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Promotion and PRF Information

Guest e3racing

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Slick, do me a favor. Stop posting in this thread unless you have a legitimate question. Your other posts are completely non value added. The derail is not all your fault, but it certainly revolves around you.

You are right. I wont give anymore fodder. If I answer a question its not enough.

Edited by slick999
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Prior Es can be great leaders, or they can hold onto that mentality and defend the blue kool aid for the rest of their twenty. They never think outside the box, and always quote regs most of us have never heard of, guess which one you are slick.

BTW, BPZ is usually reserved for the future generals of the AF, if you were old at commissioning I wouldn't hold your breath. No spears, it happens, but the cards/age are stacked against you.

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Is it 4 years and 1 day I believe to get the "E" pay grade added...I made SSgt (E-5) in 4 years before departing for AFROTC.

I believe that is correct as well.  However, I added the greater time portion onto mine because right at about the 5~6 year mark things really become clear about what the AF is, and if you're a fit for it or not.  That's when E's are made in my opinion, (ALS, 2/3 duty station, supervisory duties).

Not crapping on you, but I know many with your timeline (not necessarily rank) that do not have the E perspective/chill-ness many of my (10+ E years) peers do.  Overall it's a hate for the political game O's play.

That said there's some of my peers I would curb stomp if it was legal.

...and always quote regs most of us have never heard of..

BTW, BPZ is usually reserved for the future generals of the AF, if you were old at commissioning I wouldn't hold your breath.  No spears, it happens, but the cards/age are stacked against you.

I do quote random regs, because it's fun to mess with my NCO's

I've had friends who were briefed by O6's they'd never make it up.  Sad that talent (not me) is selected so early and before real character can be shown in trying situations.  I was looking for ways to help out good bro's besides the ole' "You work hard and do great things, here's more, crappier work for you to do."

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They haven't deleted Slick's account yet? Surprising.

My guess is the CGOC and (now JCGOC) have issued orders to their pledges (aka Slick) which require them to go on BODN and troll. Just sayin'

I was told there was a by name request for you to become the flight lead of the Little Debbie snack cake section in your squadron. Since you couldn't hack loading paper in the printer and kept getting that notorious "PC Load Letter" light they had to move you to something more suitable to your mission set.

High schooler........if that.

edit: grammer

Edited by Recut
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Easy Bake,

When you return to this thread please bring all of us some treats from your easy bake oven.

For your SA, electricity powers the light bulb in your oven which actually helps to bake the goodies.

I know your peers told you a short blue bus would pick you up from the dorms and transport you to the training squadron for your first day of UPT. If you are still wondering why that little bus never showed up it's because you didn't wait long enough.

My daddy can kick your daddy's butt! Go back to bed, young man before your parents get angry you were on the internet past bedtime.

Sorry everyone, couldn't resist.

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<self gratifying words>.

Judgement. Like leadership, judgement comes in many forms-good, bad, mediocre. I would argue good judgement is a requisite for good leadership. Good judgement, among other things and at the very least is crucial in knowing your audience, knowing when you've lost them, and knowing when to stop talking.

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My problem is with individuals who judge people or already have preconceived notions based off where a person came from (prior E) and not what their records or whole person concept indicates. I've always heard priors are either great or not so great. I'm not going to say everyone falls into two categories though. That would be very close minded.

My previous job experience as an E never limited me by my rank or position. And coming from a joint environment, I was permitted to run an operations area as an E-4 and well before my peers. On the officer side you have to be an AC or IP to hold a certain job title depending on your community for the most part. In my previous community I asked for the reins and they handed them over to me like in my previous job experience as an E. When you always limit people based on their rank and flying title, that's thinking inside of a box. That's kool aid for you to drink in a large cup and with tons of sugar. I understand why the requirements and limitations are in place. Great leaders don't always follow that matrix. But I don't operate like that when we are placing people into certain jobs.

You are the reason why I can't stand a majority of prior-E Officers. I bet you were a dense dipshit when you were a SrA and then punched to do ROTC. A few copilots at my last base were sent to MC-12's and/or RPA's to get rid of them. Sounds like you're one of the "chosen" from your last base.

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Nope, C-130 copilot that got sent to MC-12s.


If so... Then that OG/CC would have been my SQ/CC when I was a 1LT in E-3s at KTIK, and he is one of the best leaders I've worked for. That squadron had ~330 people, and he absolutely had a handle on us as individuals, not as lines on a spreadsheet. He maintained evaluator status, and (I was a scheduler) always flew way more than the minimum... Respected instructor (with experience in four airframes at that point) and big picture evaluator. Great mentor.

