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Everything posted by Ram

  1. I prefer the Air University-approved 8-step OODA loop.
  2. Well, the feeling is mutual, at least in my little corner of the 11F community.
  3. Well, I'm just CERTAIN that the promotion board is reading every line of every citation for every AM/AAM medal I have. Of course...
  4. Yet liberals everywhere call Chris Kyle a psychopath because he called radical Muslims "savages." If immolating a man inside a cage on film does not make the cut for savage status, I don't know what would.
  5. ACSC in Korea at their version of Maxwell for in-res IDE. Not exactly what I expected when I got picked up for school, but it sure is...unique. Aside from being tough as hell to learn Korean, life in Monterey is pretty decent. This is an AETC pipeline base, and most airmen are fresh from tech school. Sometimes the leadership forgets that I am a full-grown man with 12 years of service under my belt. I have a low tolerance for mickey mouse BS.
  6. Here at DLI, flight suits are only authorized in my squadron 2 days per week: Tuesday and Friday. Thursday is base-wide blues (or other service-equivalent uniform) day. If you do the math, here's what my week looks like: Monday: ABUs Tuesday: FDU Wednesday: ABUs Thursday: Blues Friday: FDU That's right...I wear a different uniform every day. I wonder why the bonus take rate is so abysmally low...hmm...
  7. SPYDR is seriously one of the greatest bros out there. What a great American.
  8. Good to know. Especially for examiners, but as a general rule: Never go full retard.
  9. Bros, listen to Brabus. Homeboy knows what he's talking about.
  10. ATP written complete as of last summer, but I haven't yet had time to do the ATP practical. I'm thinking mid-March of this year. Does anyone know of any great (and Mil-friendly) schools in the Western US? I'd like to knock it out during a long weekend, if able...
  11. The Russians will never stop being dicks. They can, however, eat a whole bowl of 'em, for all I care. And for dessert, I would like to suggest that they eat an entire fleet of cocks.
  12. The fall of the Ruble lately reminds me of a joke I heard in the '90s: Son: Father, I want 5 Ruble so I can has go to grocery store to buys Vodka and milk. Father: 20 Ruble? Since you has a job, why do you need 50 Ruble?
  13. Exactly 24 hours late, Clark. 17D guy beat you to it.
  14. Wow...special jumpsuits and ascots like they're the freakin Thunderbirds. Wow.
  15. You beat me to it, brother. I have HUGE buckets of respect for the ProSupers I've had the pleasure of working with over the years. Low MC rates sure aren't due to a lack of effort in that office. That said, many I've met seem to wish they could have a continuous IV drip of 5-Hour Energy and Jack Daniels just to get through the day. Every day on the line as a ProSuper must feel like a shift-long episode of 24.
  16. Let's just agree that "sense and avoid" means different things to fighter vs. heavy pilots. These days, in the age of JHMCS/NVGs/FCR/HSD/HAD/HAS/LINK-16/SATCOM in the single-cockpit F-16, the very LAST thing a new wingman needs is another excuse to not look outside. Also, I'm sure that - after reading "sense and avoid" (just threw up in my mouth a little), not one single pilot here said to himself: "oh...I guess that means I can also clear by using the radios, too," despite your super-awesome Tweet pattern anecdotal evidence. I've done the white jet IP thing too, and white jet drivers aren't the only dudes in the cockpit who understand how you can use your ears to aid in conflict SA. Maybe you have heard of the conventional/pop BSA pattern... We might just have to agree to disagree on this one.
  17. Oh good. Everyone knows it's safer to stare at the MFD near your ballsack than it is to actually look outside.
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