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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2020 in Posts

  1. Pay back for Bork and what they did to Thomas. The hypocritical Democratic party can eat a bag of flaming dog shit for what they've done to decent and honorable men all while protecting gigantic POS's like Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton. if a vacancy comes up, they should return the favor for what they did to Kavanaugh and not have even have hearings which are not constitutionally required, just a vote in the Senate.
    5 points
  2. 1. Legalize every drug? Most drugs are not safe. The FDA regulates them and they become less potent and sold in restrictive quantities and now those who have become dependant on them find other ways to get them. The cartels still exist to meet the "needs" of these people. Drugs are not illegal because they are some innocent taboo thing. They are illegal because they are dangerous and destroy lives. 2. Yep, agree with you there. 3. I'm sure there are ways to speed up the immigration process as it is currently ridiculously slow. Amnesty will only serve to encourage illegal immigration in the future. One of the biggest things that pisses me off is when I see immigrants complaining about America or their "rights" when they are here illegally while waving another country's flag. We need to get back to assimilation and not making our country into 100 other countries. If people want to come here, they need to understand the "why" behind their desire, and understand that America is awesome because it is the opposite of most places people come from, not the same.
    3 points
  3. Most likely voting libertarian based on: 1. Ending the war on drugs. It has cost us so much time, money, resources, and destroyed so many lives. Just make marijuana legal everywhere and tax it. It's a policy that actually generates revenue while allowing us to slash costs. I'm more extreme than many...I'd go so far as to legalize every drug. Then the FDA can regulate the quality, doseage, make sure it isn't cut with drain cleaner or scouring powder, it deprives gangs and cartels of their largest revenue sources, and it frees up the Coast Guard and DHS to handle things that are actual threats to national security. 2. Ending the war in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq. Places are shitholes. They were shitholes before we got there. They will be shitholes when we leave. So let's stop investing time, people, and money into trying to make them less shithole and focus on the high-end fight, the way the CJCS and SecDef are telling us we need to. 3. Immigration reform. I'm a fan of border security, but I'm also a believer in the idea that America was created by immigrants. I would remove all limits on legal immigration and put the full force of modern technology behind the necessary background and safety checks. It should not take months or years to immigrate to the country legally. It should take a day, maybe a week if you have a complex case. Welcome anyone who wants to come here and make a better life for themselves. And yeah...that includes amnesty for people who are here illegally but haven't committed any other crimes. However, I fully support getting rid of anyone who has committed a violent crime while here illegally. Make the legal immigration process easy and fast enough, and you can really focus border enforcement on criminals...because they will be the only ones with an incentive to cross the border illegally.
    3 points
  4. I wish we we would shitcan almost all of both parties and take a libertarian approach. But, there is so much batshit crazy, anti-American bullshit from the left that I have to vote the other way just to stop them from tearing this country down and turning into a socialist wasteland. Unfortunately the people I consider “true Dems” (I don’t mean that term negatively) have had their party overrun by the far left. Honestly they should just break it up and all these far left people should become part of a different party. Bernie is an idiot, but I do respect the man for being honest about his stance on things and outwardly acknowledging he’s a socialist. Until the Dems can either dissolve into two parties, or shut down the radicals, there will be lots of Americans who aren’t huge Trump fans, but they’ll still vote for him/his party (or abstain from voting) because the other option is just ludicrously out to lunch. It’s a sad state of “lesser of two evils.”
    3 points
  5. True - but they (Senate Republicans) should have manned up and just had a vote, go straight line party vote and be honest about it. We will reject any nominee of the sitting Democratic President because we think there will be a Republican President who will nominate a conservative justice. That sets up the precedent for extreme dysfunctionality as an opposing Senate could block appointments for everything and I'm not saying that they should do that but in reference to Garland they should have just had an up or down vote and get it over with.
    2 points
  6. Agreed it was a political WMD with a lot of collateral damage, lingering effects and may have been overkill but it kept him from getting a Supreme, in that point I’m not upset I know this is a bad loop for us to be in but I don’t think making the first move to exit will be interpreted as anything but weakness to taken advantage of, I do t know how it ends or if can end well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Can we actually have Congress do their job and pass legislation instead of relying on rule making by executive agencies? This has been going for decades and IMO is one of the reasons the SCOTUS has been "legislating". Poorly thought out or arbitrary EOs are prime territory for lawsuits that eventually make it to SCOTUS. Hell can we just get a new AUMF for our many overseas adventures? I don't think Congress ever intended on us fighting a SMG 20 years after 9/11 using the same justification as that against AQ.
    1 point
  8. As said above, odds are RBG will retire her gavel in the next 4 years, perhaps others too. My views are more aligned with Kavanaugh/Gorsuch than with so many appointments before them. I prefer legislation that originates in the legislature, not the courtroom. I appreciate that Kavanaugh and Gorsuch anger both sides by ruling according to the law instead of predictably aligning with the party that had them appointed. As much as the media likes to point out Trump’s flaws, those two appointments were outstanding.
