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Everything posted by Dubs

  1. It's fine. In the world that "The Bobs" live in, this is perfectly okay. Plus if they miss, they'll just ask you to take a step to the left for their next shot. Service before self after all.
  2. FWIW, I just submitted my appliction (at 0200 CST) and received no errors and didn't have to reload the page a million times unlike the first go at this last month. If you're thinking about applying and are reading this right now, vMPF/MyPers seems fairly stable for now.
  3. Reading through that section of the PSDM, I didn't see a UNT/UCSOT (whatever the hell the CSO training is) caveat... so does that mean 12X's that were on the eligibility matrix still have a chance?
  4. Thanks for the heads up. Let me go ahead and put "Changing the system" at the top of my To-Do list so I can then do it right.
  5. 1) Do people have to take leave to participate in this? 2) If not, why the hell not?? I have to take leave just to have enough time to write a paper or take a stupid f*cking test for my worthless master's degree... 3) An EFSS has time to participate in a 2 week fun and games exchange? Ugh...
  6. It's like a flowchart in paragraph form...
  7. Not sure if this is really her, but the name is on the plane!
  8. When they originally posted the link it took you to the playlist/buy album page, but it looks like it's down now. Luckily I was able to pick it up before it disappeared. It's well worth the price whenever it finally makes it to Amazon and iTunes,
  9. Agreed! edit: Just got to "You Told Me I'd be a Fighter Pilot" and I f*cking love this one too
  10. ^ Why doesn't the T-Rex have a reflective belt on? How am I supposed to know it's coming down the road without a reflective belt??
  11. That is becoming less and less guaranteed...
  12. I feel an AF wide safety day coming. Glad to hear he ejected safely!
  13. People that don't get them. I remember reading something awhile ago about the criteria for the AFCAM being too restrictive and non-ops folk thought it was unfair that their chances of "getting" one was slim to none. People that focus on medals need to be face punched.
  14. Oh LOGMOD. My favorite LOGMOD-ism is the famed "you've gone 2 minutes without logging in to LOGMOD. Your account has been suspended." message. Piece of sh*t program.
  15. My homestation might as well be the desert...
  16. The number one reason I'm punching at the first available opportunity. I've always loved the idea of serving my country and I'll admit patriotism is the reason I joined in the first place, but like it's been said so many times on this site before... patriotism only goes so far. I'm sick of: learning how to do other people's jobs (we all should have like 15 duty badges), learning 100 different office jobs, getting assigned 10,000 additional duties, being denied time to focus on my primary job (which I thought was flying), getting lectured about SOS in correspondence to do SOS in residence, constantly being told by everyone and their mother to take some time to start my masters (even though I'm almost done... good job knowing what your people are doing), being told I'm a piece of sh*t for not volunteering enough, being made to feel like a criminal because I'm not getting 100's on the stupid f'ing PT test, being made to feel like a criminal in general through all of the sexual harassment/equal opportunity/DADT/You're-a-flyer-therefore-I-hate-you briefings that we get, being "Chief'd" (most of the guys were actually SSgts and TSgts) at the chow hall because I'm wearing a green fleece with a flight suit (I'm sorry, seeing as how there's 10 feet of snow on the ground and this is the only "jacket" I have, I thought common sense would prevail) and the grand-daddy of them all... "Doing more with less". All of that crap and more, coupled with the thought that you could spend 15 years dealing with all of this sh*t and then end up getting non-continued or RIF'd or the scarier thought that's now the issue... you could 15+ years in and then end up losing our current retirement plan and end up years behind your peers in the civilian sector. I'm raging just typing this up...
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