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Everything posted by WeatherManC130

  1. Did he grab the commander's crotch like this girl? WxMan
  2. Really? I thought it was a pretty good zombie movie. Kept me interested at least. WxMan
  3. A brake temp monitor system could have been such an easy fix. Of all the years we have been doing assault landings in these things, you would have thought they would have put one in. Let's pull out the 1-1instead and run some charts! I believe the C-17 has a system for brake temps. WxMan
  4. Is this a photoshop or did they actually do this?
  5. I finish up Little Rock next week and start Kirtland shortly after. I'm going HC, but the MC guys at Little Rock follow the same syllabus. Are you doing the short course or the long course? The short course is roughly 4 months and the long course is right around 5. The short course has 5 flights then check vs. 8 flights and a check for the long course. You should be paired with another MC/HC guy since we do not do SKE. Expect 6 days a week for the SIMs and about 2-3 days a week flying when you hit the flight line. If you are not flying, you are mission planning and doing GK with instructors. The course is more derived for AMC, so expect to brain dump 95% of what you learn at Little Rock since HC/MC do their own separate thing. I don't know that much about Kirtland other than they are finishing about on time. If you PM in a few weeks, I can give you more insight about ABQ. Best of luck! WxMan
  6. Would you guys fly again? If I were Capt. Nishizuka I would be finding another line of work. That is way too close to home. WxMan
  7. We had some loads on my first deployment buy them. I think the company gave a 10% discount for military. Imagine customs going through and finding it in your bag. WxMan
  8. Reminds of when the A380 ran into the CRJ
  9. Pretty cool article, I guess C-130s and C-17s can't take all the airdrop credit. WxMan http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/09/travel/c5-galaxy-dover-museum-minuteman-missile/index.html?hpt=hp_c4
  10. Why they are at it, they should flash "lower gear handle you dumbass", unless there is an engineer on board of course :) WxMan
  11. I've seen the first 2 episodes. The acting is terrible, but at least it is entertaining to watch.
  12. Future C-17 pilots!! But Seriously, glad everyone is safe WxMan
  13. Another reason not to go C-17s :) http://www.woai.com/articles/woai-local-news-119078/c-17-part-falls-off-plane-11515963/
  14. http://www.dvidshub.net/image/971598/c130-aircraft-wings-removed-with-explosives Looks like they scrapped the J model. Tried to embed pics but they would not work. Poor plane WxMan
  15. I thought that was a pretty good read. I think the problem is that they teach automation from the get go and do not focus on stick and rudder fundamentals. Automation can be a wonderful thing if used properly. I still hand fly every chance I get. WxMan
  16. I asked this question when I was at GRACC about 2 years ago and the answer was no. This blew my mind. I was told it wasn't if you Q3d but when. The sad thing is that new copilots in the squadron don't even know what an FEF is. At least UPT/U-2/89th still ask for a copy for your 942. I guess it is perfectly acceptable to be a crappy pilot but all your boxes checked and make rank. WxMan
  17. Did they mention certain AFSCs specifically or just across the board? Good thing I'm not an exec anymore, those RIF packages were painful. Best of luck to everyone! WxMan
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