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Everything posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. Wanna have some SF fun and make em cry? Rent one of these from Hertz. Introducing the The Shelby GT-H (H for Hertz). 500HP of 'Merican V8 power, sporting a Hertz custom Borla exhaust (sounds AWESOME), fat tires, big brakes, 10 speed auto tranny (so you can keep both hands of the wheel of this power monster). You can rent this in SFO. Now I will add that more fun is had if you go north and get into the winding roads. Every gallon of gas is a blast. So Much Fun! 0-60 in 3.9s, and I know, Tesla Plaid blah blah blah, but Tesla sounds like eh. This baby growls all the way, so they hear you coming... and going. Hertz is also making some custom 900+ HP supercharged Shelby GT500s for rent, but none for SFO.
  2. Don't know, ain't gonna try. Ask an oil field expert if you really want to know. You get an internet point. True. Just pointing out that more oil drilling capacity probably doesn't directly equate to lower prices at the pump.
  3. While oil production is a big factor, US refinery is the bottleneck. During 2017, 6 refineries closed. Probaly all tied to business decisions, not politics. 2020, 6 more, again probably business tied to covid drop in demand and closing older sites. They can pump all they want, but if it can't be refined, consumer prices don't change. Also, hurricanes. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=8_NA_8O0_NUS_C&f=A
  4. Well, they got canceled. Some name changes might hide some bad rep (cough cough, looking at you Ft Hood). They seem to pick decent new names tho. Have fun with your renaming parties, Army. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/10/06/austin-orders-renaming-of-bases-honor-confederate-rebels.html The bases: Fort Polk, Louisiana, for example will be named after Sgt. William Johnson, a Black Medal of Honor recipient for valor during World War I. Fort Benning, Georgia, will be renamed Fort Moore in commemoration of Lt. Gen. Hal Moore, a famed cavalry officer depicted in "We Were Soldiers," and his wife, Julia Moore, who spurred the Army to create casualty notification teams. Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, will honor Dr. Mary Walker, the only female Medal of Honor recipient for her actions treating the wounded during the Civil War. She was also a prisoner of war. The other bases with their planned new names are: Fort Bragg, North Carolina -- Fort Liberty Fort Gordon, Georgia -- Fort Eisenhower Fort Hood, Texas -- Fort Cavazos Fort Lee, Virginia -- Fort Gregg-Adams Fort Pickett, Virginia -- Fort Barfoot Fort Rucker, Alabama -- Fort Novosel
  5. Biden and the Prop Up Machine will play the 5 D's of debate defense, Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge. Any of the other D's running, all they have to do is call him chicken, and I hope other D's try as the nation deserves a better D candidate (I know, careful what I wish for). IF Biden gets the nom, then I fully expect Biden to be called chicken, scare-d-cat, yellow, coward, runs from a fight, spineless, etc. How can he face a world leader if he can't face a Pres challenger? Then there will be a full court press on his health. Biden is one trip and fall away from leaving office.
  6. You. Be sure to post links and other evidence. Spend a few hours, I need to be really well convinced. /Sarc/ No. Ain't gonna waste time trying. I still don't understand why you defend a dishonorable, no integrity, ass hat. It's actually quite easy. Reach into your brain, and flush... twice as I'm sure that turd will try to cling to the bowl. There. Done. Gone. Now find a new champion. Then do it man. Just drop him and all his bullshit. Find a better person to support. ----------------- Anyway, I've said my piece, and peace. Just so you know where I stand, and I hope others as well, is Trump is done, don't want to see him in govt ever again. Biden is medically senile and should be replaced but Harris is incompetent. The Biden prop up machine, Easter Bunny included, can't sustain this. Ever see dementia progress? He's probably had micro strokes. I'm waiting for the press conference where Biden drops his pants. Anyway, thanks for the volleyball. Out
  7. Com-prom-ised. Prove otherwise if you want to waste time and internet trons. I suppose, but I can't/don't care to try. Nowhere do I compare. I merely stated Trump is not the answer for Biden. There needs to be another. Plus if you read what I wrote, I state a different, better energy path, plan, policy, etc. than the current one is needed. Biden's handlers and guidedogs are bumbling along. This is kinda like the Afghanistan pull-out, no plan. All they do is gimmicks. Lastly, after Trump's behaviors and actions, I absolutely cannot comprehend the hard-on people still have for him. P.S. Biden on a campaign trail will probably end with him in a serious health crisis. His mental capabilities will be fully revealed. If in a debate, 1st question I'd ask him is 29 x 7 = ? Dems know this so he ain't running, no matter what they say. Too big a gamble. But it would be sad entertainment to see Biden fight against the DNC machine to try a run.
