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Everything posted by TreeA10

  1. 3 feet away is a safe distance or is that considered danger close? What exactly is the seat pitch spacing on an aircraft front to back and side to side? Do I need the Captains initials before I sneeze and send droplets danger close? We can play Google fact badminton all day long. When presented with a lot of unknowns and changing facts, the logical course of action is to take the safest course of action. If I recall, even the medical profession (that kills 100,000+ per year through accidents) says, First, do no harm.
  2. Hate to keep beating a dead ebola ridden horse, but it seems the experts keep moving the goalposts regarding the transmissibility of this stuff. Looks like it can survive in droplets, like sneezes, and on surfaces for for some time. Let ebola freedom ring! http://nypost.com/2014/10/29/cdc-admits-droplets-from-a-sneeze-could-spread-ebola/
  3. Okay, there you are, traveling somewhere on a commercial jet with your wife (partner for Eagle drivers), kids, infants, parents, brothers and sisters. Also onboard is a guy that recently handled a dying Ebola patient showing no symptoms plus a person that treated that person and has a low grade fever but her boss says she is good to travel. Your family will be seated in front of, behind, and directly beside these people. So you guys are telling me that you see no problem exposing your loved ones to these people?
  4. That 36,000 number keeps coming up so I found this. Statistics don't lie, only statisticians do. I think 500 sounds low but 36,000 is certainly too high. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/lawrence-solomon/death-by-influenza_b_4661442.html We limit activities all the time when those activities might endanger others and erroring on the side of caution when dealing with a 70%Pk (30% and dropping quickly in the US) seems wise.
  5. “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly. One of the things my husband says when people say, ‘What did you bring to Washington?’ He says, ‘I brought arithmetic.’ - Hillary Clinton Sounds to me like the "who or what" she mentions as not creating jobs is corporations and businesses, period, end of sentence.
  6. Imagine just flying VFR reading a map to from point A to point B. That is LATN. As a new guy learning this skill, I was once given a dead cow in a wash as a turn point. Your map reading skills get very good.
  7. After someone posted the Ace Ventura link, I keep getting the image of USAFpilot yelling at Rainman, "Laces out, laces out!"
  8. If you are this guy, maybe too often:
  9. Exactly. "It's not communicable unless you are in a confined area with a person exhibiting symptoms so don't worry. Uh, unless you were on that flight from Cleveland to Dallas, we really need to talk to you."
  10. While not inflicting fatalities, I will agree her music has made more people sick that Ebola.
  11. The study was done by an engineer, not a medical professional, so he is wrong.
  12. I'm sure his Squadron buds will be looking for opportunities to meet her friends. Ought to be a packed wedding chapel.
  13. No. We know where they've been, they know what to look for. The best treatment facilities in the U.S. are limited but here for a reason so, if a military member contracts ebola, they have to come back to the U.S. Great guidance from the Expert, Mr. Frieden. He has actually said both of the following sets of statements. "Amanda Vinson shouldn't have flown on an airplane. But passengers on that airplane are at no risk. You can't get Ebola on a bus. But people with Ebola shouldn't ride on one. Cutting off all flights to W. Africa is a bad idea. But we're now recommending that all non-essential travel there be cancelled. Any hospital can treat Ebola patients. But maybe special Ebola hospitals are a better idea. We know how to handle Ebola. We just can't seem to figure it out when it's for real. Our protocols will stop the disease. But maybe we need to take another look at our protocols.
  14. The number of facilities in the US designed to handle Ebola is in the single digits, the total number of beds in all those facilities is south of 50. Haven't heard anybody say shut down airports, just entry into the country by persons that are from or have traveled to areas overwhelmed with a very deadly disease.
  15. I'm not ready to panic yet but tempting fate with this potential wildfire of a disease is just plain stupid. Good article on why this should raise more paranoia. I like the people who listen to experts and parrot the "this disease is not easily transmitted". Two experts caught it in Dallas. This article details a report by 58 epidemiologists regarding Ebola and 5 of them died of ebola before it was published. IF experts are being killed off, the rest of us are screwed if this gets a foot hold. http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/six-reasons-panic_816387.html
  16. If driving to work had a Pk of 70%, I doubt too many folks would allow cars in their neighborhood.
  17. TreeA10


    His requirement to abandon his jet was a screw up of his own making. Stroll into the Intel shop for more answers. From that point he successfully ejected, landed, survived during E&E, and effected his rescue. He made errors but was ultimately successful despite his best efforts to screw his situation up further.
  18. TreeA10


    There is far more to O'Gradys act of buffoonery than just punching out.
  19. TreeA10


    Had a guy involved in a mid air while on the road flying check rides. Both got out in good shape. We took him out battered and bruised and all got very drunk. I've known numerous guys that jettisoned the aircraft, one guy rode the ACES II twice. All great guys that made the right decision. much better than trying to discus with the widow, mom, father, etc. what might have been the reasons for no ejection.
  20. I bought one of these figuring it would not be a tragic loss should the thing prove to be worthless. I ordered 3 more after I got the first one. Very bright and can focus the beam down to put lots of light on things further away. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006E0QAFY/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M3C_SC_3p_dp_1
  21. And Vertigo still won't adopt a family from anywhere and allow them to share his home and his noble view of sharing with no borders. I hear there is a family from Liberia that needs someplace to stay until they clear quarantine.
  22. Since most gliders have spoilers, I envisioned something similar on the U2. You should attach a boat anchor or some similar drag device to that thing.
  23. Some serious flappage on that thing.
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