you to a page with a GIVE DIRECT button. Click it and fill in the blanks. in the COMMENTS block, please write "In Memory of XXXXXXXXXX". Please help spread the donation info to the max extent possible (squadron e-mail, social media, etc)....the more exposure we get, the more money we can raise for the children! Cheers, Cap-10
    1 point
  6. Screw that. I'll be damned if I ever fly on any jet that doesn't accordion fold their washcloths. Seriously, tri-folding? What am I, a farmer?
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. The JSTARS SOF program isn't much different from the AWACS SOF program. In that, it is basically just a filter for the OG so he doesn't have to listen to an hour of discussion between Ops and Mx about who is going to take the cancel.
    1 point
  9. Yes, A C-17 landed short. If a warrant officer FE had been in the cockpit and at the SOF desk, that $h!t wouldn't have happened. Guaranteed. <sorry bro, couldn't resist>
    1 point
  10. I've been in & out of a SWF or 2...does that count?
    1 point
  11. Someone's gotta do the walkaround, preflight, and carry the DV's bags.
    1 point
  12. Me sizing you up for a brand new RATR hat in the very near future....
    1 point
  13. Surf70, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
    1 point
  14. So let me get this straight...women aren't always telling the truth when they claim they were sexually assaulted? Bitches be crazy!
    1 point
  15. A thousands times this. Arrogance and hubris have been the cause of MANY mishaps. Show my a guy who has never screwed up in an airplane and I will show you someone who has never flown one. Part of being a good pilot is recognizing your own vulnerability to making mistakes and be vigilant to identify them before mistakes grow into mishaps. QC your own work just like you would with a student pilot, ESPECIALLY if you are an AC, and DOUBLE ESPECIALLY if you are an IP. The higher your position, the more likely the rest of your crew will be to accept what you have done as the "correct" way to do things, and not speak up due to your experience and seniority. If you think you can/will never make a mistake in an airplane, you need to find a new line of work, because you are destined to kill yourself and others with your arrogance.
    1 point
  16. I don't get it...Do you tanker guys wave your hands at the bar to practice tanker turn-ons to your watches (instead of BFM)?
    1 point
  17. There were a handful in the very beginning without a U-28.
    1 point
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