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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. Lmao, wow. You probably don't respect John McCain's service because you like people that weren't captured?
  2. Or just be fiscally irresponsible like me and live in Destin with kids.
  3. This is interesting but to throw in an additional derail...the VAST majority of RPA ops now are not CAS. You may use the CAS 9-Lines and such, but it isn't actual CAS. I love the RPA community and have killed a lot of bad guys with them, but there's a big difference between true CAS and current ops.
  4. I wasn't going to post, but curiosity has gotten the better of me. Duck, aren't you worried about taking the rather drastic steps you're taking to get out of your commitment early affecting your transition to the ANG? If I was on the hiring board, I know I'd get a raised eyebrow with all the stuff you've said you did. And please don't just go "no". I'm seriously interested.
  5. Same unit (for the pax) that was hit by the UH-60 crash near Hurlburt a couple years back. Damn shame.
  6. Fuck him and his "happiness". In other instances, I've seen swaps happen when studs are better fits AND are good dudes. However, that opens up Pandora's Box and people that can't get an assignment swapped have a legitimate gripe.
  7. I've said it before in this thread and I'll say it again: I simply cannot fathom wanting to do something for such a long time and then being talked out of it because it may be difficult. JFC, you put up with all the bullshit to get to the fucking fun part and now you want to bail out! Yes, I realize I sound like Clark Griswold. Source material for all you millennial chodes that are hiding from having to do a lot of "Boldface and Ops Limits" sheets.
  8. Whatever you end up flying is the best airplane in the Air Force.
  9. Absolutely, in my opinion. Same for Cyber.
  10. Not at the pace things are going this week for the A/A game in Syria! If this keeps up, everyone over there will have about 15 kills by the end of the summer.
  11. Fat, drunk, and stupid is a GREAT way to go through life. RIP Dorffman.
  12. JFC, you really have no issue coming in off the top rope, do you?
  13. My results included extreme charm, elite hand eye coordination, never before seen levels of charisma, slightly below average sensitivity (which is gay), and gifted love making skills. Did I pass?
  14. Viper training is going on at Cannon now? Home of the Spec Ops Fighter Pilot!
  15. I hope the tradition of GBU-12's for air to air kills continued!
  16. Out of curiousity, how is the Viper/Hog/Raptor/35 that different? Handling characteristics? I agree that an Eagle does fly like a bigger and much more powerful/forgiving 38.
  17. Honestly, why does it matter? Show up and form your own opinion. I guarantee no one on this site will say, "it's pretty darn good."
  18. Dude, your heart is in the right place, but this is not the way to do business. I'm going to assume (based on your post/context) that you're a FAIP that hasn't been around too much. I love your enthusiasm, but actions like yours is exactly what creates micromanagement. Going with your gut will usually be the right thing, but sometimes it can get you in trouble/killed. Overly dramatic example but are you going to disregard a missed approach point/MDA because your gut tells you the weather is breaking and you'll be okay? I know you wouldn't. The reason is because you're armed with the knowledge of the consequences of those actions. Why not know what the books say in a different situation before going off half-cocked? From the other side of your situation, if I was your commander I wouldn't trust your decision making based on what you're telling me in this post until you proved otherwise. Unfortunately, that's a lot like a batting average in that it's super easy to lose and a bitch to get back. I am not trying to sound like I'm lecturing, but I see this attitude often (I used to be this way). One of the best things you can do for your career in airplanes/officership is know wtf you're doing before you do it and have to pick up the pieces later.
  19. The main issue I see there is basically a cabal of bro network deals eventually causing significant issues. I know if I was in charge of MPC, I would treat the process of CAC issuance etc as an ancillary duty and that would screw things up for the rest of the base.
  20. I completely agree that just because you're a pilot doesn't mean you are a good leader and deserve promotion. Even a MC doesn't mean you should get auto promoted. Conversely, because you are a MSG guy in "charge" of 300 airmen doesn't mean you're a good officer. It means that's what you were assigned to do. I like the idea of separate promotion boards simply because it aggravates me to no end when clowns with multiple Q-3's but make great excel trackers get promoted/selected for school when the ace of the base who is a great leader but has been kept in the squadron to help the war fighting aspect go well get shit on.
  21. Were you a Cobra dude the whole time or some time in Hornets or anything? If no FW time, expect a full syllabus if transitioning to jets.
  22. I wouldn't worry about that. The RPA community should have that market cornered, right?
  23. The modularity of the Scorpion is huge. Everyone gets wrapped around the axle on weapons and stuff but the name of the game for this type of platform isn't just a bunch of weapons; It's the find/fix capability. I don't think it needs to be a jet for the light attack, but if the thing is just a mini A-10 with weak to no SIGINT capability, don't waste our time.
  24. I think the 12x community definitely deserves some form of bonus. I also think the Cyber guys deserve a hell of a lot more than that.
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