Now, at his current base I'm sure he has a metric buttload of CGOs between MC-12s, U-2s, and RQ-4s, and if they're doing things like my current base (I'm at SOS right now with 6 other dudes from my squadron, mostly '05 and '06 year group guys) I'm sure older dudes are the priority for SOS slots, and they tend to be further along than younger dudes. So if you have 6 slots and your squadrons put up 10 dudes, and 3 of them are Master's complete, 2 of them are Bac+, and 5 aren't either of those things, all other things being equal, it would be harder to fill that last slot if you are one of those 5. But unless this guy has changed his colors, he has a pretty good idea who his strong and weak swimmers are, and he's not going to send a tool with a Master's over someone who is shit hot and hasn't quite gotten it done yet.

Case in point... When he was in my Sq/CC, we had an AC with no Master's who had done B-52 Nav-->UPT-->C-21s-->AWACS, and consequently hadn't hit instructor upgrade in time for his O-4 board either. The boss put said individual in charge of the squadron scheduling shop, wrote a solid PRF on him, and successfully pushed for the Wg/CC to give him a DP. Dude made Major.

So IMHO Slick may be interpreting advice or rumor as policy... Unless this guy has just fundamentally changed.

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100 points to Azimuth for nailing it.

So slick is currently at Beale as a Nav (sorry CSO possibly) or pilot.

I knew plenty of initial cadre that didn't want anything to do with that program in the long run, good try, and I know at least a dozen of them.

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Sounds like slick has been given sugar-coated version of reality "handpicked", "by name request", "initial cadre of a new program". Maybe I'm wrong but the nature of his posts on here seem to indicate he was dumped out of his community for a reason and not because his skills were needed elsewhere.

*standing by for some middle school locker room insults*

Edited by Fuzz
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Still always surprised when this happens, and more often than it should.. unless we're counting prior-E at E4 and below 5 years service. Then it doesn't count.

Somewhat of a question - I know they've pushed back the boards and there is no longer BTZ to O4. Is there a way currently to get promoted ahead of your peers? When I was an E you could always out test/SrA BTZ/STEP to get promoted ahead of the douches. I'm not seeing those opportunities on the O side, and I'm not sure if it's just not an MSG thing. I've asked around locally.. but it's all Space/Missile guys.

Please note, I'm not asking who's balls I have to wash/gargle. As I said in another post I can retire happily as a O3E, my dreams have been accomplished.

Once can get promoted early now-a-days but you'll have to wait until vying for Lt Col. I'm not aware of any way to get to Maj early as there is no Below-the-Promotion-Zone (BPZ) option on that promotion board (battle field promotion maybe?). Lt Col has 2 BPZ and 1 BPZ meaning one and two years early. In order to be competitive for that you'll need to have earn some meteoric strats (#1/100's) from your CGO time and FGO time + be a select out of your Maj's board so you can have completed school or be on your way to school by the time your Lt Col board meets. Having staff completed also helps. Chances of getting BPZ to Lt Col hover around 5% or less depending on your board (Line, Medical, JAG, etc).

Good Luck!

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This just can't be...

I was in my third year as Capt when I went to SOS. Finished my AAD right after (a year before my O-4 board). I started doing one Masters class per term within 4 months of arriving at my first operational squadron, and doubled up on a deployment. It still took me that long to finish. Unless guys are going to SOS later (closer to their O-4 board now), it seems infeasible that they would have an AAD completed in that amount of time. Either that, or are guys really getting their Masters done THAT early now?

I hate a lot of things about the AF as much as anyone, but are you sure you aren't exaggerating a tad, Rusty?

Champ... I would LOVE to say I were even exaggerating in the slightest, but I'm not. This jackass is the epitome of the box checking mentality (he is a shoe, which shouldn't surprise anyone). I don't have any guys in my shop that this matters to so I don't really have a dog in the fight, but the fact that there is an O-6 that is flat out promoting that an online AAD completed by a certain date (specifically as a 1 LT or young Capt) equates to leadership potential pisses me off to no end and is exactly what is wrong with the Air Force today. I absolutely agree that this extreme case is the exception to the rule, but there are approx 40 Capts (from what the Exec told me) in my Agency that this applies to who are competing for SOS in Res slots and it is very real for those poor bastards.

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This may not be the best place to post this but what the hell why not.

Pope Calls "Careerism Cancer"


Edit: Not posting for a religious debate, but purely of someone in power that seems to understand how careerism is bad.

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