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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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Not to derail thread but have a legit question. Was selected under 16OT04 board to commission as an RPA pilot (I know, I know) will have 12 yrs enlisted TIS by my OTS grad date. Rough math says I wouldn't hit a Major board until 21yrs total TIS. Realistic chance of making it if I do what I need to? Or would board not even consider because of TIS? Regs I looked at were vague and didn't really address prior E promotions with one exception. What are your interpretations or opinions....other than run as fast as I can from RPAs....thanks.


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21 hours ago, mikezulu2016 said:

Not to derail thread but have a legit question. Was selected under 16OT04 board to commission as an RPA pilot (I know, I know) will have 12 yrs enlisted TIS by my OTS grad date. Rough math says I wouldn't hit a Major board until 21yrs total TIS. Realistic chance of making it if I do what I need to? Or would board not even consider because of TIS? Regs I looked at were vague and didn't really address prior E promotions with one exception. What are your interpretations or opinions....other than run as fast as I can from RPAs....thanks.


I pin on Maj in 7 days and I'm at 19 yrs 6 months of service. For officer purposes I'm still considered in my zone and on-time. What you did in the past as an E is in the past. For pay purposes you'll get the O-1E if you have at least 4 yrs worth of active duty points. Check the containers and you'll make Maj, but who knows what the mil will look like then wrt manning. Good luck in your endeavors. 

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Know a guy who jumped to the officer (non-rated) side at about the same point. He's now 28 years in and just got picked up for O-5. He's never been a school select or a squadron commander so he'll probably top out there but he's doing just fine. 

Edited by Fuzz
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Thanks guys appreciate the info...tried to update post as wording came across wrong. Didn't mean would I promote, obviously that's a decade away and things change. More of would I have the opportunity to compete and from everything I'm seeing it's a yes. Appreciate the insight.

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  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, Magellan said:

January's increment is 261.

That's not much bigger than the increment was for the '05 guys.

ON the bright side, for those of us planning to make a career out of it, this really helps with the promotion rate to Lt Col.

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10 hours ago, MooseAg03 said:

So the next board finishes in early April, that means those guys could start pinning on within a month or two of being notified of promotion.

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'08 YG board starts the last week of Feb.  Based on this year's board, results should be released by May-June and dudes will start pinning on by Sept.

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'08 YG board starts the last week of Feb.  Based on this year's board, results should be released by May-June and dudes will start pinning on by Sept.

That's right, I think the board concluded March 10 or something. Have guys pinned on that fast at anytime in the past, or is this unprecedented because of dudes leaving?

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'08 YG board starts the last week of Feb.  Based on this year's board, results should be released by May-June and dudes will start pinning on by Sept.

I thought it was end of March? Did they move it up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I understand the way they score PRFs at the board, but what about people who write letters? I got a P on my PRF (score on the WG/CC hating me!) but my record is pretty good. Lots of #1s and 2s in Sq and Grp (small grp about 32-36 CGOs). How do boards look at Do Not Promote letters when the record is pretty strong? My plan is to mention that my father in law was just diagnosed with brain cancer and nasal cancer and my mother in law is handicapped and cannot take care of him. I would try a Hardship Sep, but like I said my Wing/CC hates me and would not support.

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7 hours ago, Duck said:

I think I understand the way they score PRFs at the board, but what about people who write letters? I got a P on my PRF (score on the WG/CC hating me!) but my record is pretty good. Lots of #1s and 2s in Sq and Grp (small grp about 32-36 CGOs). How do boards look at Do Not Promote letters when the record is pretty strong? My plan is to mention that my father in law was just diagnosed with brain cancer and nasal cancer and my mother in law is handicapped and cannot take care of him. I would try a Hardship Sep, but like I said my Wing/CC hates me and would not support.

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Why do you not want to get promoted to Major when you're just going to be offered continuation to 20 next year?  Honest question...

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Why do you not want to get promoted to Major when you're just going to be offered continuation to 20 next year?  Honest question...

Because I can turn down continuation, separate early from my UPT ADSC, move to help my parents and in-laws and join the local ANG unit.

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DOPMA - Defense Officer Personnel Management Act is a law that manages Officer promotions. It mandates that joint experience be given promotion preference, the up or out system, career milestones, and several other areas that affect our day to day life.

The cynic in me knows that all the talk about pilot shortage, dual tracks, less staff positions, etc etc will not change until Congress modifies/repeals/adjusts DOPMA. Sec Gates through Sec Carter have tried making adjustments, but get constant kick back from the Pentagon. Personal opinion, it is one of the few ways to "fire" officers and is the system that promoted the General Officers we have today.

DOPMA does mandate that if continuation is declined, an officer will be separated NLT 6 months from notice of non selection. Our AFIs match this and say a DOS can be moved up earlier as well.

It's kind of a back door way out of an ADSC early, at the cost of closing some doors. To go to the USAFR or ANG, it takes a bit more leg work (waiver) but is doable (pendulum swings.) Someone who has gone through the process can probably speak more intelligently to it.



Hope this helps! 



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Thanks man! I'm wondering how the board deals with these Do Not Promote letters. So far everyone I know who got a P and wrote a letter was passed over, but I don't know how solid their records were.

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