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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. Forgive me...but really? You'd rather the thousands of fentanyl deaths, cartel human trafficking, displacement of human lives by the 10's of thousands...not to mention the collapsing economy and rising inflation that's felt by the poor FAR more than the rich. You'd prefer that over an event that happened almost 2 years ago, most of the violators being peaceful...and still being in jail now...with only one fatality of questionable circumstances...that's where your conscience draws a line? So what are your thoughts on other large crowds doing damage in public? Such as Portland? The CHAZ? George Floyd Square...with the following found on a .69 second google search: Is George Floyd Square still occupied? By August 14, 2022, seven people had been killed by gun violence at the square since Floyd's murder, and one person had died there as the result of a drug overdose. Those events, by the principle that Jan 6th is abhorrent to you...these should be exponentially worse, right? But you're more worried about Jan 6th? Am I hearing you correctly?
  2. It's true that you appear to agree...that's the problem. But you're watering the severity of the problem down. If I accept your stance as 'agreement', I by default water down my own stance. I'm speaking for ONLY ME. Not "we". Not "us". Me. Myself. Specifically and exclusively. I see your statements as a bait to get me to water down my own opinions about the severity of our problems by acquiescing in order to find common ground and call it compromise. That's not how using morals and principles to find a compromise works. FIRST we need to agree on the problem, then we compromise on the solution. You're agreement compromises on the severity of the problem at it's core. Just as a doctor would be doing a patient a disservice to say "it's only cancer, don't worry about it" I refuse to accept "the administration could do more to secure our borders" as a correct identification of the problem. We can compromise on the solutions to the problem ONLY after both sides of the argument agree on what the problem is. In this case, one side is literally saying there is no problem, while in reality fentanyl is killing Americans, children are being trafficked, and lives are being destroyed. If you're wondering "so what do you want me to do about it?" To you personally I ask: Please, during the next election, do not vote for these people again. Current DNC politicians who accept and endorse extremist liberalism are clearly and directly responsible for virtually all of this. I don't think I've ever taken a party side, and I don't ever intend to, but it could not be more clear who is responsible for the absolute mess our country is in.
  3. It sounds like you are well and wisely invested in real estate. Personally, I'd dig in hard to re-invest in and consolidate what you've got instead of pursuing new properties...but I'm no expert, and it sounds like you are.
  4. Questions to form your background on the real estate side: What percent are you leveraged? Do you completely own the house you live in? If your properties go to 50% occupancy, can you still cover all operating costs without losing money? Are you comfortable when our current housing market crashes and you lose 25-40% the value of your properties? Can you survive if your bank notes are called tomorrow? Those are the questions people were not answering well prior to the 2008 collapse, which led to people walking away from debts and hosing the entire market. Granted, the laws have changed, but if we saw disaster coming, it wouldn't be a surprise...and it's always a surprise.
  5. Ignorance is not an excuse to squander your family's future, so stop laughing. To start: go read Boglehead's guide to investing. It explains investing in simple to understand terms. This is your future, take responsibility for it. The strategy is very simply, and will weather you long-term through any depression (there have been over 20 in the past 65 years). In short, buy index funds that are broadly diversified and low fee. Examples are a total US stock market fund (3000+ stocks), a total international fund (a LOT of stocks), and a total US bond fund (again, thousands of investment grade bonds). That keeps you diversified and reduces the amount of money you pay someone else to make money for you. Recommended percentages very greatly, but something like 60/30/10 respectively sounds like middle of the road risk assumption for a 30's something with high job stability. Saying that, people will lose their minds over how correct, incorrect, ignorant, or whatever that statement is...but then they'll argue over 10-15% differences that make only relatively small differences in the end...especially when compared to the train wreck that your current investment plan sounds like. Ignore the noise. Invest in a few (meaning 3-5 max) index funds to start with. Set your investments up so they require as little attention as possible, and move on with your life. I am currently at 75/20/5 because I don't like bonds and I don't like international. The bonds only live in tax sheltered accounts. Dollar cost average (buy a consistent dollar amount at a consistent interval, such as $200 once a month, regardless what the market does) and rebalance as needed (adjust the percentages back to your baseline plan about once a year). If you don't know what to do, put your money in an S&P 500 index fund while you spend a year or two figuring out how to invest...then leave your money in the S&P 500 index fund. That's not me speaking, that's direct from Warren Buffett. The intent is not to beat the market, but rather to match the market, because over a 20+ year timeframe NO broker beats the market. The Boglehead mantra is 1: keep costs low 2: buy and hold 3: stay the course
  6. This kind of weak equivocal language is at the heart of the our nation's communication problem. That's like saying it's safe to assume a rapist could do more to respect the rights of the woman he's actively raping. Or that Russia could do more to recognize the sanctity of international borders and human rights. Rape is Rape. An invasion is an invasion. Stop cowardice and have the balls to call spade a spade: Our country are being invaded through our southern border by a list of nationals and organizations so long we don't even know who they are. The administration who's PRIMARY JOB and who TOOK OATHS to "support and defend..." is actively supporting and empowering the invasion. How is that anywhere close to "could do more"?
