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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. So true. And thank you for stating it.
  2. It's been said already, but the AF and the FAA are apples and oranges. There are pilots in the airlines with one eye. I haven't seen that in the military. AF buddy of mine was grounded for multiple sclerosis. But, he is asymptomatic... got his FAA Class I... and is flying for a major airline. He's doing fine.
  3. di1630, Do you also lose Disability pay for the days you're working for the military?
  4. It's been about 6 years since Miley Gate. What ever happened to the three guys that were wrongly accused?
  5. I remember that too. He was at his buddy's WIC graduation, from Kadena... IIRC.
  6. Haha! I separated at the 15 year point of my AD career. Came back to the U-2 two years later and on AD. A few years later, I retired from AD while flying the U-2. Returned to AD again to fly the U-2. We have another pilot here that did the same thing as me, albeit a few years after I did it. The U-2 is The Land of Misfit Toys. We are an odd lot.
  7. Reason #6 why Big Blue doesn't always win. Because Big Blue is made of up of a myriad of sub-organizations that don't communicate with each other. Excellent work, SkiBum.
  8. I was at Laughlin for 4 years and had a great time.
  9. Haha... Hacker, as usual, bringing "the clarity". Good to see your posts... always. But you gotta love it: - Kabul's going to shit; USAF base infrastructure is in shambles; budget money is nowhere to be found; pilot retention is at an all time low (except for the overmanned 11R's... duh)... and someone Q3's a qualified military IP for a safe landing on a large runway, in US-controlled friendly territory. BTW, if it was a T-38 (was it?), the checklist directs a shutdown after clearing the runway... because the generator could be burning. Hmmm... I suppose if the engineers felt it was that significant of a threat, then I suppose landing "as soon as conditions permit" could be interpreted as landing where he/she did. Honestly... is this how "the greatest Air Force in the world" focuses it's energy in 2021?
  10. RedEye, Are you an officer in the US military? I'll admit... I'm pretty taken aback by your comment.
  11. I think that one of the very old posts, someone mentioned squeezing them in paper towels for the best results.
  12. While the jalapenos are cooking, is it recommended to have the stirrer on to keep them moving around? Or off, and just let them cook?
  13. ClearedHot, I have no SA on the situation. I was there 2011-2012, but the only time I left Bagram was when I was in an MC-12 (a horribly led, horribly tasked platform that had a lot of potential... but was a major shit-show), so I have no frame of reference outside what we did in that aircraft. I met a plethora of Americans, Egyptians, Emirates, etc... inside the compound but have no idea what they contributed. I just read about a woman and her two children that were there to "visit relatives". I have no idea if that is fact, but if anyone is there "on vacation" I'm of the opinion that you have created a self-inflicted wound. Really? You went there to "see your relatives"? Gutsy call, Mav. And I'm not of the opinion that my son or daughter should bail you out from your decision to go there. You intentionally entered that war zone of your own accord? YGBSM. It's like the three americans that were hiking on the Iran-Iraq border. Great idea!!! Your actions resulted in millions of dollars of American diplomacy to get you back from Iran. I wonder what all of the energy could have been directed toward, had you not decided to tempt fate. Next time, try the Sierra Nevada. So my question stands: are these 15,000 Americans in country doing service for the US Govt? If not, why are they there?
  14. ClearedHot, I have no SA on the situation. I was there 2011-2012, but the only time I left Bagram was when I was in an MC-12 (a horribly led, horribly tasked platform that had a lot of potential... but was a major shit-show), so I have no frame of reference outside what we did in that aircraft. I met a plethora of Americans, Egyptians, Emirates, etc... inside the compound but have no idea what they contributed. I just read about a women and her two children that were there to "visit relatives". I have no idea if that is fact, but if anyone is there "on vacation" I'm of the opinion that you have created a self-inflicted wound. Really? You went there to "see your relatives"? Gutsy call, Mav. And I'm not of the opinion that my son or daughter should bail you out from your decision to go there. You intentionally entered that country of your own accord? YGBSM. It's like the three americans that were hiking on the Iran-Iraq border. Great idea!!! Your actions resulted in millions of dollars of American diplomacy to get you back from Iran. I wonder what all of the energy could have been directed toward, had you not decided to tempt fate. Next time, try the Sierra Nevada.
  15. Exactly who are these 15,000 Americans? And why are they there? I haven't seen data on that.
  16. And it should. The enemy mocks us. What will be our response?
  17. On one hand, we have American military shoot and kill two threats inside the Kabul airport during the massive crowd rush. Situation controlled, it's a combat zone, move on. On the other hand, four people die from their own actions that put a $300,000,000 military/national asset at significant risk... and we have flag officers, their staff, "safety" offices and OSI all spending time and taxpayer dollars trying to figure out what happened?
  18. “The Afghan Security Forces have the capacity to sufficiently fight and defend their country…” - Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, July 21, 2021.
  19. Those morons can't maintain a treadmill in the gym. As soon as that helo goes Code 3, it will be a static display.
  20. I'll never go back to that shit hole. But I might make a brief exception for this.
  21. Eddie's death made a pretty big impact on the airshow community, and the safety standards for airshows. There are even a few groups that you can hire for your show that are a rapid response team dedicated to getting to the crash site very fast.
  22. Yep. I posted that a little after midnight on 29 March (a Saturday). Later that day, the new-hires that were in the class starting 3 March (one is a friend of mine) got the notification that their class was cancelled... and that's when the music stopped. Waited for 14 months to start... but at least it didn't affect his line number!
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