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Day Man

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Everything posted by Day Man

  1. is there some reason they call out the 6,200' airstrip? seems...desperate
  2. where else you gonna go? https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/vanguard-fined-providing-misleading-account-statements-its-customers-2023-06-01/ https://www.barrons.com/advisor/articles/massachusetts-fines-fidelity-750-000-for-rubber-stamping-options-applications-d1e1c9c6
  3. he has almost 3000 videos...doesn't really seem like censorship to me occam's razor says he said/did some stupid shit that violated the T&Cs. either that or the lizard people in Raven Rock called sundar pichai...tough call
  4. I think you're confused about what "controlling interest" means...and that doesn't explain why those investment companies want Biden in the chair.
  5. care to extrapolate on your conspiracy theory?
  6. because i could literally only think of one person? (Devos was the only other and she was garbage, i had to google Ross, couldn't remember what role Carson had, etc) So sorry for trying to understand a viewpoint different than mine. 🙄 Not sure why you're so worried about our discussion anyways...
  7. i simply asked him to elaborate on his thought as part of a 2-way conversation...you should try it sometime!
  8. care to cite some? the only one I can think of is Mattis who basically resigned in protest
  9. not to mention shit like this: a christian nationalist quoting an old book of parables with regards to (possible nuclear) war...certainly not radical 🙄
  10. if you read the linked AIB, you will see that is not true.
  11. https://apnews.com/article/russia-moscow-gunmen-concert-hall-injuries-fe7db5bb4ad4df17b6cbd04a3250faa1
  12. draining the swamp is pointless if you refill it with toxic waste
  13. welcome to the thread bro
  14. you sure? seen anything real besides 'some guy at an anti-immigration org said this?'
  15. bad news buddy...you can be rated and not a pilot
  16. Did you purposefully omit the preceding sentence? that's not how any vaccine works bro...and I can't remember any legitimate medical authority saying either of those things.
  17. Your bias is clouding your reading comprehension...it's not based on manufacturer, it's based on a live attenuated vaccine vs an inactivated/mRNA vaccine. And I'm not a doctor or biologist or other related big brain, but a 2 week deferral for a live attenuated vaccine vs an inactivated one hardly seems like a smoking gun WRT your vaccine conspiracy theory.
  18. i know you want to get spun up over this fake hysteria, but a 5 second google search will tell you this is nothing https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/dlp/coronavirus--covid-19--and-blood-donation.html
  19. https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-burisma-fbi-informant-lying-6969656f6012780a23a4b8841ce2689b
  20. of course they are...did you bother to click the links? these are the people trump told to 'stand by': (it means '6 million wasn't enough')
  21. the damn left and their acceptance of holocaust denial 🙄 https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/25/politics/trump-kanye-west-nick-fuentes-mar-a-lago https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/political-fallout-after-texas-gop-executive-committee-votes-against-ban-on-association-with-nazi-sympathizers/ https://www.azmirror.com/2023/04/17/paul-gosar-promoted-an-antisemitic-website-that-praised-him-for-condemning-jewish-warmongers/
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