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Everything posted by arg

  1. Some recent news about the virus in China. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/27/china/rural-china-lunar-new-year-covid-intl-hnk-dst/index.html Nice ass
  2. My two visits to the Lubbock VA were good. If you don't mind posting,Which one did you go to?
  3. Hold up, are we arguing? I thought we were on the same page, or at least in the same book. I'm drunk so not sure. Should we discuss JetA? I was around when we went from JP4 to JP8, it caused a few problems in the Herk world. It was because JP8 was cheaper, not better. I need a password that I can't remember when I'm drunk.
  4. Last thing about fuel. As I mentioned a jet engine can burn anything flammable. JP8 is kerosene based which is a little more volatile than diesel. I think diesel weighs a little more, not sure. JP8 is for airplanes, however in addition to the additives for airplanes, anti-icing for example, the main thing is lubrication. I'm betting JP8 for the tank was some sort of MilSpec for certification. Anyway, if they run low low I'm sure a farmer can just steal a Russian tank and they can use that fuel.
  5. I thought fighters pulled 5g on the turn to base ha The link to the book I posted above is legit gunship history. It's got the details, we damn near lost two gunships that night. I've known the author since 79, we pretty much started flying together. He did 100s of interviews and had access to official records. Took years to write it. It's a good read. I'll try to do the cliffs. 02 was launched on by manpads and an 8 while engaging a target. Pods and chaff didn't break lock. Pilot performed last second break. Took some shrapnel from the 8. Evading the 8 is when the over g happened. They were tracked by a 6 after that. Headed south at low altitude. On 03, while flying north, we were tracked and locked onto by a 6 behind us. So they let us fly over them before they engaged.driving us north. Pods, chaff and threat breaks broke lock. A few seconds later an 8 was tracking us, we evaded that which drove us into a barrage of AAA. By then we had run out of altitude so the EWO vectored us around threats as best he could. We headed south below 100ft with the throttles pushed all the way up. Our tactics back then were to be completely blacked out and all emitters off so no radar altimeter. The sand dunes looked like clouds, kinda eerie. I had a pair of PVS-5s and the IR was looking forward as best he could, the IR sensor was placed at the forward left wheel well back then. Continuous chatter between Pilot, me and the IR about terrain. Even after that the guys running the war were still sending gunships up into Iraq on SCUD hunts. Funny you mention that. After take off, on the way to the FCF, Bill pointed out that the plane took half the trim to fly straight than it did before. We joked that the plane must have been bent before and PL almost bent it back straight.
  6. Okay, genuine question. What would you do if a bus with a few was dropped off in front of your house. If in front of my house I would check to see if they needed food or water, then let them know the nearest town was 20 miles north.
  7. We might have the fuel issue solved by then.
  8. Got some fuel off some pretty sketchy looking trucks over in the Pacific. That was when we did a fuel systems check prior to take off instead of finding out later.
  9. Turbine, will run on anything that will burn, WD40, moonshine, used motor oil, etc. It might not like it but if you can get the fire lit it'll run
  10. I'm going to check the stack of magazines on the back of my toilet.
  11. https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2023-01-24/classified-documents-found-at-former-u-s-vice-president-pences-indiana-home-cnn
  12. Found one. Hard to see because of the flash but the positive needle is over at the 3oclock deadspace. I know, fighter guys are chuckling at 5g
  13. Bill was a good stick. Even going past 90 a couple times he pulled out smooth(STS) I have a picture of 02s g meter on my computer at work it's pegged. Guess whos crew flew it's next flight since we were FCF qualified. The co wore his chute the whole flight. The shiny things are popped rivets. Later on back at HRT when the medals were awarded 02s crew got DFCs, our crew got the Air Medal. I joked with Bill that if he had over geed our airplane we would have got DFCs too.
  14. It was time to put away the homemade wine as I was about to enter crew rest for what would be the most memorable flight of my career. This was the third mission of the war for us. A snippet from this book https://www.amazon.com/Ghostriders-1976-1995-William-Walter-ebook/dp/B09VQWY5RP/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid&sr&fbclid=IwAR1vELr1aoqfQjbqO5BywaXVt7DDWvGiBeBh9ZuJL-V4stML3whaaGOFpAY On the evening of January 21, mission planners began tasking AC-130s identically as they did for fighters as two AC-130s were assigned to 30x30 nautical mile “kill boxes.” On this night, weather was good and both crews were advised there would be a fighter CAP available in their working areas. Ghost 02, commanded by Capt P.L. took off first in Grave Digger and proceeded to their target area in south central Iraq.23 Within their assigned kill box was an Iraqi command and control center, which was expected to be protected with AAA. About an hour later, Ghost 03 commanded by Capt Preaskorn took off in Bad Company, en route to their target area. I was on Ghost 03
  15. Some of us miss those days
  16. "in a locked garage next to a Corvette" will be a multiple choice answer in an upcoming Insider Threat Awareness training.
  17. Brings back good memories of rotations to Panama. Some cervesas and chicks sitting watching the miraflores locks. Yeah, we were really watching the locks.
  18. Bringing this back up with a 2fer. I guess this dude really got raided.
  19. I know this is short notice but the Wife may be staying in Columbus tonight. looking for a hotel recommendation that's not in the hood.
  20. Exactly what I was pointing out. Think we could use that here Can't find the article I read prohibiting the CBP from using funds for border security. I think there is some funding for new technology though, not sure.
  21. Single tandem, double tandem, triple tandem. What does it mean, it's so complicated.
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