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Everything posted by Royal

  1. Recently I've come across some collegiate level education that's free online. This has potential to be pretty beneficial if you're prepping to go to school full time or if you're just looking to get ahead of the curve. The Educational Portal offers credit for the courses taken upon completion of a proficiency exam. I'm not sure of all the details, but if you're seeking an undergraduate degree, it seems to be a pretty good deal. Or you can always brush up on your Algebra in order to talk trash to your kid's 7th grade teacher. Educational Portal MIT also has some stuff. I haven't sifted through much of it, but it looks valuable. MIT Open Courseware If anyone knows of more good sources for college level courses, please post away.
  2. A refugee from Afghanistan developed an extremely cost effective way to clear landmines.
  3. Thanksgiving is the best holiday in my book by far. If you're not flying, you get a couple days off, and it's considered offensive if you DON'T engorge yourself with a copious amount of food. Plus, on the day following your prodigious feast, you're guaranteed awesome YouTube clips of rednecks smashing each others faces just for the chance to buy an Xbox $10 off the retail price with a maxed out credit card while you enjoy succulent left overs. Love it.
  4. Dude, I completely forgot about Wonderbread. I mean it has the word "wonder" in its title; it has to be legendary by default. Believe me, those guys have always been an inspiration. Flightsuit covered in coffee stains and powdered sugar, it instills confidence. 2
  5. It looks like about 18,000 some odd people are going to be losing their jobs officially. Damn shame. Due to the product that Hostess manufactures, this'll be a relatively benign loss to most of us, except for the Guard O-5s that survive on the donut and coffee diet. However, it's is an invaluable case study. No industry is immune to such an event occurring, and it should make all of America wary. No one is entitled to any other individual's intellectual capital. A void for any product we take for granted won't necessarily be filled by someone else if the manufacturer decides to pull the plug. Remember Checker Motors? On such a cheerful note, Happy Thanksgiving.
  6. Andre once drank 156 beers in one sitting. He also was arrested once for assaulting a TV crew's cameraman; which I consider to be a great honor.
  7. No, that shouldn't be an issue.
  8. Are there any instances in this day and age where non-market forces don't interfere? Between all the subsidies that exist and all the barriers to entry being so high in seemingly every single sector of the market, the masters of bureaucratic paperwork shuffling have a strong upper hand over the business that has the superior product or service. You deal with this more than me, so do you find any of that to be true in practice?
  9. That would've been a real bummer if it had been a wasp...and he left his epinephrine pen at home.
  10. Can a reservist be drafted? I guess so, according to NBC. I wonder if Israel just blasts reveille across the country and everyone grabs their rifles. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/11/16/15210767-gaza-cease-fire-collapses-egypt-pm-backs-palestinians-as-israel-drafts-16000-reservists?lite
  11. I think this or something similar may have been posted already, but due to my dislike for "journalists," it deserves to be seen again:
  12. Hah, not at all. My aversion to Fox isn't a free pass for everyone else.
  13. How do they stay in business? Watching Fox News is like having a 24/7 live feed from the Land of Misfit Toys. Every time someone turns on that ghastly channel, I can't help but think of that scene from Anchorman where Brick is walking around screaming with a grenade.
  14. Some photos from the fallout of Syrian violence http://ir-ingr.livejournal.com/1185799.html
  15. Royal

    Latest Movies

    That scene was like reliving combatives training at OTS.
  16. Royal

    Latest Movies

    I never knew this movie was ever in theaters, but I saw it on TV the other night...and subsequently watched it like 3 more times. Trailer is NSFW.
  17. Grand Potentate of the Custodial Arts
  18. Hah, I didn't notice that the first time around. I must've ended it early...which is pretty standard.
  19. Fighter begs to get punched in the face; then does: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/fighters-shows-why-supposed-protect-yourself-times-video-215928533--mma.html
  20. If it hits land, make sure ClearedHot posts the link of the storm chaser that talks like Spicoli.
  21. Terminator-like bionic arm becomes reality for amputees: http://news.yahoo.com/video/uk-bionic-hand-hit-mass-183945007.html
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