    1 point
  9. Isolated in Enid and not up for studying 15 hours a day so why not update the timeline here: [Ex-AD, ANG Nav seeking Pilot slot with home unit. O-4, 37 with 12 years TFSC, needed ETP approved by NGB/A1 and AF/A1P. Have PPL.] Board: March 2018 <- canxed, pilots overmanned Board: April 2019 Hired, pending ETP approval: April 2019 FC1 Scheduled: May 2019 FC1: July 2019 (soonest available after finishing IN school) ETP submitted: July 2019 FC1 stamped, ETP updated: August 2019 ETP approved: 26 December 2019 Deployed: May-July 2020 (planned), heard no UPT slots for at least rest of FY2020 so didn't seem like an issue < Call from Cathy Rico while broke in NH enroute to the AOR, mid-May, asking if I can get to Vance for a June class. I'm optimistic enough to reply "let me see" rather than flat out "no". While I still have to deploy, a mad scramble ensues involving me, my deployed chain, my home station chain, AFCENT, AMC, NGB, NASA, CIA, MiB, etc to get me recalled and send a replacement. That effort succeeds just under a month later; happily my Sq/CC and the STUS civilian work it out where I can roll a couple of classes. I get a rotator back to CONUS, throw a few things in my car, sublet my apt, and set out for Oklahoma. > UPT (2.5!): 3 August 2020
    1 point
  10. Sounds suuuuuuper receptive to other ideas.
    1 point
  11. Since this is an anonymous forum where people share anonymous thoughts, I'd like to hear why you all are planning on voting red this year? Specifically, what policies are actually making you interested in the republican platform? Because I can't find many convincing ones? I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004 and McCain in 2008, but since ~2009, I feel republican views have shifted out of line with my own. Important issues for me where I think dems have a better plan than reps: 1) Infrastructure development/maintenance - a large pointed investment in the Army Corps of Engineers plus an actual plan for future technologies (battery tech at the DoE, renewable energy) seems like a better plan than just saying "We'll put $1T towards infrastructure" and not having a detailed vision 2) Finding a way to deal with the inevitable dystopia as machines displace workers who can't easily retrain (truck drivers, factory workers, manual laborers, single parents with kids, etc) - you have to have strong job retraining programs and a social safety net like never before seen or else society will not handle this transition. This is a legitimately insane thing happening right now with no plan to fix it - even to your jobs (commercial pilots likely won't exist in 50-100 years), and the republican plan is to let the unbridled free market sort this out. 3) A plan to deal with the increasing economic bullshit that we have now seen twice where losses are socialized and gains are privatized. CEOs and stockholders say they take all the risk, but have you ever seen a billionaire go bankrupt when their company didn't save any money and then were hit with a period of economic stability? Oh, all of the airlines and many other companies that just did stock buybacks over the last decade as opposed to having any reserves? Oh, okay. If we keep the system we currently have, we are keeping a system, which has proven to be catastrophic to the average person now twice in the last 12 years. Increase marginal tax rates of the upper echelons, a wealth tax on money over a huge amount of dollars is not that insane, increase worker protections, and let businesses fail. 4) Global warming action - the current Admin's plan to just let free with coal and fossil fuels is a short-sighted terrible one. But I guess that's what happens when you don't believe 99% of scientists and can just say "fake news" to everything that you don't like. It's real, sorry homies. 5) BLM/police brutality/social issues/gay rights/etc - Republican strat is just to not care, democrat strat is to at least talk about the issues. Whether you like it or not, a large part of bringing stability back to the nation is mediating between groups that feel marginalized. It's not effective to just say "suck it up, buttercup" Others: universal healthcare, budget deficit (both sides have no plan here, long gone are the days where republicans were the "deficit hawks"), military action (we don't need to be in Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan/Israel/Saudi, we need to come home and focus on developing future weapons to maintain parity with China), and a bunch more. So go ahead, convince me as to your issues and why the republican party will deliver better results.
    1 point
  12. There already is an option that isn't the ED, and it's called urgent care clinics, which are all over the place.
    1 point
  13. Agreed. My time under Tricare prime is 180 out (in a total abortion kind of way) from standard/remote. Seeing civ docs with freedom of choice (assuming they take Tricare) is so much better. Tricare prime is “great” for cost, but you get a dog shit product...good luck if you’re anything but strong and healthy.
    1 point
  14. Just got my annual bonus installment...you know, for all the bad parts about this job, the money ain't too bad. Gonna keep it in checking until this PCS is over, then probably dump a fair amount into an ETF. Part of me is hoping for another stock market crash before I pull the trigger.
    1 point
  15. The NAF needed to die 3 decades ago. As soon as we had email there was no reason to have a middle man at took the guidance from the Wings and gave it to the MAJCOM.
    1 point
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