  7. I identify as as someone who thinks you're lying, therefore you're lying, and I'm hurt. Deeply, tragically, and pronounally. You should prostrate yourself, celebrate my victimhood, and buy us all a puppy.
  8. ...so...it was you... Great. Just great. Now I have to ask every CA I jumpseat with what their BO handle is. Fan-fucking-tastic.
  9. Had a delta CA ask to see it, along with my medical, company ID, and ATP...when I was jumpseating on a 71. Then he asked why I wasn't in uniform.🙄
  10. ...for the first week or so...
  11. This is all I can see: (for those not familiar with Top Gear. This is from BBC Top Gear)
  12. I stand corrected. This is why I operate airplanes instead of creating energy policy.
  13. It's call KERS...and it's been around for a minute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy_recovery_system. It's rather heavy for the small payback you get though. Beyond that, they've proven that any wind-generation system loses more energy to drag than is recovered, otherwise you'd see them used in some form on every single 24-hour racer. Currently, the only energy semi-efficient way of powering a car on the move is solar...which is anything BUT cost efficient, therefore they're don't do it. However, the jury is still out on big-rigs, as they have the real estate on top of the trailer to house enough solar to be effective. The problem there is that users, not the trucking company, have to foot the bill for putting solar on their trailers. We're still exploring the benefits of aerodynamically streamlining big-rigs as it is, so any development will be sure to be slow.
  14. Ah Fascism... ...any students of ACTUAL history here?
  15. This is at the heart of my concern. Let's assume best case, and Ukraine restores it's borders and kicks Russia out. After that, they have to rebuild, which requires money. Their strongest habit over the past two decades has been to sell whatever they can to whomever will pay. Why do you think old USSR arms ended up all over Africa, SE Asia and SW Asia? Fast forward to them funding their reconstruction, regardless how much money is pumped in by the west, the national habit of international arms sales will come right back into full swing. Not looking forward to the likes of an Al-Shabab armed with Javelins and Stingers. These things move. Quickly. Imagine the headline of a South American nation having their federal agencies going against stingers and javelins. Likely? No. Possible? Definitely...and possible should be enough to move the needle...but I don't think it will be. Like I said: Real leadership is required. Strong leaders make for peaceful times that create weak men. Weak leaders make for hard times that create strong men. Take a guess where we are on that spectrum.
  16. For posterity, I am on the side of arming the Ukrainians to defeat the Russians instead of fighting that with American or western European troops, but the world is never so perfect as to have a beautiful hollywood ending. Anyone wondering where this is going: watch Charlie Wilson's War, consider our experiences in Afghanistan, and then watch Send Me. I don't think it foreshadows what will come in Ukraine, but that sequence does show the outcomes of decision making that fails to analyze possible impacts of 2nd and 3rd order effects of our actions or in-actions. I'm sincerely hoping Ukraine comes out the other side of this as a free democratic nation allied to the West. Even if they do, if we think the weapons that are getting sent there right now WON'T at some point kill westerners, we're naive. If that's the cost of doing business, then so be it. Hopefully we at least acknowledge and prepare for that outcome. If ever we needed competent, courageous, and wise leaders to make tough and messy moral decisions, it's now.
  17. Holy hell. This thread is what happens when graduated assistant-to-the-deputy group commanders are now 737 FOs and no longer have O-3 execs to pontificate at concerning their immense, hard earned, and expansively broad wisdom. Oh yeah, BrightNeptune: You should go home. You're drunk.
  18. Brilliant scientist. Also a narcissistic d-bag who no one voted for yet somehow set national economic and social policy...as a medical expert... Good riddance.
  19. ...if this were a roll call...you'd have 10 pool balls in your face (no sts)...and I'd still be puking... There are standards and then there's ClearedHot... But then there are standards
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