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Everything posted by brabus

  1. So we still have some shoe clerk who knows jack shit about flying and puts no score emphasis on WIC, #1 IP, flying combat related awards/rankings, etc. They’ll still be putting emphasis on bullshit that doesn’t have to do with flying jets and killing bad guys. Not a whole lot different from what it has been. At least you won’t compete against the PA officer who has a shitload of time to projo and volunteer for a ton of stuff while doing their second masters.
  2. And there’s the rub. It’d be nice and desired to have both positives, but if we do only get one (because the perfect scenario is unlikely) which do people want? The thing that chaps my ass is how emotional people get and so easily turn a blind eye to facts. I think Obama was very well spoken, polite, resembled the “consummate” politician of a first world country, but I also think his administration fucked it away horribly and he did a terrible job. I think trump is the antithesis of those same qualities, but his administration’s policies and actions are in general far more in line with what this country needs (my opinion obviously). So, perhaps he is the blowhard asshole that we needed at this particular time in our country’s existence. Doesn’t mean someone like him is the answer in ten years, but for now I think we needed a shakeup in the political elite class across both parties. In the end, I don’t care who the man in the seat is or if I’d invite him to my bbq, I care what he and his administration does for America. And right now, the dems are run by socialists, so yeah, I’ll take the loudmouth asshole over that.
  3. brabus

    UFO thread

    A lot of things are “unexplainable” when you’re not in the know. Human nature.
  4. brabus

    UFO thread

    I would think a Navy fighter guy would know enough to acknowledge how much he doesn’t know. But, maybe he has a buddy in the SEALs who told him about how awesome publicity is.
  5. They like guys who don’t know how to flare or put the gear down? Bold safety strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off...
  6. Ask your security manager/GSSO. There are travel lists, but none are applicable to all personnel. Just depends on what types of clearances you hold. Ukraine is probably good to go for you.
  7. Valid devils advocate, but as you pointed out, I bet near 0% will do anything of actual necessity or value to any war. So, I hope none of those guys get tagged.
  8. They are. But it’ll be the aircrew’s fault when it happens, root cause be damned.
  9. Bad idea for combat mil aircraft. Not as bad if you’re talking a stratus that can be disconnected from power/not taken on the plane as desired (talking C-X aircraft, not fighters). Completely different ballgame when it’s integrated into OFPs.
  10. God I hope that holds true. We were fighting ADS-B 5 years ago and the FAA was incredulous about our arguments regarding OPSEC and cyber security. You’re right dick heads, you do know more about threats to our military. ADS-B in GA, love it.
  11. I know a couple guys who did VA claims in your same position, no issues with AFRC. I have one friend who was in your position and got the break X from AFRC...as he was still actively flying fighters on AD. I say all this to highlight there is no guarantee either way. The “safest” bet WRT still being in AFRC is don’t do VA until retiring. But, this is not statistically relevant data, and you’ll probably get a few data points both ways when talking to pilots.
  12. Shack. Once per year I watch several fighter pilots, who otherwise rarely work out, embarrass the shit out shoes at the PT test. They may be gasping for breath at the end of the run, but they sure as hell ran the fuck out of it for no other reason than to beat their bros (and everyone else). It’s called mental strength and a desire to win; about 90% of the non-ops people don’t have either trait.
  13. I’m with surely, no rep from the organizations that get the AETC product at the end is a foul. The bob’s need to hear how the product they’re ultimately responsible for is not cutting it.
  14. Next AD retention initiative: Sizzlers gift cards. This has promise...
  15. If I had a buck for every time an LM employee fed me bullshit, I’d be retired with a couple airplanes in a hangar next to my 1000 yd shooting range. Agree. However, still good and bad ways to do that.
  16. Those of us actively in the program.
  17. Which is what the chief is threatening to LM...fix your shit or I’ll rec to congress to cut the buy significantly and spend the money with Boeing.
  18. Of course they’re always looking at and planning future upgrades/changes as technology becomes usable and we have the money to do it. F-35s rolling off the line today will be very different down the road. So again, there is no logical need to look into a replacement jet (sans Goldfein’s veiled threat to LM). New aircraft research in this case is wisely spent on 6th gen, which is entirely different than what you’re proposing.
  19. They don’t need a new plane, they need to significantly reduce the fuck ups, timelines for delivery of future capes, etc. The product and it’s future growth are good, the management, delivery and support process of said product/future growth is what’s insanely fucked up. That’s what Goldfein is addressing.
  20. LM has less than 180 days to fix some big stuff or else face the F-35 buy go the way of the Raptor. Hope they pull it off, but also part of me wants to see them get the massive kick in the balls they deserve.
  21. - Unsafe decisions/actions (the type that come from a lack of airmanship that should be overcome somewhere around the first 1/3 of phase 3 UPT). Things I expect a 69 hr PPL to make/do, not a winged military pilot. - Can’t multitask, which contributes to the above. - Basic aviation GK that applies to all airplanes lacking (doesn’t understand portions of instrument flying, let alone basic aerodynamics...when you have to discuss why an action leads to a stall in the operational AF, enough said there). - Physical flying ability immature...this I attribute simply to low flight time in the training pipeline. Not something that won’t come over time, but now the AF expects kids to get these crucial, early career hours in operational assignments instead of T-X in a benign AETC environment. The risk of death, injury, breaking jets, and mission failure is far higher. Those are the big picture ones. The list could continue with more specific items. The common contributing factor is much lower amounts of flight time and skipped/rushed training events due to sliced syllabi. It’s not that young guys are less capable/smart than their predecessors, it’s that they’re getting very shorted on training opportunities combined with a far lower standard in AETC (so guys who should never have had wings have them, and guys in X jet should never have been within 6.9 nm of said jet).
  22. Recommend starting PT to see if that helps. It has done a lot of good for myself and several bros. No guarantee it will work for you, but it’s worth your time to find out. Certainly worth exhausting that option before opting for surgery.
  23. It violated law. Don’t like it, change the law. My personal point though was more holistic - people these days immediately blow a gasket when they read something on the internet or the news anchor tells them, with no regard for the accuracy level of the info they just received. 100% of the time a person reads something on the internet or hears it on the news, the first reaction should be, “interesting, I’ll do some research on that before I form an opinion or spread a WOM like the clap at BQZip’s mom’s house.” Instead probably over half of the pop, including smart, successful people, go full rabble rabble and spread bullshit as their first reaction. It’s not just asshat millennials in Portland that are the problem...
  24. Copy, it will affect some people. Look at bob’s list above and tell me that it doesn’t cover the vast majority? This is a non factor for 98% (made up stat, but it makes the point) - no policy will be perfect for 100% of a group of people.
  25. Former viper bro now working in the embassy world already crushed this WOM - according to him, only applies to children of parents who were not naturalized US citizens at the time of child’s birth. So basically this affects very few people. Another bait article completely misleading people, likely in order to incite dislike for the current administration. Standard bullshit that even smart people choose to form an immediate opinion on without doing any actual research/fact checking.
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