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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. Words matter, I should’ve clarified “zero f$$$ to give” about the admin BS but will give their left nut to ensure the young guys are trained and equipped to go fly the mission.
  2. The infamous “bro check”...bottom line, don’t be a douche.
  3. Help, and here is why: The guidance on two line PRFs are that you can’t put bullets or data from what is already in your OPRs or TRs, meaning the board actually has to read your OPRs. This helps those who hack the mission instead of planning the LGBTQ bake sale. This is of course assuming your OPRs are sound. Further, competitive categories help since you’re solely being compared against your peers, apples to apples instead of comparing you to some FSS major who has already commanded. From my understanding big Air Force decides cut lines for each category based on mission needs - can’t say whether promo rates go up for aviators or not but they definitely have a potential to. As to the 5 year window? Won’t change much for your BPZ/HPOs, they’ll still get promoted early but maybe it will remove the stigma from APZ? And hopefully enable late bloomers.
  4. Hey man as long as it is impartial and not politically biased then sure. I think the gripe many of us have is the hypocrisy (I.e not a word about the content of Trump’s call: Biden’s shady involvement in Ukraine but a lot of hoo hah about impeachment.) That being said, I don’t see anything impeachable in Trump’s transcript, and given the current political animosity towards the president - am skeptical about this Lt Col’s intentions. Maybe if we hadn’t heard about impeachment and crying wolf since before Trump took office we would be a little more interested.
  5. All the gripes about the promo system are valid, but I’ve seen positive changes: 2 line PRFs (forcing board members to actually read your OPRs), getting rid of school selects of the majors board, rehaul of the promotion system with AFSC specific boards, now there is talk of getting rid of BTZ.) At least some of our senior leaders are realizing that choosing your golden children when they are young captains is ridiculous.
  6. How is it illegal? Show me where Trump’s foreign policy decisions are illegal and I’ll concede that the Lt Col made the right call and Trump needs to reign it in. The Lt Col even admitted that he only “had concern,” nothing anywhere about illegal activity. There is a dangerous precedent to be set when military members think that they can influence policy because they disagree with the administration. Generals for example advise, but in the end if their advice is not taken they either A. shut up and color or B. resign. Thanks for your concern about me being in a leadership position, I happen to be in one and encourage my subordinates to pass feedback on my decisions. But I’m not a civilian leader in charge of the military making national policy.
  7. He “thought” there was a problem with the way Trump conducted foreign policy. Well too effing bad. Military members don’t make policy, the President does; we execute that policy. If we don’t like said policy we can get out of the military and do something about it. This guy is either a shrill looking for attention or a complete fool. Either way, he’s about to become the darling of the left.
  8. The optics and questionable ethics won’t matter to the left. This man makes Orange man look bad and that is all that matters. To them he is a hero.
  9. I envy you guys, hopefully that means a lot of mentorship for the young guys. The best flying mentors I had were sunset Majors / Lieutenant Colonels with zero f$$$ to give. In our corner of AMC, there are about 15 Majors in the OG with most at Group / Wing jobs.
  10. Even if we could afford free college for all, is it worth it or even necessary? Not everyone needs to go to college. Unless you major in STEM, business, medicine, law and a few others, your degree alone is not of much use. Now, trade schools? I’d be intrigued because we need more of that. Guaranteed that the plumber makes more than the dude who majored in gender studies. However, that doesn’t fit Bernie’s narrative because then he can’t brainwash our youth.
  11. Turnover within presidential cabinets during a presidency is nothing new and far from a cry for concern, as to the impeachment inquiry: I think that speaks more to the desperation and madness of the democrats than to Trump’s actual performance.
  12. Gabbard may be the least crazy of the clowns but she’s still either A. Highly ignorant of economics / foreign policy for an Army Major or B. Pandering to the SJW crowd. Also, she is a thorn in the democratic establishment’s side so they’ll never let her get that far. I hope she runs as an independent, fragments the democratic vote and Trump wins in a landslide, embarrassing the left once again.
  13. What dumpster fire? Is that what CNN told you?
  14. Trump landslide in 2020 and libs go absolutely insane.
  15. Okay so when does it end? 19 years in Afghanistan and the Taliban are still killing our soldiers. 20 in Syria? 40?
  16. America has spent countless money and blood on our “allies.” Asking our allies to step up and fight their own battles once in a while is not abandoning them nor will we be alone all of a sudden. Diplomacy and alliance is a critical instrument of foreign policy but it should never be the ultimate litmus test for policy. Further, If we keep wearing out our troops on proxy wars around the globe, they will never be ready and motivated when it matters.
  17. Wrong, they’ll be execs and coffee getters for the 7th AF/CFACC
  18. Got to experience some of these PTN VR sims this weekend. They are great for learning the switches, the pattern and callouts but in no way shape or form could I see these replacing traditional UPT, unless leadership is willing to get people killed. Just because a test bed of hand selected individuals are doing okay doesn’t mean that they are representative of your average UPT student.
  19. 2006-2008 YG PRFs due to the wing in a few weeks, seems a bit early. Are 0-5 boards rolling left for some reason?
  20. Exactly. This will just make it more painful for those who maintain physical standards in the squadron. That’s being said, If you are an able bodied 20-30 year old, you have zero excuse for failing the test. Most airmen in my squadron that fail just don’t care.
  21. Better idea, fire AAFES all together, they are worthless at most bases.
  22. Probably in the holding pattern for CSAF...next up, virtual BMT!!
  23. That last part is the most important. Please don’t ever forget that in your career!
  24. You are like every other UPT student who has walked the halls of a UPT squadron before you, and I guarantee an “I know what I’m doing” attitude is the fastest way to get to the bottom of your FLT/CC ranking, despite your “performance.” Let me give you some sage advise : “Never pass up an opportunity to STFU.” UPT can be a blast but it can also be very painful if the IPs sense a chip on your shoulder.
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