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dream big

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Everything posted by dream big

  1. It’s an academy tradition during football games to honor those who have passed.
  2. Let them run their $h:thole country as they see fit. As long as they aren’t a threat to Americans.
  3. No it has not. Mr. Musk is speaking out of his a$$. Anyone that has looked at the CDO offensive capes of our near peer adversaries fully understands that.
  4. I wonder how much time Finger’s CAG spent on this worthless science project.
  5. You can’t just grow a beard willy nilly, you have to be interviewed by a chaplain to determine basis for religious accommodation and it still has to be approved by an 0-6 or higher.
  6. Well that was one for the books. BG McGee honored, his 13 year old grandson wants to go to the academy and join the Space Force, 10 year old impoverished girl gets to pick her school, deployed family reunion, and stage 4 cancer patient Rush Limbaugh given the presidential medal of freedom. Of course there was a great deal of showmanship but last night Trump delivered a message of optimism and positivity for this country. The economic, foreign policy and military successes cannot be denied. On the other hand, you saw a career politician; that has run California into the ground, rip up the speech like a petulant child, and most of the rest of her colleagues sitting there pouting like children. It was a look of defeat. I even saw some Democrats, like AZ senator Simek, stand up and applaud only to be given the stink eye from Pelosi. I think it is safe to say we will see 4 more years of Trump.
  7. Haha, is it any difference in the Air Force? How many of you have been in dumpster fires of Squadrons but as long as the commander was liked by the 0-6s their careers continued on.
  8. 737s flew just fine before MCAS. Why do they keep over automating commercial traffic? This is what happens when there is an over reliance on automation and less emphasis on raw monkey skills. $$$ before safety I guess.
  9. Those were just examples, someone saying “he grabbed my ass” in of itself is not evidence. News flash, women also lie.
  10. Evidence and facts. 2-3+ impartial witnesses with the same story. These days text messages etc go a long way in painting the picture (maybe not in this case but in general.)
  11. Yes because CDIs are always fair, unbiased and the woman never lies...You must be one of those believe all woman types. What if it were your son? You are naive and part of the problem if you don’t think false accusations are a problem in the military. Fair, unbiased trial with facts and evidence - then someone becomes guilty. Unfortunately, many have forgotten the very constitutional principles even the UCMJ was founded upon.
  12. You’re being compared to your peers instead of someone in a completely different AFSC who may have had more leadership opportunities. I’m guessing you are Intel? Most Intel majors I know are crushing it as SIO. Unfortunately, that doesn’t look as good on paper compared to the MSG Major that’s already a Squadron Commander. Nor does being the overall mission commander for a Red Flag Ex as say a Pilot to an MSG on the promotion board. Now, you are compared to your fellow SIOs/pilots to pilots etc...the SFS Major Sq/cc is compared to the LRS Major Sq/cc.
  13. Yepp, as long as you don’t have too many Q-3s and you made Instructor you can min run your flying and be much better prepared for promotion than the mission hackers. I’m hoping AFSC specific boards helps mitigate the good dudes being glossed over by nonners on the board.
  14. Executive overreach has been a problem but everyone knows Congress is not coming to the table in good faith. They will stop at nothing to impede Trump. This act by Congress is purely political. I have full faith that Trump will find an ultimately peaceful resolution. Iran is not some average middle eastern crap hole. Persian culture is rich, Iran is a country of doctors, scientists, etc unfortunately hijacked by a fanatical Islamic regime. I hope pro Democracy movements pick up steam and ultimately result in the overthrow of the Ayatollah. Who knows, Iran could become a key ally.
  15. You have a SOF (supervisor of flying*) at a non flying wing? Did I read that correctly...?
  16. Sounds like SOS! Flex anyone? Remember that gay “sport”? Your Wing King sounds like a tool. Tell him people like him are the reason we have a retention problem.
  17. Do you have any further details? I’ve worked with the Wing King there and they wouldn’t have removed someone from command without good cause.
  18. Without going into details, many C-130 and C-17 units are researching and developing these capabilities as we speak. These ideas are in their infancy stages but MAF leadership is starting to focus heavily on the near peer fight and what that logistical situation (ie adaptive basing) would look like.
  19. Nah, Spacemen, trigger some SJW feminist types.
  20. Just a reminder, when and if you redress said proverbial MSGt, do it with respect and diplomatically: more often than not said MSgt/senior/Chief will complain to mommy and now guess whose fault it is?
  21. WIC for every community is academic and briefing heavy, obviously plenty of flights but the flying is only there to validate the complex mission planning. The desired end state for any WIC is being able to integrate not just across MWSs but domains, a requirement critical for the next fight.
  22. The idea that MWS squadrons should teach what should have been taught at UPT is going to get people killed. When I get a new Copilot, I don’t need to be teaching him basic instrument skills or airmanship. I need to be teaching him how to land in an LZ, airdrop 19 year olds into hot DZs, defend against a spectrum of threats, operate in a contested environment, integrate with SEAD, CAS, JTACs, be proficient at TDL or at a bare minimum not kill himself and his crew in Afghanistan. If 18th AF/CC thinks we can train in the Ops squadrons then he is directly countering his boss who has made it clear that peer and near peer readiness is a priority.
  23. I know several people who “bloomed” early, Ie Shoe Flag DG, and kept earning top strats despite working as little or less than their peers. They kept riding the wave as FGOs knowing they were gaurenteed school, etc. Meanwhile, their FGO counterparts worked their tails off but never could reach the golden children in terms of strats or pushes. Thus, removing BPZ and eliminating CGO OPRs from a Lt Col board is absolutely the right move and may just retain some talent that, under the previous system, weren’t golden children and thus not given a chance. It also eliminates the notion of “one mistake Air Force.”
  24. F that, I’d throw them in Gitmo and they can have fun with “Big Bob.”
  25. Words matter, I should’ve clarified “zero f$$$ to give” about the admin BS but will give their left nut to ensure the young guys are trained and equipped to go fly the mission.
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