  8. No he's not. Hire me, or you, or tons of other more honorable people and any of them can say, fuck off with sprinkles on top. Trump would likely flip a bitch and call them him pals after they show him the Steele Pt 2 dossier or any other leverage. Dude is severely damaged and compromised. The only way out of this mess is to make more. So much more that OPEC looses its shirt, and shit. Then individual countries start splitting from OPEC limits cause they are losing. Then the pendulum swings the other way. US production can throttle back, or US govt takes the opportunity to refill the reserve and keep it full. To make more, US energy policy has to change. US oil/gas capability must increase. The swap to renewables/non-oil will take a 100 year grand strategic plan. Our govt can't even plan beyond a year.
  9. So the Saudi plan is working.... manipulate oil prices to deplete US reserves, then exploit til the US is their bitch.
  10. Was watching local FL news on an overnight recently and heard that if an insurance company goes insolvent, other FL insurers are kinda on the hook to cover. Then they posted Ian damages exposure. USAA has $6.8 billion in Hurc-Ian exposure, one of the highest. Did some looking and saw this on Miami Herald: When property insurers become insolvent, the nonprofit Florida Insurance Guaranty Association typically steps in to pay claims. Known as FIGA, the organization has authority to levy “assessments,” which are costs passed on to insurance policyholders across the state. FIGA already is using money from assessments of 1.3% and 0.7% to pay costs related to other insolvencies. Its board last month approved a plan to borrow $150 million, with the debt financed by extending the 0.7% assessment through 2023. So its more like FL policy holders are on the hook to cover insolvencies. Oh, the start of that article says 6 FL insurance companies went under this year. And USAA has a huge exposure and I bet everyone's rates go up to cover. Time to switch?
  11. The 781 binder works in a pinch. Seen a few shorter ones use that.
  12. A few of us retiring at the same time did spreadsheets to try an educated decision. SBP is subsidized and if you go looking for a similar annuity on the market, SBP is a big bargain; can't find anything close in value for the cost. I can't remember the age data point exactly but well into retirement, if you keel over, the amount of time to recoup SBP premiums in monthly payments to the Mrs was like 3 years. Stats say men die 1st. So all the Mrs has to do is outlive you by 3 years. But consider family history. The main point about insurance, and trying to live off of it by either planning out living off the interest of investing it and/or dwindle down to Mrs's death, is you gotta die. No die, no insurance. And hope investments work out. Nothing like a Musk tweeting about clouds to send the market into a nosedive... dick. Also, term for this kind of coverage gets expensive in old age. The goal of SBP (or the insurance route) is the Mrs has steady monthly income and along with SS and investments like IRAs (hopefully), etc., doesn't have to worry about money. I view term as gap insurance to retirement, when hopefully the big items are paid off like house, college, boats, divorces, etc. Also, civilian jobs post retirement might offer a nice insurance deal to add to the mix. So, we all picked SBP.
