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Everything posted by Royal

  1. Life is a bell curve. Most people are at the top of it; everyone else is to the left or right of that line. A quality officer is going to be a quality officer regardless of where he/she got his/her rank slapped on because he's/she's an outlier compared to the rest of society. End of story.
  2. This may be an out for the crew; Gen Mattis could've pressured the guys up front so he could be prepared for the RNC: http://www.duffelblog.com/2012/08/general-mattis-crashes-rnc-shreds-on-triple-neck-guitar-for-grunts-in-helmand/
  3. Depends on whether or not you've got a Saudi in your flight.
  4. I doubt there's a flying squadron in the Air Force that hasn't felt the benefit of what Rich has done. There's no way to begin to quantify the positive effects of his work. We're all in his debt. Thank you, brother.
  5. It's part of the haze and depends on how much of a douche your FLT/CC is.
  6. The funny thing is that Gen Mattis is a disciple of Col Boyd. The effects of solid leadership having arrived full circle.
  7. The third book just came out, and it looks like you don't have to be an Amazon Prime member to get the whole series for free on the Kindle. Not sure how that deal got worked, but I downloaded all of them without paying a cent. Thanks for the recommendation, M2.
  8. Is the goal to cool the air before it enters the compressor to increase the density of the air itself for the fuel/air mixture? From the picture, it looked like there was an intake fan, then the air got cooled by the heat exchanger, then it went into the engine.
  9. I'm guessing it was something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTXzcILPPp8
  10. A new heat exchanger design allows air to be cooled from 1,000 deg C to -150 deg C in 1/100 of a second; has the potential to give passenger aircraft cruise speed of mach 5.
  11. So, you're not in ROTC, and you're planning on trying to get a slot to OTS? You'll take a Flying Class I physical at Wright-Pat AFB in Ohio before you go to OTS; there you'll find out whether or not you're medically qualified by AF standards to be a pilot. You won't go through OTS just to find out you're medically disqualified after you get commissioned. Unless, of course, you break your neck during the 3.5 hours of hardcore, hand-to-hand combatives training you receive. I can't speak to the Lasik issue.
  12. Did you already scour all the pages of this thread? I think a few dudes on here ran into a similar issue.
  13. Nah, anyone else other than Kevin.
  14. Has anyone else here dated this chick? Don't lie. http://imgur.com/a/r5kEb
  15. Statistically, it's probably safe to say she's nuts.
  16. Here are some painful articles from this morning's news. 1. Airlines ordered to stand trial for 9/11 negligence accusations: http://www.gadling.c...gligence-claim/ Does anyone understand that they're not entitled to the existence of industry? Contract law seems to have gone so far off track in the last 30 or 40 years that there's no hope of any sense returning to the courtroom. 2. Psycho ex-girlfriend calls cops on her former boyfriend, saying he smuggled liquid explosives onto a flight: http://news.yahoo.co...topstories.html
  17. While business casual will work, I'd probably go all out with the tuxedo t-shirt. You're easy to forget when you're wearing Dockers and a Polo, but no one forgets the dude who rolled into the UTA sporting the tuxedo-t.
  18. Royal

    Latest Movies

    Just saw "Sleepwalk with Me" the other night. Great flick. Highly recommend going if you can find a theater that's playing it.
  19. The original Addisons have started to make their way to military surplus stores; I just got a pair for about $40. Might want to start stocking up in case Welsh stages a heritage revival.
  20. I'm thinking he's asking what they did in tribute.
  21. I hope they did tape it; I enjoy reading Grossman's stuff. I don't agree with all of his conclusions, but he did an awesome job breaking down how the military has used operant and classical conditioning to its benefit and detriment. Valuable information.
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