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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. I would be shocked if Bill Clinton wasn't running around. My understanding is that they live separately.
  2. I'm in the same boat. My understanding is that you get 7 days to make a decision. I'll update this board with what I learn when it happens. MyPers says board results in late September or early October; I'm hoping for the latter.
  3. My favorite part is the guy doesn't even take off his flight cap before he gets skyhooked.
  4. Duty AFSC of 18xxx is correct. If you recat, your core ID becomes 11Uxx.
  5. The only consolation prize this nonvol is looking for is a DD214.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't officers subject to recall until age 60? I'd estimate that the membership of this forum is greater than 90% commissioned. Sure they'll call back IRR dudes first, but short of achieving eligibility to draw Social Security there aren't many techniques for getting well clear. You could do something that prevented you from getting/keeping a clearance or destroy your health, but for most on these boards the juice probably isn't worth the squeeze.
  7. It depends. Every heavies assignment I ever saw drop came with a base attached. The fighter guys usually saw their aircraft with the base as the FTU location. I'll caveat that I haven't been to an assignment night since late 2008.
  8. I expect you're correct. The last thing we need is another CONUS desert location, so that's probably what we'll get.
  9. The easy fix is Guam and Hawaii. Both US soil and offer sufficient time zone spread to avoid mids. All we'd need to make this work is a couple of buildings and some GCS's. "Deploy" people there for 6-9 weeks a pop and we don't even need to stand up new squadrons. This could get done in 6 months if the Air Force actually wanted to solve the problem.
  10. Are you pulling chocks or are you one of the lucky few getting orders back to real airplanes?
  11. I can't tell you what will happen in late 2018/2019 to the poor bastards stuck in drones, but my best guess rhymes with Lop Stoss.
  12. So if "2 Dead People 2016" wins 270 electoral votes, then what? I'd argue for letting the respective National Convention reconvene to pick replacements prior to the electoral college vote in December. This is why the Electoral College is a good idea. Technically, we're voting for electors, not President and VP. Those electors are selected by the parties, so it shouldn't be too hard to convince them to vote along partisan lines after a re-selection of candidates.
  13. Isn't this why the candidates select a spare several months before the election? If Trump dies of a heart attack, the Republican ticket is Pence/Player to be named later. If both candidates on a ticket die, then things start to get wacky. Maybe we should pick tickets 17 deep (Pres, VP + 15 Cabinet officers). That way there is no chance of losing them all and we can abridge the tedious confirmation hearings. The people spoke, let the Senate have a voice vote for the Cabinet as a block, press.
  14. Is the steering wheel on the ceiling code 3?
  15. Missed the thread title; I'll take the downgrade for SA.
  16. Bro, throw a "NSFW" on that as a professional courtesy. I'm smart enough (barely) to avoid clicking that link at work, but we have Lt's on this site.
  17. Be aware that you get a different amount of TLE when OCONUS. I believe it's 5 days, but I'm not sure.
  18. Not a problem, it was a couple of years ago. I got some successful SQ/CC involvement with the ticket issue, but I was too hard-headed to ask for help on the other stuff.
  19. They'll go out the door, but without someone working full time they won't have the proper training, equipment or sometimes even correct destination on their plane tickets. If support agencies (supply shop, CATM, LRS, etc) did their job it wouldn't be this way. I had to move heaven and earth just to get my dudes OCPs, locks that actually fit the firearms case, small arms training (tacked it onto a training TDY), and convince LRS not to send my dudes to the wrong country just because someone on another continent jacked up a spreadsheet and couldn't be bothered to fix it. I was on shift-work and frequently came in hours early or stayed hours late to have a face to face meeting with someone or their boss to resolve something that should have been fixable with an email. We were the drone squadron at a bomber base, so that didn't help. My blood pressure is going up just thinking about it. Hopefully it's different for other communities.
  20. I'm a former chief of mobility. Putting the UDM role with the CSS is insane. Units with a significant number of taskings need someone doing that job as their primary duty. We ended up hiring a civilian and it made life much easier.
  21. Talk to legal, they know what the SOFA says and that could affect your situation.
  22. The previous iteration of SOS was hardly painful. Mine took 6 hours total: 1 hour of "studying" for each of the three tests, 30 minutes for each test, 30 minutes travel time roundtrip to/from the testing center. Practice bleeding was stupid, but the actual volume of blood lost was minimal.
  23. As I understand it there is no ADSC for continuation. However, previous ADSCs remain in force once you accept continuation. That said, you'd be at about 18.5 years after the 2nd look. I'd just endure the final 500ish days to get a check for life. Info note: last year's Major's results were a few months late, so that might affect your availability date.
  24. Pay off the loans. Not sure if that $100k is before or after tax, but you should be able to pay it off in a year either way according to your post. Take that $30k+ per annum you have available in year 2 and beyond and invest it. You'll be be back on track for retirement goals quickly.
  25. According to wikipedia A-29s cost $14 mil, and Scorpions cost under $20 mil. AT-6s even less. Let's say we wanted 25 jets per squadron at $20 mil per. That's a half billion per squadron. We could outfit 5 squadrons (4 combat coded + 1 FTU) for $2.5 billion. That's approximately what we spent per WEEK on the Iraq war at it's peak. If we really wanted to do this, we would find a way.
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