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Everything posted by 17D_guy

  1. Buddy of mine was trying to take leave in conjunction with a trip. DTS and CTO threw all kinds of fits. She was made aware...she just didn't care.
  2. Wanted to say thanks for posting this. I've not followed it closely, but enough to know the prosecution screwed up and he got off. The details the brother provides is perfectly inline with what I've seen military "justice" be in my Sq leadership days. I was blind to the nuances of the case, and appreciate the kick to the ass. Telling officers they can't punish someone who's only accused of a crime and having to argue that fact is becoming tiresome. I don't know if we need more training on what the Constitution actually is, more time with the JAG or something else. Trying to explain to someone that a Courts Martial panel isn't the same thing as a jury is also mind blowing. The training we provide to Commanders is morally reprehensible for the power they wield, exponentially so if they've been away from the lower ranks for years.
  3. If a droid doesn't call someone a "Meat bag" I'm rioting.
  4. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    This kinda gets into it a little bit on the damage from the light touch. A nice breakdown w/ the history. Again, it's from the F1 youtube channel, which has great content.
  5. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    I agree with everything you said, but this the most. How are you going to continually keep this dude? I wonder if Vettel is going to look for a new team at this point. It's apparent who's the #1 on there...even if the team isn't owning up to it.
  6. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    Just posting it here in case anyone hasn't seen it F1's youtube channel. Has good highlights- https://www.youtube.com/user/Formula1/videos Also, looks like the 2020 season is going to have some changes -
  7. Generally you can walk into the place and ask their pedigree and then check them online.
  8. 2 for 1, not a bad deal. Which one are you going to take your boyfriend to?
  9. 17D_guy

    F1 Thread

    I've been getting into F1 after that great series on Netflix. The youtube channel has great highlights. FYI - If you do want to torrent the files, use a VPN.
  10. I had to sit through a leadership meeting with a former commander to get after some of the DEOCS comments. One of them was that he never made a decision...which he refuted by saying he was never given enough information, or the staff work wasn't good enough to make a decision. In an ops squadron. He then didn't brief the officers on results, he had a MSgt do it. The DECOS is a great tool, and I wish more people would use it for the truth on both extremes. The output is just like the linked above. Also...that's a whole lot of comments. Wow.
  11. This was my former commander...thank the Lord he's gone. So much headache over perfectly legal rooms.
  12. "Hey, you guys didn't break the rules...but you broke the unwritten rules." AKA - Go airline.
  13. Why am I not surprised that Comey did the same thing Hillary did? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/read-doj-inspector-general-report-on-former-fbi-director-james-comey
  14. Same. I went and found it and it didn't read anything like the clarity provided here.
  15. But he loves service members, see how he cancelled all those vet's student loans?!?! This should make getting a clearance update done so much easier. Already was a pain in the ass w/ a kiddo born WHERE THE GOVERNMENT TOLD ME TO LIVE.
  16. From a friends FB post - "I just want to fly airplanes. Why do they make that so fucking hard?" Long story short, my buddy flys Hercs. Was selected to be a T-38 IP at Sheppard. He went through ENJJPT during the "drones are as good as fighters" days. Didn't do as well as he'd liked, but got to fly. He's one of the best men I know. Enrolled kids in new school, wife got a new job she'd always wanted, put down money on a house they were going to close on this week. Then of course the USAF made a brilliant decision to NOT have him PCS 6 days before he was to close on that house. I'll let him say why - "So how do I explain what happened without violating Article 89 of the UCMJ? Last week, a… person… made a blanket decision to reject and/or revoke all waivers for T-38 pilots going to PIT. I required a waiver to become a T-38 instructor pilot. This was not because I didn’t have enough flight hours or an excessive number of Q-2 or Q-3s, but because following pilot training I hadn’t flown a fighter or a bomber. I flew the Herc, and that meant that I wasn’t as qualified to fly the T-38 as, say, a brand new fucking FAIP with 1/20th the flight hours and a decade less experience. But it's not just me, it's everyone. Blanket rejection and revocation of all waivers. None of it makes fucking sense to me." Pilot crisis is solved folks. Guess the airlines are done hiring.
  17. Imagine being a four star and having to deal with this shit. Or any male to cross this psycho's path. Army needs to figure out how this person made Colonel https://thefederalist.com/2019/08/05/exclusive-air-force-report-hyten-accuser-has-history-of-unsubstantiated-allegations/
  18. Fact. My friend - a boarded cyberspace operations sq DO. He led the unit through some of the missions I've posted in the Cyber thread. You know, the ones in the new york times, and CYBERCOM is briefing Congress about....MSM didn't make it into his records (shitty CC didn't bother to make sure it happened)...passed over. Thankfully he's hitting the supplemental...but really?
  19. Jesus...just reading this invokes -
  20. Found some dialoge that explains Mavericks stuck rank - https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ch8wct/it_took_2_years_for_the_audio_of_the_navy_pilots/
  21. TENCENT is producing...so they can sink their teeth into the NA market even more.
  22. Oh hey, fuck that guy. His wiki has been updated since the last time I checked. Looks like he carried on his same antics in the corporate world after failing out of education - "He has also served as a director of now defunct Massey Energy, a major coal company which closed after flagrant safety violations during his tenure."
  23. Air Force sergeant accused of conspiring with woman to kill her Air Force vet husband https://www.foxnews.com/us/air-force-sergeant-accused-of-conspiring-with-woman-to-kill-her-air-force-vet-husband
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