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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. I can’t disagree with this. I’ve had a pilot O-5 personally order us to pick up pine cones in the grass to make the sq look “better” for the wing king. Everyone just wants competent leadership. If it’s a CE guy I’d be all for it. Where I have beef is when finance or medical are always closed early and acting like the SUPPORTED asset and not the SUPPORTING asset
  2. Haha! im w tac FLEA...thicker skin please. K thanks.
  3. as an addicted gambler i want in this somehow
  4. OH FFS! Heaven forbid ISIS gets offended on what our airmen are proudly writing on bombs the Air Force is lost guys.
  5. Nothing wrong with that pawnman. I wish you the best of luck
  6. Blows my mind that some of y’all care this much about such a broken process of paper work queep god bless you
  7. no kidding that's some good stuff right there
  8. Most change will come with dudes voting with their feet. Just look at the lightning change to the change AFI IRT advanced flying ADSC
  9. This is symbolic of my base ops relationship w pawnman...I think I’d be the thinderchicken CC choking him but I’m sure he’d disagree.
  10. Magnitude of fuckup? You’re kidding right? Hoss my point is this: no matter how fast or slow something happens pulling the jet off the runway and raising the gear below flying airspeed is inexcusable. Chalking it up to “it happens faster than you think” doesn’t pass the sniff test. Sounds like the CAF could use some “getting back to basics”. Which is ironic. But I’m not a fighter pilot so clearly I don’t know what I’m talking about.
  11. That’s a total cop out and bull shit.
  12. please tell me how difficult it is to rotate correctly without over speeding your gear in the CAF. sounds hard...thank you for your service experts in rotating at flying airspeed and not settling our jets gear up on the runway! shit i never knew the hardest part of a fighter pilots mission was the takeoff! hey hoss....maybe if you're worried about over speeds you dont try to keep her on the deck at 10' and maybe you increase your pitch a little bit...what do ya think big guy? or am i not qualified to talk about BASIC airmanship cause im not a fighter pilot?
  13. to be clear jack was "saved" because he landed on the good side of the river. nothing more or less. certainly not because the navy took their "shot" ^^^this
  14. I get irritated when I hear the Air Force talk to the airlines about a problem big blue created
  15. Guys you’re really trying to justify fucking up rotating?! Doesnt matter how fast or slow it happens...don’t rotate 20 knots early and pull your gear up before you have flying airspeed Jesus h.
  16. The AIB went way easier on the guy than the rumors I had heard. How the fuck you rotate 20 knots early is really beyond me. Seems like basic airmanship would prevent that from happening. Student pilots don’t make that mistake.
  17. Trojan was the kind of dude where you slowly and without noticing start picking up his way of talking...."yo dude thats DOPE!" This is a huge loss.
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