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Everything posted by magnetfreezer

  1. Plus the downside of having all military traffic available for analysis on flightradar24.com or to civilian Joe with a $20 USB stick.
  2. So how do the CFPs / IAOs contact the ESD then?
  3. 17D - with most of the fileservers being local, is allowing PSTs on share drives a valid workaround? It seems in the age of 3TB hard drives and even larger RAID the fileservers should be easier to upgrade than an email server.
  4. Army aviation is owned by the Army ground unit commander. If brigade X or whatever is homestation or someplace where they don't need airplane Y, the commanders won't give up their airplanes to support brigade Z (fear that they'll lose the capability, cause wear and tear for the next deployment, etc). That's the true difference from the AF centralized control, decentralized execution concept (although we execute very centralized as well); the CFACC controls all the air assets and doles them out where they can make the most difference for the overall CFC objective, whereas organic assets only support the owning command level whether or not that's the most efficient. BL: It's easier to complain about why the AF isn't doing more X to the COCOMs rather than convince other Army units/HHQ to reallocate assets
  5. He acknowledged that people had opinions on both sides of the case, then said the court's decision had been made that day and it was time to move forward and not to let that divide the squadron/group. A little different from the quote in the article.
  6. The "outside your jet" stuff should still be your job though. Be a good scheduler and add value to your squadron, volunteer at the soup kitchen for your own good feelings only.
  7. Yep... multiple WIC instructors *with school slots* are getting out.
  8. Unless ISIS threaten's the pilot's family still in Syria. Fits with their MO.
  9. Requires a few more steps if the individuals involved are super dense: Scenario: Trying to get a diverted iron swap a/c (with 4 afterburners) out of a USAFE base that requires quiet hour waivers for takeoffs after a certain time. WX doesn't know if the thunderstorms will break before quiet hour starts. Me: I don't know if they'll be taking off post-quiet hours, let me send you the waiver so the OG can approve it before COB and they can get out ASAP Controller A1C Snuffy: Sir, I can't put a waiver in since it won't have justification if you end up taking off before quiet hours and I'll get in trouble for submitting unnecessary paperwork. Me: I'm sure your OG wants that plane out of there as much as my OG, just send the waiver now just in case. Or give me your OG's DSN so my OG can talk to yours and get a verbal. Controller: Sir, that's not how things work around here, the procedure says all waivers have to go through us so you can't talk to the OG. Me: OK, let me talk to your supervisor Controller: Sir, I'm the only one on shift Me: OK then, let's pretend I don't care about waivers. How would my OG call your OG if he wanted to talk about the best places to live in country X? Controller: Oh, yeah, just have him call the CP and ask to be transferred to XXX-XXXX Me:......
  10. 33ish hr (with go pills though): http://www.ellsworth.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123411832
  11. Works in the Falklands: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/80/Falklands-Minefield.JPG. The Statue of Liberty is a good analogy. She was built atop Ellis Island, a single entry point where legal immigration could occur and appropriately screened people will be let in. With clear warnings against crossing the border in the "danger zones" between legal crossings, the lethal/nonlethal measures will deter unauthorized infiltration (can't tell the difference between a family, a drug smuggler, or an AQ operative if crossing is uncontrolled). Authorized crossing points can be established where authorized individuals can cross and non-authorized individuals can petition/apply for access. The military and corporations with secure facilities do the same every day. Perimeter deterrence (often potentially lethal in the case of razor/electric wire or armed guards) funnels all entry to authorized points. Dangerous measures are appropriately marked and isolated so that they require an affirmative action (climbing the fence, etc) to injure, removing any excuse/blame for injury. Those "inside the circle of trust" (citizens/green card holders/etc) can be let in at the border crossing upon verification/customs screening. Those not inside the circle will have to go to the "visitor center" (consulate?) to apply for screening and a "visitors badge" (visa).
  12. Nothing racist about it. Plenty of countries have mines or free fire zones along the border. As long as it's marked or recognized it's fine (prisons have electric/razor fences that are marked as such and people avoid climbing them).
  13. Depends on your definition of legal...one base had a DUI sign by the front gate. No drama with service dress or anything, just a "Last DUI" squadron and number of days since the last, along with the squadrons that had been DUI-free for 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years. It was all taken down since it was deemed "hazing" to ID squadrons publicly.
  14. If the ESD etc is so short on bodies, why not give admin rights to the 5 IAOs my squadron is required to have so they can install software, make org boxes, give access to shared folders, create/delete/unlock accounts, i.e 90% of the work that the ESD supposedly has (and the stuff that takes 2 minutes to actually do but 2 months to process the ticket).
  15.   GTC or GPC? They're a lot more willing to crush for the 2nd one. They did court martial a cop for stealing $2.00 worth of 9mm ammo from CATM though.
  16. With the amount of CGO/FGO volunteers usually required for court martial duty, doesn't statistics dictate a higher OG representation at most bases due to the much higher number of O's?
  17. Our old OG was an intel patch back in the day before he went to UPT... that would have been an interesting first day in flightsuits
  18. http://www.spi.dod.mil/ewizard_down.htm - DoD produced Java encryption tool - approved for download on DoD or personal computers. Run it, encrypt the roster with a password, then email the encrypted file to your email and decrypt it on your laptop. Longer process but decent workaround.
  19. Are your iPads plugged into NIPR? Plenty of bases have stand-alone networks for mission planning, etc. which are considered weapons systems (since they are linked by JMPS, etc very closely to their supported MWS) and controlled by wing weapons/similar vs the comm squadron (only jurisdiction over NIPR/SIPR/other DoD external networks). Just update the iPads from a standalone computer to remove the CS jurisdiction from them.
  20. It's common for bases in the less free states (California, east coast) to sign agreements with the state government requiring emissions testing for all PCS-assigned vehicles - even those w/o in-state plates.
  21. Nailed it...good to see he's built as much credibility there as in the Bone.
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