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Everything posted by TreeA10

  1. I'd say you are putting the cart in front of the horse but you don't even have a horse, yet. Opportunities to buy cars come and go but your shot at successfully completing UPT will only occur exactly one time.
  2. Some great tweets out about that. "ISIS claims responsibility for Maria Carey performance."
  3. I understand how the occasional panel falls off and maybe an errant released chunk of ordnance but how does that happen?
  4. It's been a while but I was a runner, maxed the fitness test every time I took it. Did 7 G's in the centrifuge without a G suit and 9 with. Had to work at it more than the 5 foot, built like a fire plug, 2 pack a day smoker with high blood pressure, however.
  5. I did 28 years with 21 years of flying, 16 in the A-10 with a tour as a T-38 IP but that was a while back and things have changed. I can say the first 10-12 years were an absolute blast with experiences that few have. I think a lifetime medical career might be a better bet than rolling the bones hoping for a couple years of military flying.
  6. Heads up on the GI Bil if using it for your kids college. They will need to sign up for their own account on the Veterans benefit site so a Certificate of Eligibility can be generated. If you get this done early, it makes the financial wickets easier to run.
  7. IMHO: Cockiness. You have to believe you can win and you will win because the other guy(s) suck. Controlled aggressiveness. Push the rules and the jet right up to, and maybe a smidgen over, limits. Go full throttle. You have to go "all in." There is no room for half hearted efforts on the range, in theater, or in the books. This can and does get carried over into life outside the squadron which "The Right Stuff" does capture well.
  8. Didn't feminists say men were evil, penises were rape, and patriarchy was yesterday? Yet, somehow, those top concealed carry gun rights. Liberal logic has failed to make sense once again.
  9. Booze in space. A history. http://arstechnica.com/the-multiverse/2016/08/an-anecdotal-history-of-space-and-booze/
  10. Buy a roll of black felt and some cheap poster frames. Cover the cardboard with the black felt, apply velcroed patches to the felt, put into cheap frame. Hang on wall. I've got 3 dozen + patches in one frame.
  11. Among the international airline crowd, T-Mobile is very popular. Works in China, S. America, and Europe. I've had Sprint for a long time and would like to change to T-Mobile but T-Mobile coverage outside of urban areas is poor and connections are difficult to make. Sprint just added free International data and texting but do not have coverage in China. I'm using an iPhone 6 which does wifi calling so, if you have wifi, you can make free calls from anywhere.
  12. I heard he banged wing tips in the Diamond during a show. I've flown with a couple guys hired onto the Team and worked for a couple more and the hiring process leaves me baffled.
  13. In the Hawg community we had a low altitude step down training program that eventually got you to operating at 100 feet. Academics included items like task management priorities and visual cues. Biggest things I remember was the "Time to Die" charts, i.e. if you are at X feet with Y bank rate less than Z G's, your sink rate will kill you in 6.9 seconds. The other was "If you are turning and not heads up looking where you are going, you will die via ground impact." After the academics, we did several flights using those techniques to get the qual. So, the information is out there already in briefing form..somewhere.
  14. This eclipses dudes wearing high heel shoes so they can empathize?
  15. Yep. And better deals can be had at FedEx or Delta.
  16. Chang, as much as I hate to admit it, but YOU ARE RIGHT!! Money isn't everything although it doesn't suck. There is also the travel opportunities which are extensive. There is the time off. This is a double edged sword because it means home improvement projects but it also means I'm improving a house that is paid for and I won't have to move from unless I want to. There is different forms of qweep but I don't have to deal with or ever see "my boss" unless I screw up and I haven't had to open up Powerpoint since I've had the job. There are my days off which are MINE unless I want to fly and they'll pay me more to do it. 3 days, $9K. So, again, money isn't everything but it doesn't suck. So, I would debate bypassing the opportunity to provide leadership vs the opportunity to suffer from its influence with the former winning.
  17. I guess this is what substitutes for leadership these days. You will solve the problems you created with endentured servitude and forced labor. Best. Morale. Plan. Ever.
  18. Yes, the A-10 is not an air-to-air God. It is slow, it is underpowered, it doesn't have a radar, and it can't maneuver vertically....which is why so many of our high speed, pointy nose cousins get shot by them. Bad assumptions lead to bad decisions followed by embarrassment. There is no good reason any high speed, pointy nose type should ever be shot by an A-10 yet it happens. My personal favorite was going 2v4 against F-15s out of Langley during their ORI. All I had was a TOT and 30 flares. Nothing like seeing that on a schedule thinking WTF??? Already had flares loaded but managed to get the remaining dispensers filled with chaff (420 bundles), found an E-3 that would be working nearby, worked a comm plan, and launched for Dare county range. Inbound to our target, we killed the first two Eagles (2000 feet AGL, line abreast, against a gorgeous clear blue sky) and proceeded to put bombs on target. The second two ship killed my wingman as we egressed. They assumed they could get a look down AIM-9 face shot while forgetting we carried the same but were looking up. Oops.
  19. Embarrassing but not as bad as writing up something INOP that is not hanging on the jet..... Which I never did as far as you know.
  20. He may sleep well assuming he doesn't have anyone in his past that he has pissed on/off. I know of a dude flying for UAL that was hired after checking "NO" to accidents and incidents. He really pissed on his Reserve unit in general and a couple individuals in particular, was declared persona non grata by the squadron (they even changed the door codes), and someone dropped a dime on him informing UAL of his less than accurate application thus getting him fired from UAL.
  21. How do the airspeeds match up between a U-2 and a T-38, particularly watching that approach?
  22. I don't anything about the F-35 radar and I'd agree with your thought regarding min function vs no function. However, technology exists for electronic systems to self correct. Why doesn't this radar do that?
  23. In this day and age of aviation technology which the F-35 allegedly belongs to, you would think that the radar would be able to sort itself out. For example, during engine start, if a motor on the 787 encounters a problem, it will stop the start, motor the engine, and reattempt start 3 times all by itself before it gives up. You would think an electronic glitch on the radar would easily trip a function to reboot the system itself.
  24. CNTRL/ALT/DEL to get the radar back.....seriously? http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2016/03/11/Another-F-35-Glitch-Requires-Restarting-Radar-System-Flight
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