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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2013 in all areas

  1. I have only two questions. 1) Why do you need an FE when Booms/Loadmasters are in the cockpit reading approach plates and critiquing ILS approaches? 2) Are FEs like Navs, or are they actually real people with souls and feelings? Thanks
    5 points
  2. Why do I need a systems expert? In a decade of flying, I never had a problem I couldn't figure out with a copilot and a loadmaster and the crap-ton of pubs on board. If I did, I could have always used one of the 9 million radios to call Boeing. But I never did. Look, you have an opinion. Which is fine. It's unsupported by facts. And anyone on this forum. And every major aircraft manufacturer. And every airline. But hang in there man, the rest of the world is wrong.
    3 points
  3. Fucking hell, another FE argument? Hey Surf70, it's called progress. Look it up. I fly an airplane with an FE and even I can see their relevance in modern aviation has all but disappeared. What are you going to say next, that taking FE's out of 747's was a bad idea, and that the Bagram crash never would have happened if they still had them on -400's? GMAFB. I give you facepaw.
    3 points
  4. Surf70, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
    3 points
  5. Why can't they copy the TSA, Congress and all the other federal entities that suck? That should set them back a decade or so.
    3 points
  6. That's where Rainman's been the last few months...
    3 points
  7. Me sizing you up for a brand new RATR hat in the very near future....
    2 points
  8. The FE can also shut up and get me more damn coffee.
    2 points
  9. I can't speak to 13-10, but I've seen both top notch guys get U-28 and middle of the road guys get U-28. All depends on your class and what the folks want. Bottom line is do the best you can in every phase, don't be the dick who won't help others out, and don't do anything stupid. It usually works out ok.
    1 point
  10. or you could just choke yourself.
    1 point
  11. Surf70, guess the airshow sequester has freed up your weekends to post here rather than bug pilots in public.
    1 point
  12. Having an FE would reduce the mishap rate. C-5s have an FE. It's ridiculous to say that we train a person for 50 wks (x2)...but an AF pilot needs an FE to determine a go-around. An extra set of eyes okay, maybe...but should NOT be the savior.
    1 point
  13. Trolling. "If we elected FEs to Congress, we'd be swimming in cash."
    1 point
  14. 1000' short isn't likely a case of the sucks. But, you knew that... I think there was a C-17 crew that landed 56,000 short about a year ago...but you knew that. I heard the CP switched his display tho.
    1 point
  15. Buddy of mine made this video tribute for Shell 77.
    1 point
  16. It's almost like they had a copy to reverse engineer.
    1 point
  17. True in any airframe. And here on the interwebs too! Famous last words. If you look at the vast majority of aircrew involved in incidents you will find very serious people who expect excellence from themselves and others. Nothing scares me more than someone who doesn't think that they could be next.
    1 point
  18. This mantra gets rolled out every incident, maybe our crews are actually ######ing up? I'm tired of this attitude. We are professional aviators, when did we lose the ability to call people out? Every incident I hear the "it could happen to anyone crowd" fire up the propaganda machine. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it won't happen to me because I take my job seriously and still expect excellence out of my crew. These aren't act of god incidents, landing short, wrong airport, no gear are all pilot error. And before you say microburst, reference ground speed check, do we not look at this stuff anymore? *Waiting with my popcorn to find out how I'm going to eat crow on this one*
    1 point
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