  13. TRIGA (Training, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) reactors are small and I can see them modified for power generation. I hear they're safer safe compared to the bigguns (different fuel). For example, the Mechanical Engineering building at UW Madison houses a 1 MW TRIGA. The building occupies a block and one wouldn't know there's a reactor in the building when passing by. Anyway, just shows that many small power plants could work, just add a steam generator system. Oh, and I know nothin about this stuff, so.... https://reactor.engr.wisc.edu/
  14. If one were to vist the races for just a day, which day would be best?
  15. Fighting over Trump reminds me of this little TV series clip.
  16. Russell Military Museum, I-94 Southbound just S of the IL/WI border. http://www.russellmilitarymuseum.com/
  17. Hog Wild Liquor store, approx 3 mile final to runway 25 at LRAFB.
  18. And I'd give mine to a fitness buff with a handle of brown juice every year. Track that.
  19. My $0.02 That TA has nothing nobody asked for. Vacation, nope. Sick leave/pay, nope. Training credit/pay, pay inches up but credit stays low for another 3.5 years. Reserve improvements, fuck no, and gave away a huge QOL item. Scope, give away so non seniority list pilots can be instructors. Made it easier to get reassignments by removing reserves and Sr man options 1st. All they did was toss out a bunch of add pays to appeal to our greed to shape actions. That type of model stinks of Effects Based Operations. What they often fail to see is that I/we want more time away from work, hence the vacation, training, SL, reserve, Rig improvements, among others. The pay rates are just 4 and 5%, the other 5% was previously negotiated. Not even close to inflation since 2019, when this was supposed to be done. I once heard the work rules, etc. shows how much they care about you, and pay rates show how much they respect you. To me, that TA says, "Eat shit and fuck off"
  20. I bitch because I had to repay mine (I ain't a boomer). I knew what I wanted (fly, ergo the degree) and figured it out. And today, in my state, HS grads that attend in state and can hold a B can mostly have tuition covered. Ok, so what are they going to do about it? Sit there with tears rolling onto their cell phone screens while tic tocking away, or do something about it. I posit, too many will do nothing. And that's fine with me, I'll take it. Know and understand the game, then beat it. Been that way forever... I think it was called, "King of the Mountain."
  21. Funny. My Chevron stock is up 70% from last fall. Its my gas hedge stock, so I think I'll take the dividends this year and get one tank of high quality petrol.
  22. Other than stop-loss, I don't think they can dream up a retention program to keep people from leaving. Oh, wait. They could: 1. Pay pilots like airlines do. Never going to happen. 2. Promote to leadership the proper people. I don't know why, but AF has this dumb ass mentality of promoting too many assholes into command. And I'll stop there as there's too much to list. While they might improve on #2, they can't get close on #1. And then all the other stuff we don't like. So they'll try the CAIP (I like it, trademark that) and it will probably work. Next will be civilian like IPs in the MAF, teaching indoc, local prof, upgrades, etc. They won't deploy and they can keep the training line moving along. That will be a tougher job to fill vs airlines, but pay it well and it might work, especially as dudes retire. Imagine that CAIP hearing they could go to McChord after CAIPing, learn the C-17, and then teach in it.
  23. Its the best they can think of. And it could work. Retention plans (if there is even a plan)... ain't working. Cut they syllabus even more... someone probably got shot saying that out loud. Hire old dudes... we'll pollute all those young minds, plus old guys make problems for mgmt with no filter, outspoken, opinionated words on how it should be done. And we got better paying jobs--small pool. Introduce the young pup CFI. Maybe they thought of mil flying, but didn't or couldn't. Easily molded and controlled. They have no prior bias against UPT ops like FAIPs or white jet assignment peeps. This fills a need for basic flight instruction. They probably make better pay than standard flight school stuff, plus the fly a more advanced plane and its turbine time. And after doing this gig and flying with a few ANG/Res peeps, they might have an inside track to rush a unit. And since they're civilians, no rank to get in the way and they can be a buddy and not an adversary. No "sir" in the cockpit. Hey John, lets head up to the area and see how that stall work is coming along. OK Sam. Want to join us for 9 holes this evening?
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