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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. Destin is great. 30 min drive with traffic. 20 without.
  2. I'm mainly looking for the Northwest so Boise would be ideal.
  3. I'm looking at my options for being able to leave AD in a few years and go to the ANG. What I'd like to do is go to an A-10 unit, but I've never flown Hawgs. I am an IFF graduate (Air to Air track) but will not have flown fighters for many moons by the time I can cross over. Also, I'm a patch from U-28's and will be a Major when I can get out. Would I have a chance at getting picked up with those type quals or would I be too old to be the snacko? Being a Major, Patch, and MQ wingman is basically my dream.
  4. I've never understood the "getting talked out of fighters" thing. Am I wrong in assuming most dudes that want to fly airplane X have dreamt about that for a decade+? I can't fathom one guy souring that long term of a dream in Phase 2.
  5. Tough deal, for sure. Nickel on the grass for some great Americans.
  6. This is not meant to have any connotation at all so keep everyone's panties unwadded. I'm asking because I'm curious. In the T-1, how much of the flying is done on the autopilot for the students?
  7. Isn't he a contractor out at Nellis now for WIC?
  8. I greatly prefer a green bag to multicam. I'm sure I sound like that dude from Cannon a few years back about, but I worked my whole life to get into a bag with wings on my chest. It's juvenile, but I get enough multicam deployed.
  9. I would look at the recent ENJJPT drop. All those dudes flew 38's, but they didn't all end up in fighters/bombers. When I went through there, we had guys that were all about fighters at the start and changed their minds throughout the course. Our Flight Commander found good assignments for them and it worked out. That was many moons ago, however. I know of a couple prior U-28 cso's that wanted to come back as pilots but were forced into fighters. My unsolicited advice to studs now that don't want fighters would be to still do your best to earn some kind of leverage (minimal) but also don't take words of mouth too seriously. I remember the word on the street going through was that the Eagle community was so terrible and everyone was out to get you etc. I was freaked when I showed up to Klamath and it turned out to be totally awesome and the instructors were totally there to help out. Long story short is regardless of what you fly, you're going to have a great time with great people.
  10. So anybody else back to black boots and undershirts? I know, I didn't believe it either, but AFSOC just put out a sup to 36-2903 and the flight suit uniform now allows black boots and undershirt. I can't believe how happy that makes me. I can't link it now, but check it on e-pubs, scroll to page 112 and look at the notes at the bottom of the table a few pages later.
  11. If you're going to be a C-17 guy, the last thing you want is a lawyer wife that's drained your cash on a new car. You'll need income to pay for the flock of bastard children you have in Rota/Constanta/Germany, etc.
  12. ^Great advice. Most of the new guys we get in U-28's are from T-1's nowadays. The T-38 guys we get are usually the top grads that choose it (purely antecdotal from 1 of 3 ops squadrons). That doesn't mean you have no chance if you go T-38's and aren't the top grad, but your odds are much higher of ending up in a Viper/Eagle.
  13. Nice thread derail going on here. A 4-ship doing OCA works as a single unit with their radar assignments and what not. Same concept as a crew airplane, just spread to 4, single seat jets. And if you think you're some higher level thinker because you're a single seat guy, ride along in a family model Viper doing CAS or something. All that chatter going on the aux isn't discussing why Dez Bryant is a dumpster fire for a fantasy football team this year. It's the same conversation going on amongst a crew on an ICS about how to accomplish the mission. On that note, ask the original Weasels back in Vietnam if they would've rather unloaded the "noise maker" in favor of more gas. And those gibs literally mean Extra Weight Onboard (EWO).
  14. Ahhh, okay. That sounds like a good idea. Until 5 years from now when these 10,000 fighter guys have to go fly C-17's and tankers.
  15. I think having MAF guys train upt 38's is a great idea. It's well within their abilities. However, making them be IFF instructors is a bad idea. They could pick up the basics of rate fights, jinks, setups, etc, but they would have no credibility with their peers or the students. Same thing if was a C-17 guy going through airdrop school and some Viper guy shows up to teach me how--I'd scoff him big time.
  16. This isn't a "problem" per se, but wasn't sure where to put this post. I recently returned from 2 TDY's. The first voucher I filled out normally via DTS and everything was fine, payment received NBD. The second one, the organization wanted a voucher in the old 1351-2 form. I filled that out, haven't seen the balance show up on my GTC, but today in my checking account I received $1700 titled "DCD Misc Pay". My questions are: 1. WTF is DCD Misc Pay? 2. I didn't put any kind of split disbursement on the 1351-2 and never gave that group my checking account info. Could they just pull it from my SSN on the form and send money into my checking account instead of dumping it all into the GTC? 3. Where's the nearest casino that will accept $1700 bets?
  17. For as much Eagle bashing as you do Ram, you sure want to suck off BeerMan lately.
  18. I'd recommend core exercises and hamstrings/glutes. That helps get a foundation, but it gets easier the more you do it.
  19. So here's a good example of an assignment being what you make it. If this dude is really an "old school fighter pilot mentality", he will be pumped that he gets to fly a jet that is taking it to ISIL right now and has arguably the most badass history of any jet in the Air Force. Or he can hold onto the mindset that his jabroni commander screwed him over because he was too much of a badass faip for this guy to handle. My best friend from upt was a T-6 faip that got Buffs and he is a total bro. He is also just a space to fill on a spreadsheet, just like me.
  20. So my initial response was to type, "eat shit, cadet", but since I was given a direct order to "expound", I will do that. When you say something along the lines of "I was worried there was only 1 T-38 but now there's probably 6, I don't have to worry!" it indicates a couple of things. That you are already planning the path of least resistance and you haven't even commissioned yet. Secondly, you think highly enough of yourself that you're going to be able to coast into a T-38 and then go off to slip the surly bonds in whatever you put at the top of your dream sheet. Point #1 - Things change, and by the time you go through UPT they may be in a mobility pilot shortage and now you're destined for AMC. Not likely, but who knows. The only thing you can control is how hard you study, prepare, learn, and help your bros. There are other variables that are totally out of your control that will have a large effect on your assignment. But if you're already looking forward to taking the easy route, you'll find yourself left out of the party. Point #2 - How many people in your ROTC det got UPT slots? I guarantee it wasn't 100%. It's the same for all sources. There were plenty of people that wanted slots who didn't get them. People that get to UPT are not the type of people that fall ass backwards into it. They're usually types that have been good at everything they've ever done and are used to success. The rub of it is that most of those people are not naturally gifted towards aviation, but they have developed a work ethic that will get them to be good aviators. Good luck earning a higher desired assignment than those people. Please rebut my points and anything else I've written because it's been awhile since a Cadet came here and went full retard.
  21. You also may want to check out hedonisticsexualdeviantfighterpilot.com for better ideas.
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